/sharty/ - Off-site soyjak.party meta

Cry about the sharty here

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Marsey mod doxx thread
He self inserts as Marceline from adventure time
Replies: >>14130
bait 2
Do this
Go up…..ypppp
litterally who
>>13942 (OP) 
Go back to Shartyslutta, doxxtranny
Better doxx froot rather doxx a useless namefag

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<Reminder : Ignore lute and anti-doxxfag statement, Lute was allegedly brainwashed by FDL (Froot domme league) who LARPing as Soot-era oldfag on /meta/

<Froot, root and doll must be doxxed all of cost, and they deserve it

Froot still able to doxx kuz but lute still being retarded about doxxing sharty-killing admin, lute basically want jarty to be conquered by soicaca and dying, that's why shiny/soyjak.in admin (Ronald, creator of babybot) criticize lute for being a cuck about doxxing (like actual pedophiles that raid jarty or sharty-killing admin like froot and root)

Lute statement is Regressive and dangerous for the future of jarty

And i have information that shartycaca raider planning to spread anti-doxxing propaganda by LARPing as soot-era oldfag so jarty can't doxx froot

>So, if you found a anti-doxxing thread on /meta/ or /Sharty/ and "delete /Sharty/" on /meta/ by LARPing as soot-era oldfag, it's just FDL propaganda

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Replies: >>14107 + 1 earlier
Wait, you're just sootbait/lutebait? Seriously? You know FDL had planning to raid /sharty/ until got nuked? Also poopson is released on sharty and mass immigration will happened

Don't forget ronald still make fun of you
Sorry, this page is serious and not a newfag joke, i'm from late-soot era not doll-era "oldfag", frootist will conquer this site on january 20th if ANF had did nothing

Don't tell me you want destroy this site
>ESL-tier English
>phone screenshot
>reddit spacing
Lute was right, KYS
Replies: >>14090
>>ESL-tier English
>>phone screenshot
>>reddit spacing
>Lute was right, KYS

FDL Frootcord spotted
Go back to shartyslutta, nigger
>>14055 (OP) 
>Reminder : Ignore lute and anti-doxxfag statement, Lute was allegedly brainwashed by FDL (Froot domme league) who LARPing as Soot-era oldfag on /meta/

Jesus Christ actual schizo

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I created the first nusoislutta ama
why were you built for bbc specifically
How and why
who was the mother
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>why were you built for bbc specifically
the yakub of soyjaks....

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did anybody read this and can they summarize it for me
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glory to sweden froggity frog
so basically he said that jarteens have no sense of platonian philia unless they unite against the 'sharty. he also took some time to prove how touhou posters are at least a whopping 98% transgender, it was so convincing i must admit i feel filthy even replying to your thread now, to be honest.
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>Jartypoopas are having their circlejerk in another thread because >they know I’m right and they don’t want to be exposed to my post >because reading it makes them cry!

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no justice no peace
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>No Justice, No Peace
Keyed post, i hope sharty nujannies don't remove this post
Better than all sharty whining threads on this board
Replies: >>14003

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i was playing the binding of isaac as tainted keeper to get all of his completion marks, and the only one i have left is mother. i was on a run where i had a great build, tons of great items, lots of coins, i even had holy mantle. however, i forgot to grab the second knife piece so i had to reset in gehenna 2 when i realized. that made me sad, but then i just decided i would try at it again until i finally got it, and that made me happy.
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i beat mother with azazel but then i died to ultra greed later. i've also been playing with magdalene and judas and i got some of their completion marks
Replies: >>12842
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i got tainted azazel but i died to dogma
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i beat the beast with azazel, i got R key in ashpit 2 so i decided to go all the way to the chest so i could get lots of items. it was really easy and i don't think i even got hit once because i was so overpowered. i still have greedier to beat with azazel and that'll be all for him
Replies: >>12925
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and now i beat greedier because i'm just that good

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How long will it take?
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two retards fighting
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im gonna be honest with you if this snowballs we are not recovering
Replies: >>13921
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we can just retreat to frogpond or /qa2/ or whatever globohomo hates while jartylibcucks can delve back to their lutecord server while the site goes down dont worry fren
Replies: >>13930
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im filtered from /qa2/ though
Replies: >>13931
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be aware of glowkikes using people's computers as proxies as they have CPU backdoors, you might have been digital vaxxed

How's the minus8 do🇮🇱  going, i wanna kill thatt pedonigger
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Replies: >>13734 + 1 earlier
>>13668 (OP) 
OP is a foodist Who doxx a random stranger
Please KYS
We're gonna end up like the sharty if you keep larping as "your personal army" (ANF)
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>80% joined after doll
fuck fuck fuck this can't be real i'm shaking
Replies: >>13922
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Yeah they’re separated alright, my personal army is here and the ANF are on discord!
boorushitters and foodist trannies who came after doll are like 20%-30% of the website mainly becuase so many soyteens have been leaving the party.

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I've been a native of the sharty since the end of soot's administration. I loved the sharty, it was my community, the best place on the internet away from the fucking faggots on 4cuck. This may sound retarded but people on the sharty have pulled me out of psychological crisis multiple times and made me feel not alone in this shithole that is the current day web. I invested myself into that site, its health, it's community, and I felt proud of being part of a place so great. 

Now it's fucking ruined, its all fucking destroyed. Just because some fat brown south american cord pig tranny janny wants to jerk off his power and get his dick sucked by his fellow foodist nigger chuds. I tried. I tried my best to steer people in the right direction, along with many other soyteens by warning people that this site was on course to go down the shitter. Nobody fucking listened. Not that it mattered at all, it is a fucking image board after all, and the nigger in charge of any image board has complete and utter control over the site and it's users. Now its literally a fucking public discord server, moderators and all. Its fucking obvious that that nigger admin is just getting his rocks off by fucking with us, wordfiltering every single piece of site lingo, banning anyone the greater population hates, completely changing the culture into some foodist kiwitranny dox circlejerk, implementing "coal police" moderation which was explicitly forbidden in all previous administrations. They fuckin
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Can anyone remind me what the soyim thread was? I genuinely forgot
Replies: >>13800
When TCOAAL was being doxxed
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I was on during that, you're the guy with the soicuck file names right? Very fun, seeing the 'log that green was cool.
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there is nothing
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>Join ANF albeit

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Shart Janny here, you can all suck my and hairy yellow weeeenor
Good luck doxxing Froot, you're not going to get anywhere.
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wtf is this really how the jannies on the sharty look like?? oh my celestia...
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>>Shart Janny here, you can all suck my and hairy yellow weeeenor
>>Good luck doxxing Froot, you're not going to get anywhere.
>>>Shart Janny here, you can all suck my and hairy yellow weeeenor
>>>Good luck doxxing Froot, you're not going to get anywhere.
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>Janny le good as long as he froodist doe
this kind of bait doesn't work around here

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