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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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remove /b/ from the topbar considering its deleted
12 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
If he really is, then he should just ban degenrates instead of sticking to "mah rulz"
All the normal people in this site quit because of them
Replies: >>11508
idk I only really stopped posting because I got busy irl more than anything else
Replies: >>11509
Soot how do i remove a post
Replies: >>11510
lute disabled post deletion because of a bug
I can delete it for you though
Replies: >>11511
Delete it now janjan i dont want people to sdd me fails on an anoymus bald men with glasses website and i'll double your wage

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>MAP culture is soyjak culture fucking chud if you dont like it go back to k*z's site
15 replies and 18 files omitted. View the full thread
/meta/ coal because i slandered the jarty
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Replies: >>11503

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Soylitafags are pedophiles. Nobody ever says “drawings have human rights”. Find one person on the planet who thinks that, dipshit. Forming your sexuality around Wojak Avatarfag Soyteens is bizarre, abnormal freak behaviour. You will be relentlessly mocked and there is nothing you can do about it. Constantly consuming and promoting soyjaks with pedophilic themes is a recognised red flag that an individual may be at high risk for potentially abusing real children. If that statement makes you feel cognitive dissonance, you have adjustment disorder and need to seek professional help before you seriously hurt someone. You are a pedophile. Jarty is inherently pedophilic, everyone knows the difference between NAS and IAS children and news flash: wanting to rape a fictional child is still weird. “Soyjaks are nothing like real, actual children”. Why do they have the same proportions and behaviours of a real child then? Dumbass. Stop trying to convince people that you are normal, because you will never be seen as normal. You are a hyper-sexual freak of nature. Go quarantine yourself in a shitty imageboard with other monsters like you so normal members of society don’t have to be constantly reminded that you exist. You will never be loved
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>The Sharty Culturefag Problem
>Soylitafags are pedophiles. Nobody ever says “drawings have human rights”. Find one person on the planet who thinks that, dipshit. Forming your sexuality around Wojak Avatarfag Soyteens is bizarre, abnormal freak behaviour. You will be relentlessly mocked and there is nothing you can do about it. Constantly consuming and promoting soyjaks with pedophilic themes is a recognised red flag that an individual may be at high risk for potentially abusing real children. If that statement makes you feel cognitive dissonance, you have adjustment disorder and need to seek professional help before you seriously hurt someone. You are a pedophile. Jarty is inherently pedophilic, everyone knows the difference between NAS and IAS children and news flash: wanting to rape a fictional child is still weird. “Soyjaks are nothing like real, actual children”. Why do they have the same proportions and behaviours of a real child then? Dumbass. Stop trying to convince people that you are normal, because you will never be seen as normal. You are a hyper-sexual freak of nature. Go quarantine yourself in a shitty imageboard with other monsters like you so normal members of society don’t have to be constantly reminded that you exist. You will never be loved
naahhhh bruh think we asked 😂

all you need to do is sage a thread with 0 replies, or find a thread that only has sage replies, reply to it then delete. this will send it straight to the bottom of the catalog depending on how new it is.
8 replies and 3 files omitted. View the full thread
is it ever going to be fixed or is it another 404 log situation? 
Replies: >>11393
I kind of gave up on it because the way that jschan does time and dates fucked it during server transfer.
Replies: >>11406
enable post deletion if you can't fix it
Replies: >>11439 >>11496
bumping this

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I've made a flash animation that I'd like to share with my fellow jarteens, but I can't because the jarty dosen't accept .swf files
Can you please change this?? From what I've seen, it isn't too hard to implement swf compatibility with ruffle, other imageboards functioning on jschan have done so (zzzchan.xyz for example)

thank you for your consideration or something
do this
Do this looo
answer me luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute
sounds based
can you link the site's source code so I can cherrypick the changes?

Why are all the shemmy-teens coming here again? Did someone ping @everyone on the svvtcord to cause a raid?
19 replies and 5 files omitted. View the full thread
he banned feralteen off the site and fired a mod for namefagging after saying jannies arent allowed to capcode namefag outside of /sgp/
shemmy has a fairly big namefag community that the current staff is against
Replies: >>11476
doll just took control of the site by buying it under a fake alias

also lute I think the jarty is getting ddosd again fix it
>shemmy has a fairly big namefag community that the current staff is against
nameKIKE culture? Coal of the highest order (though if the site is build around namekikes, idk why the staff would want to remove them)
Replies: >>11477
Lute rulecuck me NOW

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Please rulecuck us. Im glad you increaeed the penaty from requesting loli from 2 to 3 days to perma. But we need more rules to become even more shemmy gemmy. Cuck me NOW

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what the fuck is this pph

I would like public comment on updating the global excessive spam rule that's currently in effect. It's rather vague and doesn't define when spam becomes excessive. I would consider spam excessive when posts in the same or similar style prevent normal site functioning and are unfilterable. This would mean that excessive spam is catty wiping, dot spam that cannot be filtered out (random text in a thread), or posts that attempt to slow down site usage for users (i.e emoji spam).

I would like to update the excessive spam rule to be more in line with this goal. I would like suggestions on specific wording.
3 replies and 2 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>11441
meds, the excessive spam rule has been around since day 1
Replies: >>11435
@bf2d66 here
>catty gets assraped since forever
<do nothing
>avatarfagging 'litanigger and nonsense necrobumps rape the catty
<do nothing
>me post ACTUAL threads (in numerous amounts) to counter them
>ban making shit ton of threads
>spam of all kind rampant in every thread, especially by jartycuck spammer
<gets asked about it, says its allowed
>me try to spam threads but using my intellegence to prevent filterings
<too much IQ, ban!
<oh also i removed ability to remove posts its like my personal discord where i see and know everything
Replies: >>11436
at least bring back post deletion if you can't fix >>11355
>>11418 (OP) 
yes tsmt do that NOW
Make it so posting the same 'jak more than once is considered avatarfag spam and nuts a perma rangeban. I NEED BJC, CUCK ME PLEASE

Sharty admins locked /pol/ (the opposite of keyed). Will /pol/ ever be created for jarty?
this has been asked time and time again
Also vefore you ask, no, bait will also not be banned here.
Replies: >>11411
>this has been asked time and time again
Has the reasoning for why been asked time and time again as well?
Is /pol/ antithetical to söy cvltvre?
Replies: >>11412
because jartshart.soy is an all inclusive place not for /pol/troons and chuddies alike who do nothing but cry "bait" and post gore & buffchud country selfinsert :3 nya~
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>because jartshart.soy is an all inclusive place not for /pol/troons and chuddies alike who do nothing but cry "bait" and post gore & buffchud country selfinsert :3 nya~
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>because jartshart.soy is an all inclusive place not for /pol/troons and chuddies alike who do nothing but cry "bait" and post gore & buffchud country selfinsert :3 nya~

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