
Complain about the party here

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Well everyone, it's finally over. After YEARS of posting on bald cartoon men with glasses website, our time here has finally come to an end. For better or worse, this is how it has to be. I have to give my sincerest thanks to everyone who has contributed to this site's success, everyone from the slopjak shitposters to the genuine effort posting users who have tried to make this place fun to use.

All of you have etched out a name for the jarty as something worth remembering. I hope you all had as much fun as I did, because the memories I made here are something I hope to have the privilege of being able to take to my grave. Thank you all for the good times and good laughs. I love you all and, at least as it pertains to this site, this is goodbye.

Some time soon I will be putting up a static page in honor of the site and with an archive of old posts.

If you need me, you can reach me on XMPP at
or at least for the next month:

this will be a "to do" list for me to archive stuff. Put your requests here
Hello everyone, September 20th, 2024 will be the date that ceases to exist. I no longer enjoy running the site, I believe soyjak culture has long since degraded, and's splinter culture has been gone for awhile now. Four years of bald cartoon man with glasses forum shenanigans is enough and I believe it's finally time to move on.

Most of the oldfags aren't here anymore. The people who came to replace them largely do not care for soyjak posting. has been invaded by unfunny underage faggots and right-wing twitter users who just don't get the joke with soyjaks. Ever since Kuz, the soysphere has been swamped with discords trying to manipulate it, often times with them being headed by gore posters and pedophiles. The current administration consists of this as well. No amount of j*rtycvck brown troonjak spam or deflecting can change this truth: the of 2020-2022 has been dead for ages and is now owned and operated by the people who killed it. was a glimmer of hope after Soot sold the site. I had a lot of fun with it between 2022 and 2023. I checked it every day, posted soyjaks, and engaged with the community. Earlier this year, however, much of the fun dried up. I think many of the good users left during this time after's newfag hordes invaded. Some say they left because of my policies, some blame the newfags, some blame an over all lack of fun with soyjak culture. It doesn't matter why, really, they're gone and they're not coming back. The crowd that did replace has not been and will never be as funny or interesting as them as well. Instead, what came was a bunch of lolicon pedophiles and low-effort spammers. I'm not having fun with these users and don't think any oldfags are either.

Because of all this, the site will be shutting down because it became something it was never meant to be: unfun to use. Soot's was the most fun I had online,'s golden years were a close second, but now I am having no fun at all so I don't see a point in keeping it online.

I don't intend on selling the site to some namefag to turn the place into some underage faggot's personal discord and will just redirect this place to a static page about its death. By the time the domain expires, most people would have forgotten about this place. I do not intend on reviving, so if anyone buys the domain to do that, they're an imposter.

I will be relaxing rules on sharing contact information on the board. Post your matrix ids or other points of contact so you can talk to the people of this site. I will just ban those promoting soycords and other pedo dens. just try to make some friendships with the posters here you enjoyed. I rather this place's death be the spawn of something greater.

Despite all the negativity in this post, I would like to extend a warm "thank you" to all the people who helped make and fun to post on through all its ups and downs. The good laughs and memories you provided are irreplaceable and I will forever cherish the "funny soyjak meme site I spend my college years using".
>post soyquotes for an hour
>suddenly get banned for "cp, spam, etc"
why the fuck are you accusing me of being a pedophile? fuck you jannies
RIP dead nigger site
>>15841 (You)
>I plan to on the final page for the site in case people need me.
>the email will work for another month after the site dies. I plan to drop an xmpp address once im done with this place in case people need me.
dear j*rtycuck management,
i requesting to know which timezone you will be going by regarding the closure of the j*rtyCVCK website. depending on which developing country your administrator is based from, there can be more than half a day of difference in time.
apologize to skajyos and transfer him the domain.
How much time do we have left?
jarty matrix room (please ignore the previous one)
new jarty matrix room (old one was abandoned)
>>15758 (You)
>everything works in these threads tho
>grabbed an archive of /sneed/

>>15759 (You)
>unfortunately /crick/'s content was lost to time. just checked the archived.
>and he's still replying to me and switched VPNs lol.
LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE have you considered running for president, as a independent candidate or running for the libertarian party?
>>11836 (You)
>>"You're not allowed to cover page 1 with anti-jarty memes by necrobumping" was never addressed in your "excessive spam" rule, and you're doing it mainly because you didn't like it. 
>because what's excessive isn't defined, which is something I want to do in that thread but haven't gotten around to finalizing and updating the rules with.

>>slopjak spammers might produced more actual ias oc than jarty users did since they started spamming.
>they do produce OC sometimes and what they do is in the spirit  of what the jarty is about, but their overbearing presence on the catalog can be a problem on occasion (in the same way that someone spamming any one jak on the 'log would be). So I try to consolidate them.
>the ai parodies are some of the funniest stuff to come out of the sharty/jarty in awhile btw.

>>That's what I've been trying to tell you, you are selectively deciding what kind of threads are "quality posts", what are allowed to be necrobumped based on your own preferences.  
>again, it's not necrobumping thats the problem, its taking up a large amount of space on the limited sized catalog. 
>and I don't believe I ever said that this place would be any kind of judgement free website to post whatever you want, its a soyjak website about soyquotes. These things will get special treatment in comparison to nas spam. I think the j*rtycvck memes are closer in line with the sites point, so I go light on them when they start catty wiping, but catty wiping is still catty wiping. 

>>No please go away just let people do whatever they want if users (you) actually cared about certain threads being burried by slopjaks they would've bumped them back.
>if users alone were capable of managing the site without any moderation, then 4cuck's /b/ and the nusharty during its admin inactive eras would be good places to post. Unfortunately, this isn't the case and the janny, despite the hate for them, is a necessary evil. Ideally we'd be on peerchan and choosing our own jannies, but peerchan isn't ready.

>Some level of quality control is necessary to keep this site usable. People come  here for fun, not to get a massive shart of spam right on the 'log. I try to only get rid of behavior that is disruptive to the point of the site. Threads of a single type taking up too much real estate on the main page is unfair to other threads, and users can just post in the thread themselves (which has a lot more space) if they want to dump a single type of content in a thread.
>>11737 (You)
>>Is self inserting as nas memes banned if you do it multiple times?
>generally, this is what I target as this is a soyjak site centered around soyquotes. 

>the twinkjak coaler is making self-insert coal where he promotes his own opinions using a meme that only he uses (not common like any soyjak variant, the frogs, or gigachad) to create an identity for himself on this site.

>>If it is, how much is too much?
>I don't have a specific formula for this, it's a case-by-case basis, but if the behavior has been going on for weeks and it comes from the same person, using the same filename patterns, and using the same phrases, I will crack down on them for it. The twinkjak poster has been an obnoxious spammer on the site for awhile ever since their website went down.

>>Oh and don't forget this schizo larper >>>/qa/5258 
>I did not notice this was some kind of avatar or namefag, I would still consider this identity in a clemency period. I don't think this user is intentionally trying to identify themselves akin to how the croat did.

>>Does that mean I can take a picture of my hand and use it as my avatar forever?
>no, the OC provision is for users who make or do original content and keep providing original content. If you start self-inserting as one specific image you drew, that protection will wear off. If you keep drawing OC of that character, however, I believe that the generative content will outweigh the damage of having a new avatarfag on the site, since the new content creates discussion and reason to come to the site.

>My goal is to avoid a circlejerk of people with identities treating this place like their personal discord server. This is an anonymous imageboard dedicated to soyjaks, soyquoting, and things around /qa/ culture, not a place to make a name for yourself by being spammy and obnoxious. OC GODS are protected since their work is effortful and creates discussion worth having. Identitycacas attempt to take discussion away from content and towards identities, something that is best exemplified by the absolute state of's booru culture.
>>11703 (You)
>if I shouldn't care that much then 'teens shouldn't care when I ban users and wipe posts for engaging in this behavior.
>Due to CP spam attacks, the DNSBL will be re-enabled.

