0. Content Illegal under United States law is banned. 1. Loli, shota, cub, jailbait, and child abuse content is banned. Posts advocating for pedophillia or its normalization are banned. Posts lusting over or sexualizing children are banned. Soylita and Shoyta are banned under this rule too. 2. Invites to discord servers for chan-culture of any type are banned due to the threat they pose to their upsteam communities. However, discussion of these places, while discouraged and in bad taste, are not banned. Given that the site is shutting down, users will be able to post personal contact information to be able to find each other until it finally dies. 3. Excessive spam is banned. Excessive spam are posts in a similar or same style that prevent normal site functioning and are unfilterable. Excessive spam would include thread spamming of the same or similar content in a short period, intentionally replying to a post with content that slows down or breaks the site for users, or purposefully posting content that is unable to be easily filtered out using stock JSChan filtering. The intent of this rule is to keep the site usable for a conventional user. 4. NSFW content on SFW board is banned except in cases where the content is spoilered and the NSFW content is on-topic. 5. Rules are enforced by intent, not letter, therefore loopholes in the rules are disallowed. Requesting for prohibited content is also considered a violation of this rule. 6. This site is assumed to be 18+ even on sfw boards. Browse with discretion. 7. Content depicting excessive violence, gore, or animal death is only tolerated on the site when it is both spoilered and in a thread where such content is relevant to discussion. All threads exclusively dedicated to the sharing of excessive violence, gore, or animal death are not permitted. |
What is allowed
1. Soyjaks are allowed on all boards 2. Posts on-topic to various boards is encouraged to maintain posting quality, but posting off topic content is permitted so long as it doesn't devolve into excessive spam. 4. Trolling is allowed 5. Dumping images in single threads 6. Complaining about moderation staff or the rules is allowed on any board. Feedback helps us to improve our moderation. 7. Community events are highly encouraged 8. Discussion of other sites is permissible 9. Fun is allowed |
Board Creation Rules
1. Boards entirely dedicated to porn posting and shock content are disallowed. The goal of this ban is to prevent the site from being overloaded with coomers and sadists. If you need this kind of content, would be a better fit. However, the discussion of these topics, insofar as they don't violate global rules, would be tolerable so long as the board's local staff permits it. (i.e, A board dedicated to drawing may have a NSFW drawings thread). 2. Boards entirely dedicated to discussing or posting content about children, jailbait, or pedophillia are disallowed. The goal of this ban is to prevent the site from being overran with pedos. Boards dedicating to the discussion of content primarily made for children, however, are permitted. 3. Spamming board creation will lead to a permenant ban. 4. Boards that do not otherwise violate the global rules or board creation rules of the site, but are deemed an issue soley by's owner, may be evicted from the site at any time. As courtesy, the site's administration will attempt to give a period of time for the community to exodus from the site and relocate somewhere else. 5. Boards that are both locked and unlisted may be subject to deletion at any time, without notice. |
Rules for jannies
1. Only rules wrote down on the rules page (here) should be considered valid for the site. Jannies confused about rule interpretation can email for clarification. 2. "Rules" take priority over "what is allowed". For example, if someone posts loli or shotacon content to "troll" users, it's not a valid excuse and still violentes the rules of the site. 3. When dealing with CP, click the "CP" Button in the moderation menu. This will report the poster to NCMEC, ban the poster, and remove the files. This should exclusively be used for real, 3d child porn. Not fictional content. 4. Generally, excessive spam should be consolidated into one thread rather than out right removed. Bans for spam should be light and only accelerate after repeat offenses. 5. Some users are stupid and will fall for bait, it is not your duty to help these users, in fact, you should bait them further. 6. Bans should usually only be within the range of 1 hour to 2 days and lean on the lighter side whenever possible. Light bans are always from 1 to 2 hours. This does not apply to perma-bans, which are mostly reserved for law breaking activity or obxious proxy hopping. 7. The rule of least damage should be applied when removing rule-breaking material (except in cases where the poster is breaking the law). If an image is breaking the rules, only it should be deleted. If text is breaking the rules, a janny should edit only that text to redact that text. If multiple threads existing at once are breaking the rules, then jannies should consolidate the threads. 8. Jannies should not edit the text or interfere with normal posts unless moderation action calls for it. A jannies job is to clean things up, not flex on normal users with gay admin powers. 9. When removing content under rule 1, jannies should take into account these factors: Firstly, is the content itself attempting to appeal to sexual, erotic, or lewd interests. This can be the case even if the subject of an image is fully clothed. Any erotic undertones or purposeful attempts at provoking sexual comments count. Secondly, does the content, taken as a whole, lack serious literary, artistic, political, scientific value, or site /meta/ commentary value? If both are true, the content should be removed. 10. These rules are subject to change at any moment for any reason without notice. Violation of janny rules could lead to being dismissed as a janny. 11. Remember, you are a janitor on a bald cartoon man with glasses website. People post here for fun and the site, generally, should not be treated as anything serious. |
A special note on raids
If you're going to raid somewhere, please do not do it in a way that is illegal or allows for the proliferation of illegal material. We do not want to be associated with that nonsense. Also, please do not attack moderation infrastructure for sites you may visit. That infrastructure is vital for the removal of illegal and harmful material. Any attempts to organize raids that do either of these two things on this site will be punished. |