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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

how many users are left?
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im here -diapertan
lute you are my favorite admin :>
Megamymy at your service :)
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let's assume slopjak posters are all raiders 
-@admin gapejak diaper furfag coaler 
-@selfishlittlefuck necrobumper 
-@ack necrobumper who likes banning people for "avatarfagging" just to prove his existence 
-@stratogem autistic g*mer 
-@ragefag homosexual kike who used to run a shartycord 
-@lordofthejarty the retarded nonsense colorjak/deformedjak poster 
-@soytan text only blogposter who's formerly an afterparty member 
-@missed paypal transformation porn poster 
-@13740 diaper porn poster who admitted to be a discord user and an irl diapertranny as well 
-@gigo89 obsessed esl samefag gooner
-@boscut kellyfag from soygem.party who failed to recruit more than 5 users for his discord/matrix server 
-@megamymy the lolicon spic from soyzellig who still posts here after the soylita ban for some reason 
-about 3 sharty whiners

some namefags who post here occasionally 
-@kym croat
-@arkaim (omori pedo)
-@kernung (fnf pedo)
-@sandaryan (mlp pedo)
-@joel (fpe pedo)

in conclusion this putrid sharty sewage currently has about 5 ~ 10 daily users (excluding jannies), and pretty much all the j*rty oldfags are gone thanks to your reddit rules
and each one of them posts here once per week lmao
shut down this website
>@selfishlittlefuck necrobumper 
>@ack necrobumper who likes banning people for "avatarfagging" just to prove his existence 
>@stratogem autistic g*mer
erm how do we know slf is a necrobumper, ack bans avatar fags to prove his existence, and stratogem is an autistic gamer? is there a source?
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>-@boscut kellyfag from soygem.party who failed to recruit more than 5 users for his discord/matrix server 
>>13737 (OP) 
I am still here, though jakking rots alongside
I am embarrassed by the state of the jakking community
/qa/ originalfags disappear day by day, as the coal piles up
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Replies: >>13751
Jarty is are wihned
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>>13737 (OP) 
the old sharty that you spectacularly failed to emulate was a dumping ground for anything that 4cucks and their trannyjannies disliked/banned
me and you both had fun on that sharty methinks
but then you pretend as if you are aware that jakking on the kway was born from opposition to rulekikery but yet you have lately started to rulecuck your own users because brown pajeet slavshit turkroach zigger ESL post doll era nusoiSPVAtourists/twitterimmigrants/ifunnypinterestrapefugees told you that the ms paint blonde with blue dress girl reminds them of of that childhood trauma that turned them into big faggots (that day when their uncle made them wear a dress and suck off his penis (this happens a lot in 3rd world countries where theses moralspics are from))
so lute either drop these retard rules or have your catty forever be underage namefag discord drama slopjak spam
Also funny how you hired adam as janny believing that it would entice him to post more of his oc (shota porn) on your website but the only thing he's partaken in so far are the skajyos namefag drama threads
the only place where he shares his artworks is the shemmy and not the website he moderates...
now about skajyos; you fired your only active janny who took time out of his day to lurk and delete CP, so now don't be surprised that such content stays up for 23 hours on this jak party
fortunately your brain had the bright idea for tucows to be your provider
also holy shit the board registration thing
0ppd on any of them