There were no "CP spam attacks", it's literally just one cp poster with single ip and all your jannies (except ragetranny) just stopped caring about this dead site, on weekend as well
*braps on this board*
>>15419 (You)
>>just for testing i once tried searching "kemono ageplay"
>>just for testing
>cool story bro
sell me the jarty SIR SIR PLEASE
all of the jarty code is open dource if you want it
ok jarty help some retard out how exactly does one get by hosting his own site from scratch i think i MIGHT be able to pull this off but limited to localhost like the Proxmox VE test yesterday unless i can register a domain using some homeless flip guys real name after lending his id card for this experiment can you any of you faggots walk me through this whole hosting process my autism isn't as strong as a Github tranny popping out rust projects (and i can barely comprehend how DNS works in IT windows server classes i took last year)

>whats your budget
about P5000 maximum cash for a few months unless i get a decent job now how exactly do i minimize the costs without cutting out performance i DO after all own the hardware itself while my dad pays for the PLDT fiber fees now i just need to dedicate the funds for the "outside of network" related fees itself (ie cuckflare optimization and adverts code)
is 200MB/S home connection plan enough do i need VPN to avoid complaints from my local ISP and shield the poor router from port scanning shenanigans what happens if some butthurt STEM brony does end up ddosing me (aka booting network) and i have no protection will my phone stop connecting to the internet at all due to packet jam?

>what happened to the topton M6 and the legion 5
the mini pc i disassembled and fixed is now again filled to the brim with chrome tabs (yes really) and i cant be arsed to updoot and reboot it while the legion was successfully repaired and turns out there isnt really much of a problem with the motherboard but rather its wangblows acting up despite installing W11 from scratch the same issues still persist but IDK if a vmware specific problem or an inherent design flaw with this motherboard model or chinky 64gb ram kit TLDR in other words my negligence got the best of me but other than that the system is fully functional yet i keep wasting time on pirated indie games from IGG lol rather than getting my jar of rasins together

>round the clock moderation
how exactly often do you visit the site to janny up and clean the BMT in the frontpage is it once a week or every day at night? for my board would it be a good idea to leave it unattended for a week while on VACation will the open facing 'puter get hacked and burn while im gone and aside from routine CP spam whats the worst thing they can do assuming they successfully "root" penetrated its security?
lutey what host does the jarty use since youre shutting down anyway treat this as some kind of sponsor for the next people hosting there (what server OS do you suggest and should i run JSchan in ubuntu vm container for safety? also how much does the entire jarty cost to operate is it on the hundreds or thousands of sheckels?) i seriously hope this costs less than another new SZBOX mini pc every month

>what stops you from hosting
fuck i have no credit card let alone an idea on how to setup new bitcoin/monero wallet and how the hell do i even transfer the pesos bills on my lefty hand to legitimate usable crypto coins this isnt america and we still have third world tier economy im not even sure if gcash shopeepay works and i dont wanna get V&ed or family accounts banned by accident plus we have corrupt cops taking bribes for "hate speech laws" like on cucked anglo countries

ill probably get hunted down for this little modification but would it be a good idea to block all 5 eyes countries (US/CA/UK/AU/NZ) and most importantly israel however japan and the rest of europe is fully allowed even though this board exclusively caters to SEA + mainland asians and global south users with "silent" proxy detection to keep potential bad actors and discord commiepedotroons out (would hosting in malaysia be a good idea compared to EU offshore platform since i dont want any revenge 4chud brigading and obvious raids going on after "we" buck break some british troon furfag website)
hope you guys dont get too butthurt over this "devious" change but from a fundamental anon imageboard perspective will this help with ((( free speech ))) in the slightest and allow organic and unpopular opinions not the same controlled opposition rhetoric chans because i am very sick of westoids larping and flaunting about god given morals i just want REAL discussion for once from the rest of the 80%ers not the "superior far righters" on the top 20% influencing andrew tate like beliefs
unlock thread creation on /soy/ you autistic fucking retard
why the fuck is thread creation locked you useless retard, this is about to shut down and i just wanna spam soyjaks and the other guy just wants to spam slopjaks
i invented soot colors and contributed some other things to early sharty culture AMA
>this is the original sootjak
>Until we meet again, chud!
hello jarty. lute and i organized a q&a over IRC a few weeks ago but he ghosted me at the last minute and never made the sticky like he said he would so i never posted the thread. This morning when the sharty was down, a mod told me to check this place to see if someone was ddos'ing us. That wasnt the case, but when i was here, i saw that the users here base their hatred of me and my site on alot of wrong information as well as miscommunications and misunderstandments.

I didnt want to appear here because I obviously dont want to give this site any more attention than it gets by spamming mine, but if theres a chance I can change somones perspective, it'll be worth it. I dont want anyone back - despite popular belief, I am very well content with this sites existance in theory. Containing all the drama posting ban evaders to one board that I dont have to deal with is very relaxing. The raids are what ive voiced issues with in the past - but the site itself, i appreciate it.

Before I made this thread I asked lute himself what problems he had with the site, so i could talk with him and let him be your guys' voice, to avoid any messing public appearances, but in his own words;
 <jakparty-admin> from what I have gathered, most users feel burnt by all that's happened. I don't know if some people can be convinced to trust you again, others I am sure are willing to make peace
 <kuz> Thats where i get confused
 <kuz> "all thats happened". Its like theres some secret war on the boards going on im not seeing
 <jakparty-admin> I have not gone on much since the fallout, only stopping by every once and awhile.
 <kuz> people are constantly getting upset about new things i have no idea about
 <jakparty-admin> you'll get the various examples of problems from users, rather they're not real or not, they believe this to be the case.
 <jakparty-admin> I'm sure the more reasonable users will give their testimony on how they feel

So.. if your one of those "Reasonable users" lute speaks of, i'd like to hear your opinion on the site as it pertains to MY moderation and my actions since i have owned it. I cant do anything about 10 year old drama you still hate me over, so dont bring that up and expect an answer.
>18 minutes ago	admin	Global ban,Global delete by IP	15080,15081	spam
The jarty is a failed site.
>Post the same 'jak twice in a hour? You are an AVATARFAG! b&!
>Want to have a chat? Good luck with 5 PPH!
>10 different boards even though only 2 get daily posts. (/art/, /sneed/, /qa/, /ent/, /x/ are dead)
>Minecraft server DOA
>Admin refuses to ban pedos and pedophilic statements, lets them run free to post lustfully about underage characters on the site
>Literally had a guy post himself masturbating to Soytan and Sashley (furry youtuber) and he is later learned to be 14
>Has a 20 page /b/ board with hardcore racial porn, masturbation videos and gore threads
>Site worships a furry youtuber
>Jarty /soy/ passed by shemmy /soy/ in post count after only 2 months
>Never done a successful raid anywhere in 1.5 years
--Jarty lost. Lute should just shut it down and stop wasting money on server bills to host the most depraved people in the soysphere.
Here's what we can learn from this failure to avoid it here--
>Keep doing gemmy raids.
>Ban evil people.
>Be tolerant of avatarGODS.
>Test out different rules to the sharty, or there's no point to the site existing except for b& spammers who don't know how to ban evade
>Don't tolerate gore and porn spam.
>Get rid of dead and pointless boards and don't add more.
i will miss the jarty
my friend showed me this place awhile ago when i became a meme here
you guys are pretty funny so i come here sometimes when im bored.
im bored rn so ama

btw ur tripcode stuff sucks
>excessive spam 
>catty wiping bot
>mfw when l*te made a bot to move and delete slopjaks specifically 
what happened to "I will be relaxing rules"? i thought you finally got over the fact that nobody wants to use your shit site with cp up for hours daily
lute add /tps/
new tosserald
lute do you want admin on soygem
how many users are left?
>'p being spammed on the jarty
>jannies goon to it a couple minute befor deleting it
*flicks ash off cigar*
Lute if you are a good ZOG ally give the jarty to me
Lute, is the CSAM buster not running at all right now? What does it take for you to be able to run it? I've seen 'p posted atleast 3 times in the last week and I'd have assumed that the thing you have would be able to detect it. If not, can you get it back in operation or is it too expensive computationally or the hardware isn't there? What would it take for you to run a better filter on here?

