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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

given the absolute trash fire that is soyjak.party, and the absurdly active sharty obsession (and to some degree, kuz obsesssion) generals, is it finally time to add a board dedicated to obsessing over these sites and individuals?

In my view, this would:
* remove all sharty drama threads from /soy/ and put them on the new board
* be dedicated solely to the discussion of soyjak.party, its administration, and other entities in and around the site (such as the various discord servers and splinters)
* serve as a discussion refuge for sharteens when the site implodes
* it will not become another /incel/ or kiwifarms, and will only tolerate discussion of sharty-related topics. all non-sharty topics will be moved to /b/ or /qa/.
* it will not receive admin attention like /meta/ does for questions and communication. 

proposed names:
Last edited by admin
Replies: >>8355 >>8361 >>8380
/sharty/ so the refugees know where to go immediately
name it /frog/
rename /soy/ to /comfy/ and make /cramped/ - spam, sharty drama, stickies and discord
how about /nate/ since its sharty's equivalent of 4chan's /trash/ it wouldn't change anything since it's the state of sharty currently
My biggest worry about making a new board to contain sharty drama is that it will be too little too late and we will end up with another shitty board nobody uses. As is plain to see the sharty is entering a new golden age with DOLL at its helm. Discord is banned, IAS weekends, a powerful new server and more. Maybe when kuz was in charge this would be warranted, but now? Nigga that's nuts!
shitty idea, one thread is enough
Replies: >>8344
the one thread is already over 2000 replies
the sharty refugee and kuz obsession generals, if they were their own board, would have a total of 3831 posts, which would make it the third biggest board on the site, right behind /meta/.

both of those threads are so big that jschan actually lags on lower-end devices (such as phones) when you use them.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR MAKE /zoo/ or /fur/ as a bunker board
Replies: >>8348
If you desire /zoo/, consider suicide.
if you desire /fur/, you can find many furry-related chans on the internet.
Replies: >>8349
aren't you the ones allowing his stuff hypocrite? kys traitor you're just as bad as doll but without the shady purchases
Lemme guess you're gonna keep projecting on anime or "muh evil" lolis again would you?
Replies: >>8351
@8349 (You)
then why don't you just go back if you don't like it here so much, fur obssessed faggot
Replies: >>8352
I'm pretty sure zoo isn't allowed even if it isn't specifically outlined in rules 0 and 1
Replies: >>8352
if you like strict zero-nas moderation so much why dont you go back to kuzchan instead?

dont you have cub shota porn to fap to josh? yeah go ahead i bet you save those CP images before deleting them first
The new treatment isn't working as expected
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>The new treatment isn't working as expected
>>8333 (OP) 
/sharty/ - Off-site Meta
Cry about the sharty here'
Replies: >>8356
this seems like it'd a good choice of name.
Are his restraints tight enough? We can't have any sudden movements during the procedure
Replies: >>8358
Meds and bbc
Add /capeshit/
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>Add /capeshit/
>>8333 (OP) 
/slf/ - a board for selfish little fucks
/soot/ - a board for burnt out discussion
>/hap/ - happenings and current events
looty do this
Replies: >>8364
/hap/tranny kys
it's called the 4cuck happenings thread, and it will NEVER be called /hap/
Doctor, our patient is having a mental breakdown, we need to sedate him quickly before he hurt somebody
1af084 here, btw I'm trans, also my IP changed
at least temporarily, i'll be adding >>>/sharty/ since the refugee crisis is getting out of hand.
Replies: >>8377 >>8380
I'd suggest locking and hiding it once it serves its purpose because it may contain heckin historic threadarinos, but teens just archiving them as usual would work as well
just simply make it /o/ - off site discussion
move the old generals as well lute
Replies: >>8380
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>>8333 (OP) 
excellent idea, just dont get too happy with moving alot of threads, im sure our shartybrethren will be grateful for their own board and voluntarily post there. i thought a retarded janny deleted it again at first geg
yeah merge strictly sharty discussion generals into /sharty/
@Lutey Sootey make a blob advertising the /sharty/, give mods permission to that new board, put /sharty/ next to /meta/ at the top of the page
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