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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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@admin What's considered extreme violence and what's not?
Don't you think you're going beyond reddit for banning someone over a non-abuse animal gore? 
Posting these here because captcha on /meta/ is broken for me.
>What's considered extreme violence and what's not
If someone is harming, maiming, or killing something I would consider this excessive violence, and possibly in violation of the sites rules.
>Don't you think you're going beyond reddit for banning someone over a non-abuse animal gore? 
It's not a blanket ban.
If you want to have a farming and husbandry thread on this site, perhaps on /qa/, and photos of on-topic gore or violence are shown (and spoilered), that is permissible since the topic relates to violence.
Similarly, if you want to have a thread discussing self-defense situations and post videos of people using excessive violence, or even having gore involved, it's permissible.
However, if you just want to have a /b/-style "REKT THREAD", I am not interested in hosting it since the type of user this behavior tends to attract is hurtcore fanatics.This is a site that is generally orientated towards light-hearted shitposting, primarily with soyjaks and /qa/ memes.
There are places for you to congregate, post, and discuss these types of videos, but this place is not one of them.
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>>What's considered extreme violence and what's not
>If someone is harming, maiming, or killing something I would consider this excessive violence, and possibly in violation of the sites rules.
>>Don't you think you're going beyond reddit for banning someone over a non-abuse animal gore? 
>It's not a blanket ban.
>If you want to have a farming and husbandry thread on this site, perhaps on /qa/, and photos of on-topic gore or violence are shown (and spoilered), that is permissible since the topic relates to violence.
>Similarly, if you want to have a thread discussing self-defense situations and post videos of people using excessive violence, or even having gore involved, it's permissible.
>However, if you just want to have a /b/-style "REKT THREAD", I am not interested in hosting it since the type of user this behavior tends to attract is hurtcore fanatics.This is a site that is generally orientated towards light-hearted shitposting, primarily with soyjaks and /qa/ memes.
>There are places for you to congregate, post, and discuss these types of videos, but this place is not one of them.
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