I could care less about the drama, I just don't want illegal content being cached to my device.
>his ass is not happy geeeeeg 
if you are not allowed to post 5 images at once >why even have this feature in the first place? just set max files to 2 or something
>l*te actually took the joke seriously and thought he's gonna become the admin of 

>>13737 (OP) 
I'm still here!
>>13737 (OP) 
I'm still here!
>Your request has been blocked because your IP address is listed on a blacklist
you should've made skajyos janitor so he could delete the cp
your pph was over 100 and all it took was 1 discord user to kill the website again
now you've hit a new record 
i told you all your jannies are jerkoffs and you are retarded as well
If the last revision on the page was made by an anonymous user, you can click undo and see xis ip.
i know you probably still think every jartycuck thread is just me with different ips but the fact is that i only made 3 jartycuck threads on /soy/ in the past 24 hours, there're at least 2 other jartycuck posters besides me. i specifically used clipboardimage to tell you which thread is made by me. you deleted at least 8 innocent soyquote threads in a row.

of course it's more likely that you just called them "excessive spam" to justify removing everything you don't like as usual, like how you claimed every criticism on /meta/ was just me samefagging.

and i'm not writing this because i'm mad about it or anything, i'm just disappointed to see that even till this day you are still treating this failure of an imageboard as your "property" and taking it seriously. 

while you're banning jarty users for "posting gore" or "avatarfagging" or "spamming", you also banned some of the best posters on your site. i think i made it very clear in my emails. when will you realize that your rules are bullshit and you are a nas coaler and a biased manchild reddit mod yourself?
Lute has made plenty of threads recently to cover his concerns and grievances about the site.You chuddy fucks haven't really done that, so this is your opportunity.
the absolute state of jakshit.clitty
might as well just change your domain to yosytrap.kaj
lute why aren't all sk*jyos posts permabanned on sight?
he's shitting up the place
>still thinks more rules will somehow make people switch to j*rty

if any of you moderated this shithole half as much as i did you'd know that this whole anti-lita drama was never about "fixing j*rty"

most users who reported 'lita were raiders came from and other sharty splinters, they don't fucking post here or contribute to this site. it's all about taking away j*rty's controversy step by step and making it an even less unique site to browse. freedom was the only selling point left on this dead broken imageboard, without it your site is done for

too bad you didn't listen and 50 ppd is what you get, enjoy your transformation/diaper fetish blogposts!
what changes do yall want to the jarty
newfags be like
Banner thread
I'm requesting users to input if they think that I went too far with the ban on political related boards, meaning that boards like /pol/ and /liberty/ may be made on the site.

I only enacted this rule to prevent seigetards and feds from entering the site to stir up problems. 

Deleting the board /liberty/ broke the site's board feature and temporarily broke the database as vengeance for its deletion. Maybe this is science's way of punishing me for deleting the wholesome hegign liberinos.

jokes aside, i would like more public comment on what the userbase thinks of this rule.
thank you lute for doing the reasonable move even if it took you half a year to do better late than never
apologize to skajyos and make him admin again
it's obvious you can't run this site without killing it
god bless lute, bless the jarty and burn in hell for eternity skajyos


Lute why are you such a pussy faggot piece of shit?
rolled back because of skajyos's clitty leaking
loot skajyos is spamming again permaban him
1 year ban for posting bait? i like how you made it rangeban and thought this will somehow prevent me from ban evading
>tfw you single handedly buckbroke 3 jannies at once 
might as well just add this rule: 8. No quoting with "jartycuck slopjaks" outside of >>>/soy/154907, all exceptions will get consolidated.
is soyquoting with jartycuck slopjaks banned now? @admin @selfishlittlefuck @ragefag
>Now	ragefag	Ban,Delete	154891	child in bikini
>10 minutes ago	ragefag	Move	>>154882	-
>10 minutes ago	ragefag	Move	>>154879	-
>18 minutes ago	ragefag	Ban,Delete	154874	child gore & soylita
>24 minutes ago	ragefag	Ban,Delete	154871	lita and gore
>29 minutes ago	ragefag	Move	>>154866	-
>29 minutes ago	ragefag	Move	>>154865	-
>36 minutes ago	ragefag	Move	>>154864	-
>36 minutes ago	ragefag	Move	>>154863	-
>1 hour ago	ragefag	Ban,Delete	154857	CP
>1 hour ago	admin	NCMEC Report	>>154857	-
>2 hours ago	ragefag	Move	>>154850	-
>2 hours ago	ragefag	Move	>>154851	-
>2 hours ago	ragefag	Move	>>154853	-
>2 hours ago	ragefag	Move	>>154854	-
>2 hours ago	ragefag	Move	>>154848 >>154849 >>154852	-
>2 hours ago	ragefag	Move	>>154844	-
>2 hours ago	ragefag	Move	>>154845	-
>2 hours ago	ragefag	Move	>>154015 >>154137 >>154142 >>154147 >>154157 >>154159 >>154166 >>154171 >>154174 >>154206 >>154207 >>154208 >>154209 >>154211 >>154227 >>154228 >>154229 >>154241 >>154244 >>154245 >>154247 >>154267 >>154269 >>154273 >>154280 >>154281 >>154282 >>154287 >>154301 >>154366 >>154368 >>154371 >>154400 >>154401 >>154402 >>154405 >>154406 >>154407 >>154410 >>154418 >>154423 >>154439 >>154445 >>154446 >>154448 >>154454 >>154536 >>154537 >>154538 >>154539 >>154627 >>154629 >>154632 >>154633 >>154636 >>154650 >>154651 >>154652 >>154654 >>154655 >>154656 >>154657 >>154661 >>154662 >>154672 >>154674 >>154675 >>154676 >>154677 >>154678 >>154680 >>154681 >>154683 >>154684 >>154685 >>154686 >>154687 >>154724 >>154846	-
>3 hours ago	ragefag	Dismiss reports	>>154833	-
>3 hours ago	ragefag	Dismiss reports	>>154821	-
>5 hours ago	selfishlittlefuck	Move	>>154809 >>154810 >>154811 >>154812 >>154813 >>154814 >>154815 >>154816 >>154817 >>154827	-
>5 hours ago	selfishlittlefuck	Move	>>150957 >>150959 >>151091 >>151094 >>151099 >>151100 >>154450 >>154452 >>154453 >>154457 >>154458 >>154459 >>154460 >>154462 >>154463 >>154467 >>154469 >>154474 >>154478 >>154479 >>154480 >>154481 >>154482 >>154483 >>154484 >>154485 >>154489 >>154496 >>154497 >>154499 >>154500 >>154731 >>154738 >>154739 >>154740 >>154742 >>154761 >>154764 >>154771 >>154772 >>154773 >>154774 >>154785 >>154791 >>154799 >>154800 >>154803 >>154804 >>154805	-
>5 hours ago	selfishlittlefuck	Move	>>153845 >>154424 >>154438 >>154440 >>154441 >>154442 >>154443 >>154550 >>154601 >>154602 >>154695 >>154705 >>154706 >>154707 >>154735 >>154736 >>154737 >>154752 >>154753 >>154754 >>154755 >>154756 >>154760 >>154762 >>154763 >>154768 >>154775 >>154776 >>154777 >>154778 >>154779 >>154780 >>154783 >>154786 >>154792 >>154793 >>154794 >>154796 >>154801 >>154822 >>154823 >>154824 >>154826 >>154828 >>154831 >>154834 >>154836
geeeeg he's ass is not happy
Ok so there is already a wiki thread in the catty but it was made before the new wiki and having an OP with useful links could be helpful.
Index of pages that need a category:
Index of all pages:

