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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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How is this illegal content? I didn't make this thread btw I found it on https://archive.ph/6hnpg
the user admitted to spamming CP. i'm not interested in hosting users who do this as their behavior is illegal.
Replies: >>11740 >>11753
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>admitted to spamming CP

Even though it's clearly one of those edge cp jokes >>>/soy/134956. And even If I made a thread with "I spam cp on the sharty, ama" It still doesn't violate rule 0 unless I actually posted cp.
Replies: >>11752
this. As long as you dont post actual children getting hurt, all lewd jokes and lolis are vaild doe.
Yay youre banning users for trolling BEFORE you make the rules for it. Expect a new wordwordswords rules /meta/ blogpost about how how condoning pedophila is permabannable and how trolling is somehow against the rules if it upsets you the admin. You're coming out of the closet as a cute and valid frootist.. slay transqueen yaaaaaas.
Replies: >>11754 >>11763
is admin really jewish?
Replies: >>11757
yup, just checked his early life on 'pedia, he is born in Jew Jersey and later spent his school years in Tel-aviv
No, i am serious. Then why would you visit this place if it runs by jews? I calculate this rather dangerous choice. Is there any proofs?
>hurr durr, spamming CP is LE TROLLING.

>why would you visit this place if it runs by jews
jews won.
he's talking about trolling/joking by openly supporting cp spam.
Saying something isnt the same thing as doing something psuedofrootist kike faggot.
>jews won
Ok, goobye then. I hope you die a horrible death, kike. I will tell everyone I know that this place is run by a jew.
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