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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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'ey Lute since many lolicon spammers and DNB posters are using tuxler can you can VPNs too please and check for our LAN connections?
Fucking do this I dare you motherfucker GEEEEEEEEGG
>can you can 
ESL  babble
>Fucking do this I dare you motherfucker GEEEEEEEEGG

One sided ahh beef
Replies: >>12175
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this lmao. He removed post deletion because of "muh catty breaking" when all he can do is EVEN IF HE CANT FIX it is simply make it if there is any non-sage replies, make the next reply and posts deletable

>no arrow
Replies: >>12177 >>12178
Bro really talking to himself . MEDS & SPROKE NOW.
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i remember when they broke the janitor logs
and couldn't properly move to new server
nothing ever changes lol
Replies: >>12680
I could probably fix the sage glitch but im kind pissed at lute for rulecucking so idk if I will.
Replies: >>12181
You should covertly add vulnerabilities into jschan.
Replies: >>12193
Actually I checked just now and it was already fixed by the jschan dev, it's just not integrated into the jarty fork code.
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nothing ever changes
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