Steal copy articles from here:

Remember to donate the price of a heckin coffee to wikimedia chud.
@ragefag how is "advertising imageboards" rule-breaking? 
the original link was
Most posters will use them for pedophilic purposes and the people that aren't pedophiles will use them the way 4cucks use little anime girls.
Upside: Pedos lose their mascot
Downside: Coalers can't epicly self-insert as a little girl
Nothing of value would be lost if you banned her.
lute you are a retard for caving into the antilita concern trolling
lute ban the litacorder he's spamming again
>Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
>July 24th
loot why soy catty filled with lita spam
Is there any particular technical reason as to why none of the boards support geographical flags
Redpill me on lute's collaboration with sharty.
You have been allowed to post this past year because it's not against the rules to post furporn and it makes w7 have schizonigger spergouts, which makes Lute laugh. But if I see you posting any characters that can be considered underage in the slightest, or if you start expanding outside of >>>/b/, then I will personally ensure that no furry related content stays undeleted.
People come to this site to see soyjaks, not porn.
lute maybe you should just ban lita just because its so low quality and no one wants it
make a thread about it and see how many people want it removed
this is your admin
>mfw j*rtycvck.goy has been renewed for another year
@Admin how is this rule 1 violation? 
banned from all boards.. for this? you are just looking for shit nobody cares about to delete at this point (btw i didn't make that comment)
>muh sexualizing children 
she's a drawing you retard
I think you're too paranoid about some rule or lack of rules fucking up the site in the future, while that may happen on rare occasions its no big deal and can even be fun sometimes, and trying to micromanage every feature about the site will just lead to more fuck ups long term than just leaving it alone somewhat, tweaks to the site are suitable on rare occasions though.

Other than that you're doing a great job, and if you want more feedback and user input maybe you should do a quarterly /QA/ at a semi-regular date to maximize both your time and the users time.
i got banned and ip reported by your bot for posting speech bubble meme 
lute how do i make a board
the section about it in the faq seems to be non-existent
This cordtroon left cp  and aftershitty invites up for 6 hours and he dares give himself the permission to delete soylita images he doesn't like
>3 minutes ago	ragefag	Delete	150558	linking loli porn
how is it rule-breaking? 
does that mean i can't even link on this 18+ imageboard now now?
Hello everyone, I think It's finally time that this site discusses opening board registration, so 'teens can host their own boards about their own topics with their own moderators, however I would like to discuss some rules for these boards, both in content allowed on them and permitted subject matter:

Global rule changes
Rules 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 will all remain in effect as they are now and will apply globally.

Rules 2 and 4 will be moved to be local board rules on every board that I currently manage (/soy/, /qa/, /sneed/, /art/, etc.)

These changes should give board owners more flexibility in their style of moderation and the community they wish to create.

Improvements to the "What is allowed" section of the rules to note specifically protected content that may appear on all boards, i.e, soyjaks. 

failure to enforce global rules will lead to the board in question being suspended or seized.

Board Topic Rules

The types of boards you permit on a site will influence the site's culture. If we get /qanonresearch/, /pedo/, and /leftypol/ on this site, the main board, i.e, /soy/, will become overrun with users from these cultures, which would lead to the nas-coalening of the century as the site steps away from soyjaks being the primary focus.

Because of this, I would like to propose several topic bans for boards and rules to prevent this place from devolving into cancer if this is done:

A total ban on shock-content and pornographic boards
The goal of a ban like this is to prevent the site from being overloaded with coomers and foodists. This site already has quite the reputation for being a lot more sexual than who we've splintered from,, and while this is tolerated, having the site overrun with actual brain-dead retarded and talentless gooners who just want to spam this site with porn dumps would not be good. At least the current coomers on this site create jarty-related OC for people to make fun of or react to. The shock-content ban specifically is to prevent sadists, pedo-sadists, or other types of people from coming to the site in droves to turn this site into their favorite 'cord for raiding twitch streamers.

A total ban on political-centric discussion
sorry /liberty/ bros, but politisperging attracts the most low-life, whiny, and sensitive retards from across the internet to sites. It also ends up attracting feds as well as someone inevitably starts talking about committing murder against a politician. This website does not need to be another one of the myriads of debate halls for politics anymore than it already is. Keeping political talk secondary to making fun of people with soyjaks will keep this site on track for its original purpose. This isn't to say that political content will be banned from the site, or disallowed on /soy/, it's just that political discussion should stay secondary to the purpose of this site, which is to be a fun place to be for making fun of people, things, and getting into pointless arguments about nothing while using soyjaks or other /qa/ memes.

A hard ban on board spam
Anyone creating new boards rapidly that do nothing to spam the site will have their boards removed and accounts banned. This is to prevent the boards page to have 300 pages of garbage because a sh*rtySHIT thought it'd be funny to troll.

An eviction notice system
Eventually, we're going to get a board that is not in violation of the rules but still harmful to the site as a whole. Because of this, at my sole discretion, I would like to have it known that I can serve a board an eviction notice, where after a certain date the board will be terminated from being hosted on the site. This should give whoever is hosting the board enough time to relocate the board off the jarty and to somewhere else. 

While many would hate to see it since it's not /liberty/pilled, the servers I run are paid for at my expense and hosted on my hardware. This means that I am paying for whatever content is on this site. I am rather lax on rules because it makes posting here fun, I would also be willing to remove any specific type of content just because I don't like it because it's on my hardware. Also, if the feds come knocking, there's not much I can do but attempt to prevent further harm to the site and that means bending the knee in some cases if a community gets too rowdy.

The solution for this, long term, would be for peerchan to finally stabilize enough to be ran as the jarty's main software. I doubt that will happen any time soon, though, so this is the best compromise.

The interpretation of if a board should be on this site or not will be to my sole discretion. Unlike boards like /soy/, which I purposefully keep as open as possible, boards on the site will likely be a more regulated subject so we don't get a board dedicated to legalizing child rape, posting loli porn, or dedicated to soylita spam on the site. If you want that, exists. The last thing this site needs to become is "pedo fascist larp imageboard #10723".

More input on this is requested and there is no promise this is even done at all.
why was this deleted? what rules did it break?
it's even on twitter
>/lita/ and /uooh/ taken down in less than an hour
>actual ‘p still up and hour later
I really don't see how a 'lita themed board violates rule 3 or any other rules as long as it's owner deletes suggestive and pornographic images of that variant (which is what I did)
I sent 2 emails to you Lute. Can you read them? it's important.
Lute your site is gonna die again if you can’t rape soygem like last time 
If I were you I’d try to get those newgens back by doing something unique like last time but it lasts longer instead of just board creation maybe get sharty to know about it instead of shemmy idk
Lute can you let jannies have permission to moderate other users boards. I know they are supposed to moderate their own board but there is about to be a cp post staying up for 1 hour because I can't do anything about it.
stop spamming kc or else
Holy shit stop doing backups I can't get my two boards back when you do that
Lute, have you ever tugged your willy to yiff on this site?
jarty culture back then
>making OCs
>making fun of soyboys
>quality over quantity

jarty culture now
>reddit tier board system with "unmoderated" subs getting auto banned and no "le bad" stuff like politics and animal feeding videos
>kitten crushing videos
>"unironic" pedophlilia
>porn spam
>0 OC
<is there even anything soy related anymore?
>even more drama
>overboard wiping with necrobumped thread #15982

what the fuck was their problem?
>/b/ gets deleted twice due to jannies own incompetency 
>implying the cp bot won't strike again on /soy/
The reputation of the jarty as everyone knows consists of us being referred as a pedophile website because 1 falseflagging faggot uses soylita to make the website look bad while complaining about rulecucking, please fucking ban this dogshit variant and NEVER fucking unban it ever, someone found the nest of the shitlita nigger at 8ch and it is exactly as you expect. This should be enough of a reason to just fucking ban it, it's a variant that is used and was created with pedophilic sexual intentions and there's nothing to redeem it. Soyjak depiction of a child should be a banable offense no matter what.