TLDR: lute is faggot for larping as savior of sharty oldfags for 2 years but then caving in to postsoypocalypse newGODS who only used his website ONCE to complain about the GEMlitas that i and other baitchads posted
if he doesn't unban 'lita and fire ragefag antyime soon his website is going to remain in that pitiful state for the rest of its existence (1 year at most since soyjaks are a dead meme) (just look at the /soy/ catty anytime after july 22nd and you get what i mean by the state of nujarty)
Replies: >>13753
Skajyos GTFO that VPN
Replies: >>13755
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i assume you're adam so its funny how you immediately come to prove my point about you only partaking in namefag drama instead of posting your "art" on this place that you're supposed to moderate
timeline of fun
/qa/ - limitless fun 
soot sharty - lots of fun
kuz being an attentionwhore sharty - a little fun
kuz led sharty - no fun
??? sharty (I haven't kept up but it's probably lead by the same discord clique kuz put in place) - negative fun, actively makes someone hate jakking
THE FUTURE - jakking is completely dead
Replies: >>13758 >>13785
>probably lead by the same discord clique kuz put in place
wrong, it got replaced by some random twitter immigrant's discord clique
>kuz led sharty - no fun
this is your brain on estradiol
Replies: >>13768 >>13782
>you immediately come to prove my point
Your paragraph of wordswordswords was nothing to begin with. So what's your point exactly?
>you're supposed to moderate
Am I not?
Replies: >>13765
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you sure saved j*rty by deleting my posts on time 
what would j*rtycucks do without you?
Replies: >>13766 >>13767
my point was that lute hired you because he was for some reason (most likely because he's a homosexual) impressed with your jake x nate yaoi and wanted to entice you to make more art for his community but as soon as you became a janny you stopped posting any kind of art here and instead just argued in every thread with skajyos
>>you're supposed to moderate
>Am I not?
very recently 'p was left up for 23 hours (thats an entire day) and generally it is left up between 6 to 10 hours ever since the day you replaced skajyos
and you can call him a pedo all you want but unlike you he actually kept this website clean of csam
Replies: >>13769
>i don't strip my filenames
>all files are ClipboardImages
isn't this basically doing the same thing
keeek this is almost sad half of the people that post here just spam jartycuck slopjaks
cope kuztroon
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>because he was for some reason (most likely because he's a homosexual) impressed with your jake x nate yaoi 

Skajyos cope. I emailed Lute after 3 months of just posting regular drawings. So this "Lute is a homosexual" theory is retarded because he didn't know who I was beafore skajyos made his call out thread on me. He probably thought I was a seperate drawfag because he didn't make the connection i was the jake x nate drawfag when i showed him my at the time new drawings.

>very recently 'p was left up for 23 hours (thats an entire day) and generally it is left up between 6 to 10 hours ever since the day you replaced skajyos

skajyos hands wrote this junk. As you know, I don’t have permissions on /meta/ or any other custom boards because I’m not a global moderator. However, I usually delete such illegal content within a minute or so when american hours. Also, not everyone has the luxury of spending all day on Jarty like the jobless nigger Skajyo does.
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Replies: >>13771
brapyos seeth^
I don't even know who these fucking avatarfags lute hired are
I miss the time when prizma was the only janny I ever knew 
the jarty seems to be dying too, but not of its own accord (this is not your fault, lute), but because jakking itself is dying
and it's not even a fun death, it's a sad, rotting, underageb& death and colorjaks were the slippery slope
Replies: >>13774
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utterly obsessed, implying everyone who mocks j*rty for having cp up for nearly 24 hours need to know every detail of lutecord drama. there was cp on /soy/ for 4 hours that day and non other jannies took actions
and what happened to @ack? lute just gave him global perms last month and he's now requesting art on soygem.party geeeeeeeeg i told you j*rty is a shithole that not even its jannies would use 
and what caused him revoking your privileges? you deleting non-rulebreaking posts on /meta/ you dumb cunt 

are you @stratogem? you sure cry like him!
Replies: >>13780
I want to stop browsing soysphere because it has become a drama queen sphere.
I think soysphere is better off dead because it is no longer a mockery of weak men.
As for Skajyos, I remember someone was impersonating him and using him as a scapegoat for 'p and/or slopjaks.
Every soysphere has become someone's 'cord ground.
It was Nice knowing all of you.
Replies: >>13777
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Replies: >>13778
you're a newfag if you say "soysphere"
Replies: >>13779 >>13780
Bye nonetheless
>implying everyone who mocks j*rty for having cp up for nearly 24 hours need to know every detail of lutecord drama

I mean if the faggot i was replying to speficically just browses here just to reply and read drama than yeah i will assume.

>treating moderation like friend group drama

expected from skajyos. you can never have a proper conversation with this gorillia nigger. 

