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[New Thread]

Well everyone, it's finally over. After YEARS of posting on bald cartoon men with glasses website, our time here has finally come to an end. For better or worse, this is how it has to be. I have to give my sincerest thanks to everyone who has contributed to this site's success, everyone from the slopjak shitposters to the genuine effort posting users who have tried to make this place fun to use.

All of you have etched out a name for the jarty as something worth remembering. I hope you all had as much fun as I did, because the memories I made here are something I hope to have the privilege of being able to take to my grave. Thank you all for the good times and good laughs. I love you all and, at least as it pertains to this site, this is goodbye.

Some time soon I will be putting up a static page in honor of the site and with an archive of old posts.

If you need me, you can reach me on XMPP at
or at least for the next month:

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the jarty needs (You)r help to fight the CP spam menace and help improve image boards as a whole.

This will be achieved through an automated anti-CP dedication system that is capable of sharing CP hashes with other websites so, when CP is posted, everyone is able to block it from their servers.

A link to the specification for how this work can be found here:

This thread will serve as the main discussion point for the project. Namefagging and tripfagging has been enabled on /comtech/ for this project and other projects like it.

Code Repo:
Last edited by admin
241 replies and 47 files omitted. View the full thread
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>Chud ## Admin 11 months ago No.573 
>Facebook's PDQ and TMK are better algorithms than phash and dhash.
>>Has a PDQ implementation
><Has no TMK implementation
><Has no VPDQ implementation
><Weaker on libraries
><I personally do not know it
><looks horrific to write in
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>USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST All child abuse content is banned. Don't make another joke like this again.
Replies: >>1667
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gemmington GET
Replies: >>1668
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Replies: >>1829
didn't happened

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why do you use jschan instead of vichan or a fork of vichan like lainchan? I'm thinking of starting my own imageboard and am attracted to jschan since it isn't php and might be resistant to Ronald's babybot (although this needs fact-checking)
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>why do you use jschan instead of vichan or a fork of vichan like lainchan? I'm thinking of starting my own imageboard and am attracted to jschan since it isn't php and might be resistant to Ronald's babybot (although this needs fact-checking)
>why do you use jschan
a friend of mine suggested I used it because vichan at the time was unmaintained

>or a fork of vichan like lainchan
I didn't know it existed

>am attracted to jschan since it isn't php
php sucks, good choice, but javascript is soyware

>might be resistant to Ronald's babybot (although this needs fact-checking)
not necessarily, though the API for jschan is way better than vichan and lets you program bots and other tools for it more easily.
Replies: >>1828
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>>why do you use jschan
>a friend of mine suggested I used it because vichan at the time was unmaintained

>>or a fork of vichan like lainchan
>I didn't know it existed

>>am attracted to jschan since it isn't php
>php sucks, good choice, but javascript is soyware

>>might be resistant to Ronald's babybot (although this needs fact-checking)
>not necessarily, though the API for jschan is way better than vichan and lets you program bots and other tools for it more easily.
>lute didn't know lainchan exists
that's is like the third thing you should know after 4chan and 8chan, lute doesn't know anything about imageboards, which confirms lute is kuz.

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How do i evade sharty ban?

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>Please note that these are NOT recommended handlers for authenticating users in your Node.js applications and are used purely for illustration purposes. You should not be trying to design your own cryptographic authentication mechanisms in general. It is much better to use existing, proven authentication solutions.
just use the caesar cipher
chacha (twenty) real smooth.
Replies: >>1670
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the most pozzed, backdoored encryption in the world that was literally created by a kike
there's a reason ((( they ))) have been trying to ((( deprecate ))) and smear arc4 so much over the past decade.

