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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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'ey Lute since many lolicon spammers and DNB posters are using tuxler can you can VPNs too please and check for our LAN connections?
Fucking do this I dare you motherfucker GEEEEEEEEGG
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i remember when they broke the janitor logs
and couldn't properly move to new server
nothing ever changes lol
Replies: >>12680
I could probably fix the sage glitch but im kind pissed at lute for rulecucking so idk if I will.
Replies: >>12181
You should covertly add vulnerabilities into jschan.
Replies: >>12193
Actually I checked just now and it was already fixed by the jschan dev, it's just not integrated into the jarty fork code.
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nothing ever changes

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First of all, what's jarty's purpose?
Recruiting oldfags to continue how /soy/ actually looked like before kuz ruined the site with his discord friends, right? Since you use soy-tan as your site's mascot because kuz took her down and that's supposed to be a sign of continuation.

What was allowed on /soy/ before kuz?
As an 2021 sharty midfag myself,  I'm pretty sure spamming catalog with one variant, avatarfagging as tranime characters, pedo baiting, saging threads with dotspam were all allowed but let's just say you banned these out of pure "quality control" purpose.

What wasn't allowed on /soy/ before kuz?
Soot would NOT tolerate soytan rape porn, soytan diaper porn, yaoi gay porn, mlp porn dump on /soy/, soot's jannies would delete or move those shit to /b/. BUT you did. Why? Because off-topic content on /soy/ is allowed as long as it's not excessive spam and /soy/ is a nsfw board, right? That's good, you almost made your /soy/ more free than soot's /soy/. And let's just say that you consider IAS pornography quality content, you know what kind of  IAS porn was explicitly tolerated on /soy/? jak'n'fap loli edits and soylita nsfw because they're both IAS and OC. And let's say if soot still runs the sharty and somehow decides to delete /nate/ and allow mlp porn on /soy/ like you did, sfw tranime lolis and liveleak gore videos would be least of his concerns since they're not nearly as shocking as zoophilia by an average 4chan user's standards, and tranime lolis are /qa/ culture too. Sharty is a splinter of 4chan after all. 

>but muh pedo problem
Nobody back then gave a fuck about prepubescent looking fictional characters because they are just fucking drawings, and if you can reply with mlp porn >>>/soy/143758 and literal gay scat >>>/soy/147887 on /soy/ without getting banned, you should be able to bait with suggestive lolis as well, because that's just how old sharty used to be.

>but muh groomercord 
The groomercord in question is currently running sharty and soyjak.blog, which both banned soylita and pedo baiting.

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it's just this but with a dnd cobson gif attached
Replies: >>12168
someone psoted a 10 minute clip and a 17 minute audio clip of it on sharty last year
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>deleting /pol/ (inherently soyjak and imageboard culture) but not the other 100 joke boards no one will use) because you hate political discussions  
delete >>>/liberty/ as well if you're not a biased tranny janny
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 >what lute wants is newfags 
>New 'jakkers le bad
>Loli posters le good e&oe they don't post soyjaks
>btw i'm not gonna stop shitting up /meta/
fiiiiiiiiiiine keep pissing your diapey  about how much you want to fuck gook cartoon children. I won't bother anymore. Just know that I won.
Replies: >>12673 >>12676
holy fail also I saw a certain "adam" with a jake pfp in afterparty once
Replies: >>12674
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you probably did but months ago.
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another j*rtycvck W
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what i meant "jakkers" is when they shitpost with edgy content for fun while soiposting at the same time. and from my speculations they made funnier posts and soyquotes than 90% of this sites current users. 

i used to defend @admin for banning catty duel but now i don't, kys tranny oldfag larper

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Are board conflicts allowed
having fun is not allowed
didn't you read the rules?

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Can I have my /pol/ back? Some nigger called moot stole it from me
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Replies: >>12584
what was your account name?
Replies: >>12594
>>12537 (OP) 
finders keepers, nigger
Replies: >>12585
ev&o this violates the NAP
Replies: >>12586
there was no aggression though, his land (board) was forfeited so I simply claimed it for myself.

also I was the first to create a /pol/ but then deleted it when I found out it was against the rules. the current /pol/ is the third incarnation.

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I sent mail lutey.

I'm requesting users to input if they think that I went too far with the ban on political related boards, meaning that boards like /pol/ and /liberty/ may be made on the site.

I only enacted this rule to prevent seigetards and feds from entering the site to stir up problems. 

Deleting the board /liberty/ broke the site's board feature and temporarily broke the database as vengeance for its deletion. Maybe this is science's way of punishing me for deleting the wholesome hegign liberinos.

jokes aside, i would like more public comment on what the userbase thinks of this rule.
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btw what's ur user so I can transfer ownership
Replies: >>12534
Replies: >>12535
Replies: >>12536
Thank you
what about my /nofur/? gimme my experiment wGOD bot back

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Replies: >>12519
>>12518 (OP) 
the most wholesome /meta/rald

the >>>/scat/ banner disappeared

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>hides >>>/twk/ even doe it’s soysphere related
>keeps >>>/mane/ a board that is just porn of animals and has zero relation to soy anything
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Replies: >>12390
>>12383 (OP) 
i think you checked the board setting called "unlist locally" or "unlist from webring", uncheck those and see if it shows up.
Replies: >>12392
It keeps saying “Internal Server Error” for some reason but i unchecked them
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the chud fixed it I was just retarded >>>/twk/ is back doe so get back to posting

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