Sincerely, a concerned jartycuck.
delete >>>/b/ there was child porn on there for over a hour, also lute hire more global jannys
I was thinking that maybe boards with lower ppd should merge with bigger ones
'ey Lute since many lolicon spammers and DNB posters are using tuxler can you can VPNs too please and check for our LAN connections?
Fucking do this I dare you motherfucker GEEEEEEEEGG
First of all, what's jarty's purpose?
Recruiting oldfags to continue how /soy/ actually looked like before kuz ruined the site with his discord friends, right? Since you use soy-tan as your site's mascot because kuz took her down and that's supposed to be a sign of continuation.

What was allowed on /soy/ before kuz?
As an 2021 sharty midfag myself,  I'm pretty sure spamming catalog with one variant, avatarfagging as tranime characters, pedo baiting, saging threads with dotspam were all allowed but let's just say you banned these out of pure "quality control" purpose.

What wasn't allowed on /soy/ before kuz?
Soot would NOT tolerate soytan rape porn, soytan diaper porn, yaoi gay porn, mlp porn dump on /soy/, soot's jannies would delete or move those shit to /b/. BUT you did. Why? Because off-topic content on /soy/ is allowed as long as it's not excessive spam and /soy/ is a nsfw board, right? That's good, you almost made your /soy/ more free than soot's /soy/. And let's just say that you consider IAS pornography quality content, you know what kind of  IAS porn was explicitly tolerated on /soy/? jak'n'fap loli edits and soylita nsfw because they're both IAS and OC. And let's say if soot still runs the sharty and somehow decides to delete /nate/ and allow mlp porn on /soy/ like you did, sfw tranime lolis and liveleak gore videos would be least of his concerns since they're not nearly as shocking as zoophilia by an average 4chan user's standards, and tranime lolis are /qa/ culture too. Sharty is a splinter of 4chan after all. 

>but muh pedo problem
Nobody back then gave a fuck about prepubescent looking fictional characters because they are just fucking drawings, and if you can reply with mlp porn >>>/soy/143758 and literal gay scat >>>/soy/147887 on /soy/ without getting banned, you should be able to bait with suggestive lolis as well, because that's just how old sharty used to be.

>but muh groomercord 
The groomercord in question is currently running sharty and, which both banned soylita and pedo baiting.

This isn't about your principle anymore, you're literally letting discord trannies shit up your site while banning actual oldfags for something that was allowed on old sharty.

>but I'm not soot and this is my site and I make the rules 
Then stop using soytan as mascot while larping as an oldfag. Your site is a disgrace to the old sharty.
Are board conflicts allowed
Can I have my /pol/ back? Some nigger called moot stole it from me
I sent mail lutey.
the >>>/scat/ banner disappeared
>hides >>>/twk/ even doe it’s soysphere related
>keeps >>>/mane/ a board that is just porn of animals and has zero relation to soy anything
Over the last 3 months, the quality of has dropped greatly, primarily due to an influx of pedophillic posts, but also because of Administration's overreach due to the non-clarity of certain rules. To remedy this, I have a rule rewrite proposal:

0. Content Illegal under United States law is banned.
1. Loli, shota, cub, jailbait, and child abuse content is banned. Posts advocating for pedophillia or its normalization are banned. Posts lusting over or sexualizing children are banned.

Of note, an update to the "Rules for jannies" section will prescribe the American Miller Test be used to judge if a post violates rule 1 (or 0 in regards to CP) or not. This effectively means that lewdness and provocativeness will be measured for if something is banned. 

Users may be unhappy with this change, but there are plenty of places on the internet for this kind of content. exists, I would  suggest you go there. 

Of note, this is not an outright ban on soylita or any other child character, the lusting and sexualization posts around those characters however is. If you want to draw fan art of this character that isn't in any way sexual or lewd, then your posts are permissible.

I am trying my hardest with these changes to constrain the actual problem posts and users without stepping into being the coal police on site culture itself. 

2. Creating posts that come with any type of signature or avatar is banned. Avatars are non-OC files (and file names) that can be linked back to a singular poster and the poster is using the file as a form of self-identification. Style of writing in posts generally will not be used to decide rather someone is or isn't using a signature or avatar.
This rule will be completely removed from the global rule set and will be moved to being a /soy/ specific rule
The rule has been rather controversial and had issues in the past, as an experiment, all other boards on the site other than /soy/ will have this rule removed. /soy/ will retain it temporarily.

To further experiment, /qa/ will be getting name and tripcodes enabled. If this doesn't devolve into the boorucoal discord namekike hell of the century, I will kneel and enable it globally and everyone who criticized the rule will have eternally btfo'd me about how it was coal.

4. Excessive spam is banned. Excessive spam are posts in a similar or same style that prevent normal site functioning and are unfilterable. Excessive spam would include thread spamming of the same or similar content in a short period, intentionally replying to a post with content that slows down or breaks the site for users, or purposefully posting content that is unable to be easily filtered out using stock JSChan filtering. The intent of this rule is to keep the site usable for a conventional user.

This rule is being clarified in its intention and should curb down on confusion for a ban for excessive spam.

6. Rules are enforced by intent, not letter, therefore loopholes in the rules are disallowed. Requesting for prohibited content is also considered a violation of this rule.

This is a continuation of a previous /meta/ post being codified.

I will be implementing these rules on June 9th, in the meantime I am requesting comment on the changes.
Lute, if you are gonna delete this image
because it is considered as "cub" even though there was nothing seual about it, the text was just "dead site" at least remove 'litaniggers too, since not only they depict underaged characters too (just like the image your nigger janny deleted and banned me for) on top the sexual / inapporirate comments accompanynig them
name a more cringy race than indians
>board registration is open to the public, may the trillion board plan commence.
>The rules for this can be found in the rules section of the site. Users must register an account to create a board.
unban discord invites
not only is she removing the based CP and soylita threads she is also highly problematic and not someone who should be allowed to represent the jarty
hey ragefag do you look like this and if yes do you take BWC or BBC
Fire ragefag/adam for deleting my sfw little girls thread and banning me. stupid fucking kike nigger.
i will not stop until i necrobump the entire catty day and night
When are janny applications gonna happen? I think I have experience that would contribute to this site, and I would like to make this site a gemmier place for all.

I wont delve into it now, ofc.
soot had ponies banned.
why do you larp as an oldfag but don't do the same?
you are ok with banning a lot of other things he allowed.
make a jarty booru with no flag war and avatarfag shit
Fire stratotroon
w7-890 after many many months and months of sleepless nights and countless hours of painstaking research i finally have the irrefutable much-needed concrete proof that the lutecord AFTER ALL exists as evidenced by this screencap highlighting your furry spamming degeneracy inb4 zooquoting + dotspam
DAMN! all these years of hard work and sweat plus Adderall meds is finally paying off i cant believe it man tears NOW HOW DO I DESTROY THIS CANCEROUS SOURCE FOR GOOD? ANSWER THE QUESTION JEWT WE KNOW youre hiding something fishy there dont even think of deleting this thread calling you out
which one of you faggots signed me up for the XKCD comic strip, i'll kill you.
<[General practitioner mandated social distancing space]
<[General practitioner mandated social distancing space]
<[General practitioner mandated social distancing space]
>im sorry 'teen, but it looks like this individual has succumbed to the effects of Cobshit-23
<[General practitioner mandated social distancing space]
<[General practitioner mandated social distancing space]
<[General practitioner mandated social distancing space]
>I hope you've done your part and taken your booster shot so we as a soysciety can prevent the spread of this very antisemitic outbreak...
Funny how lute virtue signals about freedom and libeetarian ideals but acts like an arbitrary tyrant deleting shit on a whim and singling out posters after autistig ip log diving like some unhinged dictator because
>umm acksually I dont count as the ruler of the jarty even doe im completely in control of its rules and operations its le private property even doe its a public forum
this shit looks like sharty for blogposting normies
>come to site with anti-loli rule
>spam loli porn
>get banned
>chimp out about it
>claim to be "muh oldjart kultur"
>proceed to throw tantrums on /meta/ about how being a pedophile is ebin "bait"
>randomly at the same time as this is happening, afterparty memes, onegzellig spam, wignat shit, threads with embedded CP, and pedophile generals start cropping up