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Buying an iphone:
>You WILL let us spy on everything you do with our proprietary OS and forced updates
Buying a google pixel:
>You WILL enjoy having no headphone jack. You WILL enjoy having no SD card slot. You WILL buy a new phone in 6 months when yours breaks and you WILL be happy
Buying a samsung galaxsoy:
>You WILL spend hundreds of dollars on a (((  flagship  ))) phone that explodes and/or catches on fire in 3 years
Buying a fairphone:
>You WILL spend 500 hundred american dollars on the metal square you use to watch cat memes on the shitter
Buying some offbrand chinkphone:
>You WILL not unlock the bootloader and you WILL not install an open source OS so we can't catch you disrespecting the glorious CCP
6 replies omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>1608 >>1655 + 1 earlier
>>1578 (OP) 
>Buying some offbrand chinkphone:
>>You WILL not unlock the bootloader and you WILL not install an open source OS so we can't catch you disrespecting the glorious CCP
I do this.
Replies: >>1646
w7-890 here suggest me a good chinkphone for testing out ARM linux theres gotta be a good brand in aliexpress somewhere
>>1578 (OP) 
i'm still using my samsung from 2016
Replies: >>1656
Yikes! Buy a new phone every year or russia will win you fucking chud.
Replies: >>1657
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windows 8.x wasn't that le bad actually
6 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
why does she have pink hair?
Replies: >>1508
mentally ill sjw
Replies: >>1509
wow that anime has some deep lore
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Replies: >>1654
might try using it as a daily driver doe

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3 replies and 5 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>1645 + 2 earlier
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>>1624 (OP) 
i just wanna game in peace goddammit not see this stupid zoophile interactive mascot on my desktop wanting to "convert" me hard
Replies: >>1647 >>1649 >>1650
enjoy your ((( Z✡Gware ))) then
also nice cem, gotta add it to my folder
Replies: >>1648
>fuck i forgot the part where i zooquote you
the right one is built for BWC, specifically my BWC
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There was a nice thread for this on the sharty. Now I figure I'll make a thread here.
I've been working on a fork of jschan that uses a peer-to-peer database system called peerbit. This lets you download and seed boards, posts, and files as you would torrents.
Peerbit essentially allows modifyable torrents.
here's the repo:
Prototype p2p browsing client is also in development. And I also am thinking about an in-browser light client so you don't have to download anything except maybe a browser addon.
Right now I've gotten p2p browsing working but still have to implement p2p posting. Once I get that working we can have a peer to peer soyjak website that should be a lot more resilient to attack.
86 replies and 10 files omitted. View the full thread
Ill delete 'p from the gateway if there is any.
Replies: >>1641
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>There was a nice thread for this on the sharty. Now I figure I'll make a thread here.
I've been working on a fork of jschan that uses a peer-to-peer database system called peerbit. This lets you download and seed boards, posts, and files as you would torrents.
Peerbit essentially allows modifyable torrents.
here's the repo:
Prototype p2p browsing client is also in development. And I also am thinking about an in-browser light client so you don't have to download anything except maybe a browser addon.
Right now I've gotten p2p browsing working but still have to implement p2p posting. Once I get that working we can have a peer to peer soyjak website that should be a lot more resilient to attack.
Replies: >>1640
arrow fail
marge so if i run peerchan on my pc or whatever and someone spams illegal content
would I basically be "distributing" it and get vanned
Replies: >>1643
Not practically. If you are actively participating in boards that are only for CP it might be a different story, but if CP touches your machine temporarily it's not a demonstration of clear intent to distribute CP, similar to when someone uploads CP to a traditional client-server website and it enters your browser cache and memory automatically. If you're concerned you can also connect via whonix to anonymize yourself thru Tor.

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I miss the frog pond. Bring it back now soykikes, before I go red hat on you.
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good heavens... where did our dear web site go far far away?
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I will never rest until every last demonrat is lying dead in the gutter
Replies: >>1644
Just when I wanted to post about nusharty, the site was down
>the last thing a pro-child labor republican should see
fixed that for you shaira law supporting wife beater

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>luke smith analog horror

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