Skajyos obvious samefag
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>>>13737 (OP)  (OP) 
>I am still here, though jakking rots alongside
>I am embarrassed by the state of the jakking community
>/qa/ originalfags disappear day by day, as the coal piles up

>timeline of fun
>/qa/ - limitless fun 
>soot sharty - lots of fun
>kuz being an attentionwhore sharty - a little fun
>kuz led sharty - no fun
>??? sharty (I haven't kept up but it's probably lead by the same discord clique kuz put in place) - negative fun, actively makes someone hate jakking
>THE FUTURE - jakking is completely dead

>cope kuztroon

>I don't even know who these fucking avatarfags lute hired are
>I miss the time when prizma was the only janny I ever knew 
>the jarty seems to be dying too, but not of its own accord (this is not your fault, lute), but because jakking itself is dying
>and it's not even a fun death, it's a sad, rotting, underageb& death and colorjaks were the slippery slope
Replies: >>13784
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oh btw @stratogem
you and your ego was the reason why jarty was so dead
i wanted to be nice to you and lute but i just can't, you are both hypocrites
Replies: >>13784
you are talking to imaginary foes and are a touhoufag
you deserve decapitation
i enjoyed kuz's meltdowns and the catty wiping during the kuz era. the jarty definitely peaked during his reign
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still lying, you just never change do you 
who even gives a crap about prizma besides you? 

jakparty.soy more like kuzobsession.cp
since when did he become the messiah of j*rty? what are you even holding on to?
wrong skajyos i'm not any of these two retards you named and i don't even use discord. stop grasping onto straws like a schizophrenic retard
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Actual bu5t qafecord cllitty leakage in this thread
Replies: >>13790
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by expressing how much you hate bu5t or qafe won't change the fact that you are an invalid who begs porn
What is this nigger actually going on about?^
this is such a miserable state of things, something you'd read in 2021 from an imageboard you'd be raiding on some sharty thread with some other people that had long fallen apart
we were left behind eh?
Replies: >>13793
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>WOAAAAAH dude... You either die a good imageboard or live long enough to see yourself become a shit imageboard...
the fact the only activity from this shit discord server of a site is paragraphs of nonsense drama coal should probably mean something
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most of this thread is taken up by namekikes slap-fighting along interrupted with sprinkles from genuine users lamenting about how over it is.

I don't think anyone is even having fun anymore. I know I'm not.
yeah i think most splinters are in a similar situation too
holy fuck that was quick how long are you on the computer? do you ever go outside? or even sleep?
Replies: >>13800
just ignore him, he's obsessed and bought a shit ton of proxies to specifically target this place. 

imageboards are just a bad format since they're so easy to manipulate by discords and proxy hoppers.
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just woke up, surprisingly enough there wasn't any cp on the 'log 

>everything i don't like is one obsessed proxy hopper
i've been using free proxies for j*rty and there're more slopjak posters besides me 
reminder that i have yet to samefag myself on this shit site and you are just projecting since you like necrobumping your own posts and most lute/stratogem worship threads were made by yourselves
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>most of this thread is taken up by namekikes slap-fighting along interrupted with sprinkles from genuine users lamenting about how over it is.

>I don't think anyone is even having fun anymore. I know I'm not.
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>>13737 (OP) 
kuz won
Replies: >>14352
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i know lute it sucks so much. the jarty has sucked so much recently i miss when we could have fun without all of the fucking soylita forcing. im a newfag here practically since i came in at late 2022 but god damn seeing this site go from a comfy slow splinter to an absolute shithole has been the worst thing to watch. unbanning soylita/lolicon would legit only make it worse. i came here for soyjaks, not constant lolicon lusting by the same 'cord pedophiles

at the same time i guess its my fault since i did make shit like the diapered soytan thread because i was bored and nigger froot kept banning me from his site for posting it but in the end it did more harm than good, if i were you i would just delete it at this point it's not as funny as it originally was lol. actually would be a great idea to ban all NSFW material but allow some light NAS (or just have a "it better be funny if it's NSFW and not obviously sexual" kind of rule, hard to come up with such a thing though)

either way i'll be here no matter what until you shut down the site, this is like times 1000 more usable than the fucking sharty. at this point i don't even give skajyos any attention because he's more of a loser than any of us could be, like dude just fucking go outside for once instead of stalking this website 24/7 because you got removed as a janny. there's literally so much things I do in my life and I only use the jarty once in a while, and I prefer it because of the comfy slower posting that allows me to catch up without having to be terminally online.

im sure a lot of users think the same. just know we're still having somewhat fun, even if the soyjak meme is dying and slopjaks are becoming unfunny after having been forced for the 10000th time. either way thank you for everything you've done.
Replies: >>13821
>soylita le bad
>i did make shit like the diapered soytan thread
moralsisters...not like this...
Replies: >>13824
i don't know what kind of own you're trying to achieve but diaper fetishism does not overlap with pedophilia since adults can wear them too and it's not like it's AB content or soytan larping as a baby. hell your grandpa is probably a bed ridden nigger wearing a diaper and shitting himself from age.