im starting to think that we're the target of some kind of raid
>I would warn though that if a woman unfortunately does look underage, source for their age should be posted so moderators are aware and can confirm "this is an adult"
Holy shit this is one of the most cucked things ive ever read on the internet. lmao Kill Yourself
new secret feature that allows you to get rid of lita/bait threads
@SOOR Fire the inactive janny that randomly comes back online, removing rule abiding 'lita posts (according to YOU), and then leaving so they can goon to animation memes.
>jakparty dot soy slash soy slash catalog dot html
>Actual soyjak threads get less than a dozen replies
>The MLP bait thread gets 400 replies and the soylita pedo thread gets almost 250 replies
This is how a site that's been compromised looks. @soot Is it really over or is there something we can do to stop this?
It seems that the site's quality has gone down rather sharply recently. BBC porn, O9A seigetard larp shit, and porn spam seem to be going on on /b/. /sharty/ went from discussing the old site to just faildox garbage I'd expect from /soy/ is a lot less lively as well.

Are there any people from the soot/early kuz era of even left posting on this site? If so, please speak up.
>posting sexy lolis (as .png)
<posting sexy lolis (as links to offsite sources)
There is currently a loli thread that has stayed up for hours. It should be against rule one. The thread has pictures of lolis wearing bikinis with suggestive poses clearly meant to be goon material but maybe you don’t find it to be lewd enough to ban it. Or maybe you weren’t made aware of the thread. I just want to know what are the limits for a lolicon thread to get banned? Btw I’m not a lolicon. I find them annoying but I just hide the thread. I’m just a concerned jartycvck soy citizen.
this is so much better than the shartycuck website i am proud to be a jartybull today. you have the best moderation decisions thank you so much for still running this wonderful website.
Lute I’ll like for you to know that I sent you a email. Please read it.
@soot you said you would shut down the site if pedo problem couldnt be solved last summer
We expected you to act on your words.
How is this illegal content? I didn't make this thread btw I found it on
oompa loompa how do i see what page a thread is on?
The purpose of this thread >>11563 was to bring up the avatarfag rule and its enforcement having a negative impact on the site. However that thread was locked (due to too much discussion?) so this is a "formal" and thread requesting the change of the rule as per >>11685
>If you actually care about the state of the site and believe the rule goes too far or its enforcement has been too harsh, then make an earnest thread about it.

The avatarfag rule, and the way it is being enforced, is fucking up the site.
Starting with the basics: on a soyjak imageboard, people post 'jaks and other memes. Some people post the same 'jak over and over again or several variants. This has always been a cornerstone of soyjak culture; people post content they like to see. The border between excessive spam and just posting the same thing a few times is a grey thing, and not something I want to get into here as it's not germaine to this thread.
Anyway, people post what they like to se. If they are into a specific variant for a given period, they may post almost exclusively using that 'jak.
Normal users cannot see the IP addresses of who is posting what, they just see an increase in the appearance in a certain type of 'jak. They might interpret this as a single user (as seen in how people are claiming there is one single soylita poster when there are actually several), or they might think there is a 'cord doing it, or they might think it's a team of immigrants, or they might think it's organic, etc. I have been accused bof participating in soyjak discords when I don't, etc. This is just something the human brain does when confronted with a series of anonymous messages; it attempts to connect dots and make up a narrative behind them.
This is not a good thing or a bad thing, it is simply a pheneomenon that occurs on imageboards.
You as the admin have access to information that others don't; you can see the IP logs. So you can go in and use what you find in the IP logs to reinforce any biases you might have and dot-connected narratives that your brain has bade. In my view to take action on this is almost blasphemous againt imageboard culture where the user is supposed to be seperated from the content. It becomes a thing of you ungroundedly deciding someone is avatarfagging by saying it can be "linked back to a given poster" even though this is subject to interpretation and the particular perspective of the user (you are also a user in this regard, but a user with the ability to see IP logs and ban).
You have repeatedly mentioned going through and checking the the logs when you suspect someone is being an avatarfag, and then if yes they are seen as an avatarfag by you, you ban them. It's apparent to most of the regular users of this site that you are only choosing to "investigate" certain 'jaks more than others, perhaps because of a personal bias against these 'jaks or some internal narrative you have, opaque to us, that justifies such "investigation".
The result is not an "increase in site quality", the result is instead users getting alienated and losing desire to post with passion and post 'jaks or memes they like repeatedly because in the back of their mind they are thinking, all of the energy they used posting (it uses mental energy to type a reply and select a 'jak), is now "wasted" in the sense that their entire IP history (including unrelated posts) can be removed if your "investigation" veers toward them. Alienated users and users wary of actually posting with passion, that is the end result of the avatarfag rule. It should be changed for the good of the site and not alienating users.
WTF is embedding CP?
Change rule 2 to "Don't be annoying" or "Don't post too much about things I don't like".
Since apparently you can't make non rule breaking nas threads and bump them once in a while.
why did you consolidate jartycuck threads with soylita threads?
i thought bumping dead threads all at once is allowed? >>11205
We need to be able to add custom lgbtq2axyz+- flags to our posts to celebrate pride!
soot check ur 'mails
lute make jartycuckbooru NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
shemmy and sharty have unbanned gore. are you gonna follow in their footsteps with reverting your rulecucking?
what is avatarfagging anyway? if i self insert as someone else's jak with original filename attached does that make it an avatar? because it sure looks like i am if you couldn't see my post history and confused me with someone else
are you ever gonna bring back post deletion?
There is more meta discussion about the site and rules itself than actual jakking. Lutey loot i think your anti avatarfagging crusade is partly to blame. Spamming the same jak over and over is deep soyjak culture, not le bad cord avatar offsiter etc. Ye intervene in the natural organic process of meme evolution.
>locking thread creation whenever the website isn't dead like usual
>troon doxx gets posted
>domain goes down
You should add /sharty/ to the top bar because j* is literally just an obsession site.
'Access news posting. Ability to add, edit, or delete newsposts.'

