/sharty/ - Off-site soyjak.party meta

Cry about the sharty here

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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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>2024 summer black and white T-shirt new women's simple casual basic contrast color loose thread short sleeve shirt https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/2024-summer-black-and-white-T_1601135111597.html
>Nbu 15 Grease http://www.beishanghai.com.cn/blog/epif-how-to-replace-a-guitar-nut/
>Custom men's batik Washed vintage O-Neck T-shirt  Summer street hip hop short sleeve T-shirt for men and women https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Custom-men-s-batik-Washed-vintage_1601154311171.html
>Brick Machine Mold https://www.cnqgm.com/brick-machine-mold
>Lectra Plotter http://meigaralist.com/blog/epif-how-to-replace-a-guitar-nut/
>Gerber Paragon Cutter Price http://www.smartoffice.online/blog/epif-how-to-replace-a-guitar-nut/
>Brick Machine Production Solutions https://www.cnqgm.com/brick-machine-production-solutions
>2024 summer cotton men's tank top sleeveless solid color T-shirt Men's O-neck  Blank T-shirts https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/2024-summer-cotton-men-s-tank_1601150182140.html
>smart-track.net http://smart-track.net/
>Cement Block Molding Machine https://www.cnqgm.com/cement-block-molding-machine
>Rainbow reflective hip Hop Unicorn print men's T-shirt personality cotton short sleeve T-shirt men https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Rainbow-reflective-hip-Hop-Unicorn-print_1601152944255.html
>Carborundum Knife http://cordissdjc.com.cn/blog/epif-how-to-replace-a-guitar-nut/
>Fully Automatic Block Forming Machine https://www.cnqgm.com/fully-automatic-block-forming-machine
>Hollow Block Machine https://www.cnqgm.com/hollow-block-machine
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I've been a native of the sharty since the end of soot's administration. I loved the sharty, it was my community, the best place on the internet away from the fucking faggots on 4cuck. This may sound retarded but people on the sharty have pulled me out of psychological crisis multiple times and made me feel not alone in this shithole that is the current day web. I invested myself into that site, its health, it's community, and I felt proud of being part of a place so great. 

Now it's fucking ruined, its all fucking destroyed. Just because some fat brown south american cord pig tranny janny wants to jerk off his power and get his dick sucked by his fellow foodist nigger chuds. I tried. I tried my best to steer people in the right direction, along with many other soyteens by warning people that this site was on course to go down the shitter. Nobody fucking listened. Not that it mattered at all, it is a fucking image board after all, and the nigger in charge of any image board has complete and utter control over the site and it's users. Now its literally a fucking public discord server, moderators and all. Its fucking obvious that that nigger admin is just getting his rocks off by fucking with us, wordfiltering every single piece of site lingo, banning anyone the greater population hates, completely changing the culture into some foodist kiwitranny dox circlejerk, implementing "coal police" moderation which was explicitly forbidden in all previous administrations. They fuckin
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109 replies and 67 files omitted. View the full thread
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there is nothing
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>Join ANF albeit
>>9400 (OP) 
holy shit i remember this thread all those months later
that was a dark age
Replies: >>17576
Retard bumper award, also sharty is dead idk why
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>>9400 (OP) 
trvke, albeit old. I just got a perma-ban for posting the following picrel, issa moralfag site.

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erm how do i access der sharty? soyjak.party and soyak.party aren't working for me or something.
delete your system32 folder
Replies: >>17581
alt+f4 and smash your device into 5 pieces
Replies: >>17581

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>>11825 (You)
>relevant XKCDs

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>>17573 (You)
>Is it just me or is the sharty down rn?

Is it just me or is the sharty down rn?
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lute reported the domain for cp and doxxing so they shut it down

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I got bored of soysphere. Nothing is fun about it anymore. Constant whining. Constant dramas. It was fun while it lasted. Maybe I will stay longer to see if the nature will heal.
Replies: >>17567
for me, soyjaks died after the covid madness ended
vinGOD... is that you?
Replies: >>17555
Nah. Just his nigga.
>>17551 (OP) 
has been slowly decaying since kuz`s reign

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snarky.snappy is dead, millions must immigrate to der jarty

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>>17559 (You)
>Everybody thank /raid/ for getting the domain dropped, again, for the 40 gorillionth time.
It is biologically impossible for anyone to ever look like this

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Everybody thank /raid/ for getting the domain dropped, again, for the 40 gorillionth time.
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nothing ever happens

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