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either unlock or delete /b/ already
don't give him the ultimatum because he'll delete it lol
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>either unlock or delete /b/ already
/b/ is going to be deleted, im moving the good threads over to /soy/ now
good as in even mildly salvageable/old threads
all the BBC spam, nazi coal, tranny coal, and satanic coal will be left to rot.

for archive autists, i'll delete /b/ later after salvaging the threads so they can archive that nas if they need to
Reeeee what did I say nigger you pushed him over the edge.
Better to let sleeping dogs lie.
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>good as in even mildly salvageable/old threads
>all the BBC spam, nazi coal, tranny coal, and satanic coal will be left to rot.

>for archive autists, i'll delete /b/ later after salvaging the threads so they can archive that nas if they need to
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