Could you please give me this permission? I think it would be funny.
My username is 'moot'.
if i post a soylita/twinkjak without an arrow does that make me an "avatarfag"? 
seems like you are just deleting whatever annoys you at this point?
remove /b/ from the topbar considering its deleted
>MAP culture is soyjak culture fucking chud if you dont like it go back to k*z's site
Soylitafags are pedophiles. Nobody ever says “drawings have human rights”. Find one person on the planet who thinks that, dipshit. Forming your sexuality around Wojak Avatarfag Soyteens is bizarre, abnormal freak behaviour. You will be relentlessly mocked and there is nothing you can do about it. Constantly consuming and promoting soyjaks with pedophilic themes is a recognised red flag that an individual may be at high risk for potentially abusing real children. If that statement makes you feel cognitive dissonance, you have adjustment disorder and need to seek professional help before you seriously hurt someone. You are a pedophile. Jarty is inherently pedophilic, everyone knows the difference between NAS and IAS children and news flash: wanting to rape a fictional child is still weird. “Soyjaks are nothing like real, actual children”. Why do they have the same proportions and behaviours of a real child then? Dumbass. Stop trying to convince people that you are normal, because you will never be seen as normal. You are a hyper-sexual freak of nature. Go quarantine yourself in a shitty imageboard with other monsters like you so normal members of society don’t have to be constantly reminded that you exist. You will never be loved
I've made a flash animation that I'd like to share with my fellow jarteens, but I can't because the jarty dosen't accept .swf files
Can you please change this?? From what I've seen, it isn't too hard to implement swf compatibility with ruffle, other imageboards functioning on jschan have done so ( for example)

thank you for your consideration or something
Why are all the shemmy-teens coming here again? Did someone ping @everyone on the svvtcord to cause a raid?
Please rulecuck us. Im glad you increaeed the penaty from requesting loli from 2 to 3 days to perma. But we need more rules to become even more shemmy gemmy. Cuck me NOW
what the fuck is this pph
I would like public comment on updating the global excessive spam rule that's currently in effect. It's rather vague and doesn't define when spam becomes excessive. I would consider spam excessive when posts in the same or similar style prevent normal site functioning and are unfilterable. This would mean that excessive spam is catty wiping, dot spam that cannot be filtered out (random text in a thread), or posts that attempt to slow down site usage for users (i.e emoji spam).

I would like to update the excessive spam rule to be more in line with this goal. I would like suggestions on specific wording.
Sharty admins locked /pol/ (the opposite of keyed). Will /pol/ ever be created for jarty?
Please rulecuck the site. Its for the good of the children and its based and anti 'cord. The more rules the more we can get rid of bad actors and pedos and have a 'jakking utopia. Please add more rules. Thank you for your consideration.
GEG get in here
How does it feel knowing one the greatest gems ever produced by 'jakker culture, the Aryan gemson and pregnant 'lita i the forest:
Is now BANNED from the sharty, shemmy, booru, and even the jarty (smh).
>talk to me in meta words words words im an esl leftfaggot

so being a pedonigger is allowed? as expected of j@rtycvcks
also borderline nsfw 'litanigger post if thats what you goon to

@thread nobody cares about
>necrobumping isnt against the rules
most important thing to note ^^vv
fine i'll just make 1 mutt thread every few days and necrobump them all once a month since that isnt against the rules
Right? Right??

also since the topic is spamming:
im gonna assume we can spam derail threads since multiple threads had this and nothing happend to those

>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong
please stop rulecucking
Your new policy (that literally nobody asked for, is root giving you tranny janny aids from across the pond?)
Now if i was to say 'unban gore' that is now asking for gore and i can be banned? We cant troll now by asking for gore and loli? (Even though trolling is allowed explcitly in the rules) Stop adding gay rules let people fuck around and have fun ffs.
looooot I want an /a/ board
make the chess captcha harder i know what "solid filled" means when there is like 1 alternating layer of .bmp meme clarity on  every piece also it means more soytoddlers from shart.part can post here
make the chess captcha easier i dont know what "solid filled" means when there are like 5 alternating layers of deepfried meme border artifacts on  every piece
>Banning users requesting loli porn
>Requesting any banned material will result in a ban on par with posting that kind of material. This means that requesting gore, cp, loli porn, or any other banned content will result in a perma. Requesting people draw loli porn also counts for this.

>users seeing this behavior should report it, jannies seeing it should offer a ban and a delete

>1 minute ago	admin	Global ban,Delete	138467,138477	requesting loli porn
>2 minutes ago	admin	Global ban,Delete	138466	requesting loli porn
>3 minutes ago	admin	Global ban,Global delete by IP	134281	requesting loli porn
>3 minutes ago	admin	Global ban,Global delete by IP	140480,140479	requesting loli porn
Requesting any banned material will result in a ban on par with posting that kind of material. This means that requesting gore, cp, loli porn, or any other banned content will result in a perma. Requesting people draw loli porn also counts for this.

users seeing this behavior should report it, jannies seeing it should offer a ban and a delete
LOOK AT PIC RELATED FOR INFO. NO infighting. Discuss new tactics and report any sightings of new enemies.
REMINDER: We will only see more immigrants joining the jarty in the future. This is just the tip of the iceberg, so START FIGHTING.
date of operation: this summer because i still have finals and a yearly homework to complete

plan: everyone force a certain meme, mostly your own OCs if you can. like variant:unkown guy and yardajak guy

goal: a site kept artifically alive trough unfunny forced memes

what i will do: force some old memes, perhaps an adventure thread too for this summer

considering soysphere is slowly eroding this is one of the last chances we can revive the last bastion of free speech (expect 'litanigger, get fucked RED)

ok thanks for coming to my talk now you can leave
why the science are the only funny posts on this site this month the anti-jarty ones?
dead site kek is no longer just a meme
soup why you no fix soyquotin
>actual 'p trading and 60+ contextless necrobumps le good, muttposting la bad
>The Soylita Avatarfag problem 

>More often than not, the "soylita" wojak is used by a spammy, disruptive poster as an avatar. Jannies should check the post history of anyone posting this variant or advocating for the variant in particular and see if it is that poster (most images in their post history will consist of various self-inserts of this nas character along with rather disturbing comments wishing to sexualize the character as well). If an IP's post history is nothing but soylita self-inserting, then feel free to remove their entire posting history along with a ban for their disruptive behavior. I would suggest maintaining this vigilance for at least a month.

>Avatarfagging is against the rules and this user in particular has been rather troublesome on the site as of recent.

>note: this is not an outright ban on this image or type of image, as the character itself violates no rules of the site (even if the more recent posters of it are deplorable). Users using this for proper soyquotes, using the image in passing, or not posting in a disruptive, attention-seeking style should not receive any harsh treatment. If there is doubt, jannies should global report the post for further review.

>further clarification about this post may be found here:
More often than not, the "soylita" wojak is used by a spammy, disruptive poster as an avatar. Jannies should check the post history of anyone posting this variant or advocating for the variant in particular and see if it is that poster (most images in their post history will consist of various self-inserts of this nas character along with rather disturbing comments wishing to sexualize the character as well). If an IP's post history is nothing but soylita self-inserting, then feel free to remove their entire posting history along with a ban for their disruptive behavior. I would suggest maintaining this vigilance for at least a month.

Avatarfagging is against the rules and this user in particular has been rather troublesome on the site as of recent.

note: this is not an outright ban on this image or type of image, as the character itself violates no rules of the site (even if the more recent posters of it are deplorable). Users using this for proper soyquotes, using the image in passing, or not posting in a disruptive, attention-seeking style should not receive any harsh treatment. If there is doubt, jannies should global report the post for further review.
pedoniggers are using simpsons to make child abuse content
>6. Rules are enforced by intent, not letter, therefore loopholes in the rules are disallowed.
lets also not forget that the splinter was a CP site so this must the current thing that the 'cord decided to defile
This site is too dead
Make a booru so I don't have to use one controlled by a /bant/ Discord
>but it would have less images
Just have a bot to copy them then
Can You're ban this obsessed botnigger for stop derailing Serious Thread?
Why can't I tag on the 'ru anymore?
either unlock or delete /b/ already
Lou, you need to add templates to the jakparty soy wiki, because otherwise the pages that use them that you imported look like garbled shit
Get fucked jartycucks
>The modern lifestyle, with boring and fake jobs and soycial media, people spend lots of idle time in idle fantasy. This is the source of many bad habits and evils, unironically.
Bearing this quote, why host this website?
does the jarty record lurker IPs or hashed IPs?
does the jarty archive threads bumped off boards?
What the fuck jannies move all my effort thread?!
pedo site
lute make /w7-890/ and give w7-890 ownership over it
I want to see some glistening retarderalds
errrrm, wGOD?
what is this?
why are you doing a racism?
Loot add /fur/
Create /pol/
luut nuclear schematics on /art/
@admin What's considered extreme violence and what's not?
Don't you think you're going beyond reddit for banning someone over a non-abuse animal gore? 
Posting these here because captcha on /meta/ is broken for me.
I have officially caged my whiteboi clitty.
1. install trumpflare
2. automatically ban any or all coalers from this great aryan website
3. bring back all the gemmers
4. kill the sharty
5. make chudtoss a 'jakker
6. get trump to tweet a soyjak with #GamerGate2 so we can win the culture war
7. kill kuz
8. bring back soot from the dead
9. make jakraft active again
10. fix images
Mods, hide /b/. It destroys our reputation and is coomer central
Marge what is this? it's joel?
Hey I just saw child porn on /b/ can you delete it, thanks
>9 hours ago	admin	Global ban,Delete by IP	133707,133152,133109,132684,132607,132466,132728,132729,132798,132462,133115,133116,133166,133712,132600,132465,133708,132448,132451,132467,132456,132458,132460,132497,132533,132586,132588,132592,132595,132597,132611,132887,132927,132928,132930,132978,132979,132726,132789,132690,132727,132730,132919,132977,132976,133108,133113,133114,133154,133714,133713,133666,133711	"joel" brown troonjak avatarfag

