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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

this will be a "to do" list for me to archive stuff. Put your requests here
38 replies and 23 files omitted. View the full thread
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>you talk like someone who knows absolutely nothing about what's going on in this thread but wants to contribute to the discussion anyways since this reddit tranny cesspool is exactly for retarded autists like you @lordofthejarty
Replies: >>15144
how did you post without any text
archived the thread on peer-to-peer jakking if anyone wants it


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Hello everyone, September 20th, 2024 will be the date that jakparty.soy ceases to exist. I no longer enjoy running the site, I believe soyjak culture has long since degraded, and jakparty.soy's splinter culture has been gone for awhile now. Four years of bald cartoon man with glasses forum shenanigans is enough and I believe it's finally time to move on.

Most of the oldfags aren't here anymore. The people who came to replace them largely do not care for soyjak posting. Soyjak.party has been invaded by unfunny underage faggots and right-wing twitter users who just don't get the joke with soyjaks. Ever since Kuz, the soysphere has been swamped with discords trying to manipulate it, often times with them being headed by gore posters and pedophiles. The current soyjak.party administration consists of this as well. No amount of j*rtycvck brown troonjak spam or deflecting can change this truth: the soyjak.party of 2020-2022 has been dead for ages and is now owned and operated by the people who killed it.

Jakparty.soy was a glimmer of hope after Soot sold the site. I had a lot of fun with it between 2022 and 2023. I checked it every day, posted soyjaks, and engaged with the community. Earlier this year, however, much of the fun dried up. I think many of the good users left during this time after soyjak.party's newfag hordes invaded. Some say they left because of my policies, some blame the newfags, some blame an over all lack of fun with soyjak culture. It doesn't matter why, 
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756 replies and 397 files omitted. View the full thread
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Replies: >>15297
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Holy freaking crap it's the slopjak band!!!
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>Holy freaking crap it's the slopjak band!!!
Replies: >>15299
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Marge I'm not good at hide and seek

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>obsessed brimstone

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>Trump Tower
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>The Trump Tower is a pile of stone built by Lute. Its location is currently known (hint: it's the nate number). The base has a massive structure made of cobblestone that extends from 0 y to the build limit .it is based off the real life Trump Tower.

>The actual giant pile of cobblestone.
>Redstone farms
>fishing spot
>The dirt house
>The massive Lutecord invite QR code
>The fall of lute tower
>After the Christmas Event on the 23rd December 2022, Lute left the tower due to Niggerdestroyer blowing it up.
obsessed brimstone

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>Stevenville is a village found by steven

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>Stevensbunker is a bunker far away from civilization, built by Steven to store items. It will be a 85x85 block room, which will store all the items of Sproketown.

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>Bunker Onbekend
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>Bunker Onbekend is a bunker intended for storing valuables in case of emergency. Its location is to remain secret between a selected number of players.

>The bunker was created after the Coalpoclypse 2022, after a lot of valuables were stolen.

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>Sproketown is an active base founded by Prizma, Kuz and Steven. It features a cave surrounded by a 5x10 cobblestone wall, with the Church of Science and a farm. After the 30th of October, 2022 the base also features two massive lavacasts and in general havoc has been wreaked upon the stored items and most flammable blocks. The recovery is being made and most of the lavacast has been removed.

>1	Buildings
>2	History
>2.1	Creation
>2.2	Burning Battle of Sproketown
>2.3	Walls
>2.4	Gypsy damage
>2.5	The destruction of the castle
>2.6	Road system
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>View our various pieces o' autismo nonsense:

>4chan-small.png	4chan
>Jarty small.png	The Jarty
>Minecraft small.png	Jakcraft2
>Soyberg.png	soyjak.party
>DiscordLogo.png	Lutecord
>Take me to a random page!

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>What can I find on Soypedia?
>Mildly interestin history
>Various 'jakkin related imageboards
>Various boards fae various imageboards
>Schizo blether
>Soyjak variants
>Locations in the real warld
>Soy phrases
>Index o' all pages

>We also serve the history o' the Jakcraft minecraft server and also our previous now dead minecraft server

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