you use the term "moralfag" anyways so i won't take you seriously. you need help
Replies: >>13825
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i'm not interested in hearing any of your retarded arguments about how "soylita and lolicon should be unbanned because theyre just drawings chud ALSOOO THEY'RE SITE CULTURE BECAUSE THE 5 NAS POSTERS WHO WERE ACTIVE ON SOY LIKED SOYLITA AND BY BANNING IT YOU'RE KILLING THE SITE AND ITS ONLY UNFUNNY TWITTER IMMIGRANT MORALFAGS FROM THE SHEMMY KIWIFARMS WHATEVER BU5T QAFE AFTERPARTY WON" you're legitimately a mentally ill retard and need to actually fucking go outside jesus. if it's too much of a problem for you, why not just make your own splinter? why do you have to cry about it here? there's like a fuckton of registrars and VPS providers out there that would permit you to host whatever the fuck you want from a soyjak site. fuck you even https://8chan.moe/soy exists. go shit up that place instead of here. its lutes rules
Replies: >>13829 >>13833
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j@rtiest cuck ever
you are the type of cocksucker that will continue praising l*te even if he banned soyjaks some day just because he allowed your fetish shit on his site
these people don't care about soyjaks, they only care about how to make jarty their own thing
Replies: >>13831 >>13832
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>i'm not interested in hearing any of your retarded arguments about how "soylita and lolicon should be unbanned because theyre just drawings chud ALSOOO THEY'RE SITE CULTURE BECAUSE THE 5 NAS POSTERS WHO WERE ACTIVE ON SOY LIKED SOYLITA AND BY BANNING IT YOU'RE KILLING THE SITE AND ITS ONLY UNFUNNY TWITTER IMMIGRANT MORALFAGS FROM THE SHEMMY KIWIFARMS WHATEVER BU5T QAFE AFTERPARTY WON" you're legitimately a mentally ill retard and need to actually fucking go outside jesus. if it's too much of a problem for you, why not just make your own splinter? why do you have to cry about it here? there's like a fuckton of registrars and VPS providers out there that would permit you to host whatever the fuck you want from a soyjak site. fuck you even https://8chan.moe/soy exists. go shit up that place instead of here. its lutes rules
>these people don't care about soyjaks, they only care about how to make jarty their own thing
More projection than a fucking movie theater
Replies: >>13832 >>13836
nigger lute could ban the diaper thread or me any time he wants. he just didn't do it (for whatever reason) but i was fully expecting a ban when i posted it. likewise im permabanned from the sharty for it. i don't use vpns because i'm not obsessed. it's not my fault the thread took off and there's actual people posting in there now. i do care about soyjaks and have probably made more IAS and material than your gyate NAS nigger spamming ass has in the last few years. but of course "IAS" to you is muh soylita art. go to your own fucking place already. it's literally lutes site and you can't force him to run it your way lol

also this. i'm done now. already said enough.
Replies: >>13836
but is it not? have you seen the /soy/ catty post soylita ban
its exactly that
heres a glimpse of what the jarty would look like if soylita and lolicon was unbanned btw https://8chan.moe/soy/2.html this is the site these retards want. barely any ias there lol
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>but is it not? have you seen the >/soy/ catty post soylita ban
>its exactly that
you won't ever understand this because you're zoomers but on an imageboard its not up to the owner to choose his site's culture, userbase and memes
otherwise it becomes nothing more than his personal discord server
Replies: >>13837
get a job nigger
Replies: >>13838
underage retard who thinks everyone should wagecuck
check the rules, you need to be at least 18 to post on here
Replies: >>13840
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you don't know shit about me and stop acting like diaper fetish is any better than lolicon, you are the weirdo in this situation if it's 10 years ago, you are just the average new sharty redditcuck globalhomo npc what can't take an offensive joke 