Why do you assume every brown troonjak poster is this joel guy? There're at least 3 browntroonjak posters on this site and I can tell none of them are joel
I'll probably start working on making JSChan better some time in the next couple months, do any of you 'teens have a wish list for site improvements?
sook soyquoting broken
Good day all, it seems that there's an uptick in absolutely abominable posts on from nuteen immigrants, who are bringing over their """culture""" of posting gore, animal abuse, and other violent, NAS content onto the site. In an effort to avoid this place turning into another nu-/b/ foodist hurtcore dumping ground, I would like to propose a new global rule for the site:

Content depicting excessive violence, gore, or animal death is only tolerated on the site when it is both spoilered and in a thread where such content is relevant to discussion. All threads dedicated to the sharing of excessive violence, gore, or animal death is not permitted.

The goal of this rule is to restrict the distribution of excessively violent content, without impeding on genuine discussion of relevant topics. I.e, A video of a man killing an animal would only be permitted to be posted on threads where such content is expected (i.e: a homesteading thread, where the content is educational on how to kill a chicken, or a thread discussing urban crime, where a user uploads a video of urban crime). 

I do worry that the current conception of this rule will just lead to people making "front" threads to use them as gore spamming ground, i.e, making a "homesteading" thread that just devolves into baby monkey torture spam because it's tangentially on topic. 

User input on this subject would be greatly appreciated.
the jarty is the only place i can post freely without getting banned
Looty is it true that you joined the NSS and this is now a kolyma site?
>Chud ## Admin 13 minutes ago 506361 10764 
>kuz is and will always be a shitter.
Lute, please make more YouTube kino. I don't know how much longer I can go without watching a bald luddite ramble about Linux or Tor for half an hour.
>the catty
yup do this
@Soot have you read the "Industrial Revolution and Its Future"
if you have then please summarize it in this thread. if you have read it and you dont summarize it then your mommy will die in her sleep. if you dont reply then kuz will come back from the dead and steal the jarty.
you have 48 hours to comply
I'd like to see what you jarteens would think about setting up an irregular sort of jarty book club or perhaps another random thread every so often on /ent/ or /art/ focused on a particular chuddy piece of media, maybe voted on from a set of choices or picked from popular suggestion.

>>10678 gave me the idea that it could be gemmy to have some effortpost discussion or shitposts about various fringe material. Perhaps we could even organize groupwatching sessions for these or post music files to comment on/react to. I would throw out They Live as a candidate for this type of event obvious reasons.
Dead discord website
is it finally time to shut down the jarty and move on, or is there some kick still left in this old thing?
can you stop deleting the wipe on /b/?
Delete /sharty/
soo its time to create a shitposting board called /shit/ where everyone can spam off-topic garbage and jaks as much as they want and catty wipe every day
Is there a search function on the jarty?
make front page soytan smaller or move her to the left, she's literally covering the whole screen 
make threads on catalog smaller and fill up the unused space, like scifichan or >>>/comtech/1183
make banners appear in the same size (300*100, 600*200), they can be distracting sometimes
hello we're taking janny applications here's the form you have to fill out
1. What is your ideology? 
2. How old are you? 
3. What country, province and or state are you from? 
4. What got you into your current ideology? 
5. What books have you read that have influenced your worldview? 
6. Define Libertarianism and your World-View.
7. What are your thoughts on Taxes, Minarchists, Homosexuals, China, and our Ayn Rand?
8. Who are the heros you look up to?
9. What are your religious beliefs? 
10. What is your race? 
11. Describe yourself and give a basic biography.
12. Why do you want to join us?
13. Have you ever had a girlfriend? 
14. Are you a virgin?
15. What do you think about normies/lemmings/NPCs?
16. What do you think of skinheads and what use do you think that they have?
17. Opinion on Christians and moralist religions? 
18. What do you want to join the Nexion of WeedWaffen Divison?
19. What are your skills/traits you have?
20. Are you ready to cause harm in real life and be serious?
21. Do you own any firearms?
22. Do you have any issues with substance abuse or use illegal drugs? (To be in WWD you must be able to use these substances regulated, and you cannot be addicted. )
23. Do you have a criminal record?
24. How did you find us?
25. Are you physically fit?
26. What is your religion?
27. How do you incorporate the Libertarian way in your life?
28. Are you ready to cause psychological damage to others and torture IF they violate the NAP?
29. What are your opinions on the mundane?
30. Do you have any combat and or military experience that'll benefit our hate camps?
31. Are you interacting/associating yourself with another group?
32. Send a picture of your eyes, hair, hand with your user next to it, and nose. 
33. Describe the differences between Acasual and Casual.
34. Are you serious with Zero Cash(All Crypto), if so how do you incorporate it into your life?
35. How do you respond when being confronted by Police and or Federal Agents? 
36. Define Universal Law & Order
37. Define Anarcho-Capitalism
38. Send a video of you taking hardcore substances and verify yourself within that video by showing your eyes & write your user on a paper. (LSD, Heroin, Crack, Meth and or any Hardcore substances)
Do you realize if you do snitch out on anyone you are endangering yourself?
now its just, whenever i come here because i miss the 2021 sharty, its just recycled soyquotes on /soy/, doxxes in /sharty/ and maybe one good thread on /comtech/
Just delete /sharty/ or moderate it better, theres no way to complain about how the site is being destroyed, without being slid off the catty by 20 "DOXX LE ADMIN" threads...
>delete /sharty/
>ban any discussion of sharty all together (this isn't your site to whine about your ban) 
>be less hostile to new users (this site isn't your personal little secret nigger, nobody cares that you samefag sharty splinter site 24/7)
>delete /soy/ and make /qa/ the main board, just like my old 4cuck kway :O
given the absolute trash fire that is, and the absurdly active sharty obsession (and to some degree, kuz obsesssion) generals, is it finally time to add a board dedicated to obsessing over these sites and individuals?

In my view, this would:
* remove all sharty drama threads from /soy/ and put them on the new board
* be dedicated solely to the discussion of, its administration, and other entities in and around the site (such as the various discord servers and splinters)
* serve as a discussion refuge for sharteens when the site implodes
* it will not become another /incel/ or kiwifarms, and will only tolerate discussion of sharty-related topics. all non-sharty topics will be moved to /b/ or /qa/.
* it will not receive admin attention like /meta/ does for questions and communication. 

proposed names:
>actual disscussions about future of /qa3/ and /kike/
<what! on topic threads on my site? i can never!

>horsepussy and 'p
<hmm yes site culture just as daddy kuzzy intended
add rule 15 to the jarty.
the site culture has obviously been replaced by the offsite rapefugees, these nuteens are more interested in drama than being funny and i'm a slf that's tired of hiding it every time i go to the overboard
let them go to /q/ to complain about their dead horse

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