and what about cobra? what did you achieve by banishing the only good porn drawfag on this 0 pph shithole? you get nothing, you dumb bitch
Replies: >>13842
>implying 18 year olds aren't zoomers
Retard oldfag larp
Replies: >>13841 >>13843
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Cobra didn't care one bit for your retarded drama
Replies: >>13846
im not saying you wouldn't have been a zoomer if you were 18, im just saying you should get a ban because you're clearly not above that age
Replies: >>13845
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i never said he did though? why are you always thinking that i'm doing this for attention and not just making j*rty a worse site to use?
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>if you disagree with me you're a underage fag o algo
Replies: >>13846 >>13848
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don't give him more attention
Replies: >>13847
you're right
>o algo
yup you're a sharty newfag using the latest sharty newfag lingo
>a underage
severely esl sharty newfag 
post proof if you're really claiming to be over 18
Replies: >>13850
skajyos won
Replies: >>13851
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>caring about gay imageboard status
Replies: >>13853
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>skajyos won
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ok this is getting boring when adam and the diapertranny starting jerking off l*te 
users who posted in this thread so far: 
-the diapertranny
-kym croat 
-the soylita avatarfag
-the slopjak spammer 

and i don't think you are getting more users than this >>13744
mark my words 

you just did though you even made a meme for me
Replies: >>13854
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>admits to being a newfag and underage
ohnonono lutecordbros i thought we wanted to have an oldfag larper website
Replies: >>13855
the place's future is looking grim to say the least...
This shit is so unbelievably cringe. Stop making your life revolve around these imageboards. Actually go get a job nigger.
Replies: >>13856
tell that to lute you dimwit
also you're breaking rule 6 and should get b&
Replies: >>13857
This retard really thinks I’m underage because I didn’t praise him for being a oldfag. Great you  are a social reject and a loser. Did you want me to clap for you or something?
Get the rope already.
why don't you have a zero tolerance policy of namefags/avatarfags? anyone who posts the same image multiple times should be permanently banned. i think that would improve the site a lot.
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because l*te is always paranoid and thinks anything that's not classic soyjaks, furry porn or animation memes is posted by raiders from his imaginary 'cord 

and no unbanning avatars won't save j*rty at all, he lost that chance after soygem.party's creation 
he really thought every namefag was gonna post on his dead board once he unbanned avatars and wrote a corny joke about it >>>/qa/5643 
this level of retardation is authentic, you can't fake something like this, he's just that dumb
I'm not an FPE pedo albeit
Thats what happens when you dont nuke nametrannies from orbit. They ruin sites by making it all about them gloink
this is what happens when you let 'cord furry users roam your imageboard freely
Replies: >>13921
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>>13737 (OP) 
I'm still here!
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I warned him about this exact thing 2 years ago, but that was when I thought he was a somewhat decent and competent individual, not  just another projecting homosexual furry gooner closeted pisscord pedo who all the actual keyed oldfags used to make fun of.
the only people on this site is colony shitting up the place over a soylita ban. this place has always been owned by bu5t, prokop, skajyos, and many other of his cronies. no real jartycucks left. KEK!
Replies: >>13928
forgot to bump
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>try to post on tuxler, blacklisted IP
>try to post with my IP, blacklisted
>try to post with fresh mobile data, blacklisted

perhaps you should first make it so people can post on your site
Replies: >>13931
also tell us which blacklist you're using lute so people can get their ip off of there because this shit probably has so many false positives
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grr skibidi dop dop yes yes
>>13737 (OP) 
i think we have a shit tonne of users theyre all just hiding from skajyos's stinky garbage
Replies: >>13941
okay lutey im willing to stick out the dark skajyosist era to secure a future for the jarty
i do have to ask and keep asking why his images and posts aren't filtered and mass banned by an AI?
Then what now
trve all i see on the overboard are slopjaks and random necrobumping
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wtf, based?
oh and rangeban all of xher vpns
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>j*rtycord even doe my 'cord is jarty affiliated and is not like soycords and pedocords
brap harder skajyos
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you use the same 4-6 troonhou images to "make fun of me" sit down and shut up
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>5 users, even doe 17 humans (im one of them) and 11 bots
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>you probably got most of your users by spamming your invite on soygem.party 
the first invite spams came from the peery, the rest in other severs, the affy for a short while and the chromaverse discord server, not the shemmy
vro hop off xher clitty 😭😭😭😭
does this mean you will shutdown the website?
Replies: >>13967 >>13969
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@admin do it you gay faggot
i know you've been wanting to shut down j*rty since march 2024
ummm not now chuddy the kike still needs to goon a few more times to 'p
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>kuz won
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