/sharty/ - Off-site soyjak.party meta

Cry about the sharty here

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daycare is back in session
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I still see threads being deleted for no reason. Doll is either too busy to control the jannies or doesn't care. he should ack himself.
Replies: >>12446
Would eat
Too busy gooning to BLACKED MLP on xis forklift
Probably made as bait to troll doom scrollers

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Genuine question but why is froot such an actual fucking retard?
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lmao nigga
Replies: >>12349
kek i lost, my biggest fail yet GEG
Replies: >>12350
nobody cares about this shit site anyway
Replies: >>12351
I know but it would be funny
testgods won

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I feel like you're just baiting. You can read the old rules here if you think I'm just talking out of my ass
Replies: >>12326
you mean the rules that nobody read and everyone just evaded anyway?
Replies: >>12327
yeah true but you can't say that doxing was something that the sites admins actively encouraged then like they do now.
Replies: >>12328
cope cope cope
i dont even like froot but stop moving the goalposts you fucking trannies
<still engaging with the bait

Froot lied to us, didn't he? Fuck that orange nigger

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>go back to 4cuck /b/ after around 5 years to spam spiderman in loli threads
>have more fun there just tonight than i've had in the 'sharty since 2022
Does anyone else relate? I believe this aids my theory that soyjak imageboards are self-defeating, the real essence of soy is only found where it's unwanted yet unregulated. If we are to believe that the culmination of soyical arts is soydueling, then surely souquoting those who are genuinely angered by it—such as 4cucks—is the most gemmy act. Spaces where soyjak are not only the norm, but are dedicated to soyjaks, are always destined to fall to rulecuckism which cripples the creativity of 'jakking while places where all 'jaks are hated and persecuted equally will produce the gemmiest of 'jaks since they're in a more challenging enviroment where such innovation is sought after without additional handicaps.
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Peak projection, meds and sproke
tsmt, this is why banning bait showcases an inherent ignorance of 'jakking's essence, it takes away the original fun we saw in 'jakking to replace it with circlejerking and unbothered chud self-insert nigger garbage, ironically creating a new 4cuck-like rulecucked space where the equivalent to 'jakking is baiting.
Replies: >>12246
Ironically the Pepe’s become what the ‘jak was to the sharty’s 4cuck
Replies: >>12247
Ironically, yeah, and it also once was froge, deformed 'jaks, colorjaks, 'lita and a whole plethora of variant:unknowns, and of course the nusoiteen rulecucks always begged the jannies to ban all of them (and sometimes were successful) just like 4cucks got the /qa/ closed.
Replies: >>12248
Kek this. I wonder why the shitty turned into 4cuck 2 so quick

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Cirrus fag here, some faggot is deleting my threads on shitty.clitty 
You can’t even soyquote there lol.
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>soyquoting can get you banned
Replies: >>12232
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They banned me for ban evasion on /q/ 
>even doe I was banned only from soy(???) 
And deleted this thread. 
Root said to appeal bans and not complain, didnt even care about his retarded mod deleting soyquotes on soyboy website kek
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>even doe it does here too
Replies: >>12233
Even doe that heckin brimstone ‘jak had child gore
Replies: >>12236
point out the gore on that image

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our response????????
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sh*rtyshits are too brainrotted and ignorant to satirize anything with soyjaks they'll most likely still be using them as discord emojis even on the """jakking""" board
It's already getting filled with self-inserts and generic quotes which aren't even soy, kek.
Replies: >>12225
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looks gem to me especially compared to /soy/ and jarty /soy/
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>man /soy/ is so heckin bad full of heckin coomer woahjacks
<maybe we should fix it
>nah make a new heckin board that’s the same thing but with more rules

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Descriptive filename sissies… what’s this?
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No I didn’t I just said have sex with dogs because it’s nonsense.
Replies: >>12170
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+ I very much fucking hate underage faggots. 
Especially ones over sharing on anonymous image board website. 
Like talking about their school days (KEK!) and how they are 13 14 15 or 16. 
Also inb4 someone says 
>it’s muh soyteens!!! Not soyadults!!!
It was soyteens 3 years ago. What now? Did everybody age regressed? Shitty.clitty should be made 18+ and if you overshare like that you get banned. 
Simple as, no more
Replies: >>12186 >>12192
I was 16 when I browsed during the Soot era. It was the wrong call to allow 16 year olds on the sharty
Wait you’re the Cirrus spammer? Kek I don’t know how you can spam nearly as fast as a bot and yet always lose when I soyduel you
Replies: >>12213
>files are not unique 

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>this pph in the middle of the fucking holidays
no wonder why the shitty is so dead
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keyed frogCHAD
soy toddlers are being dragged around town by their parents for Christmas shopping
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>soyshits are wagies
Replies: >>12167
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>jartycvcks are NEETS

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Frootist GET
oldpoopas lost
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Replies: >>12015 + 1 earlier
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>>12000 (OP) 
Fuck Froot And Fuck Frootists
Replies: >>12045
It's Coal
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seethe oldtroon
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>seethe oldtroon
Replies: >>12156
i miss you

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I finally figured out what the sharty has over this website. There’s virtually no sense of community here. The only ever adventure thread here ended prematurely 2 months ago, the jarty never dabbles in group projects of any kind, OC in general (with one exception that I’ll get in to) is incredibly rare here, soyduels rarely make it past 10 replies, hell, even ‘jak him threads are nowhere to be found here. People just skip to immediately uploading and forcing the unnecessary soulless variant. 

Now I say virtually and not absolutely no community because this site has one thread of community, and that one single thread is obsession with and hatred of the Sharty. That’s it. Almost all jarty oc is either a crying/dead/homosexual natejak or sharty admin. The only time jarty users ever collaborate is to get the sharty shut down, not realizing that it would snap their one last thread of community and have disastrous consequences for the site. Eventually, with that last thread of community gone, everything will become hollow, and the remaining jarty userbase will either slowly drift off or rapidly leave once soypocalypse 2 happens and the targets of their obsession come here.
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Replies: >>12101 + 2 earlier
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>>11862 (OP) 
>4trans is shit
>soyshart.farty is shit
All imageboards are destined to fail lol
Replies: >>12102
Because IBs just a social media version of forums.

Forums are long-lasting, they have a big emphasis on effort posting and usually preserve their threads. They are also a lot text based and rather slow. There are lots of years old forums which are going well to this day.
IB's on the other hand are more focused on short term threads and fun(they literally have auto refreshers, which is nowhere to be found on any other forum). They have "catalogs" which are designed to get your attention through images and unless they have archives, their threads die constantly and die quickly. Their userbase can quickly be replaced thanks to it's anonymous structure and only oldfags can carry on their culture. They are inferior versions of classic forums.

Thanks for reading my blogpost
Replies: >>12103
Basically AltChans are Tiktok?
Replies: >>12105
Not as bad as fucking tiktok, but they are the social media version of forums minus the avatarfagging imo. A revision on imageboard format that both have anonimity, fun but also preserved history and more effortposts would be great(don't ask me how).
Replies: >>12116
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AltChans always gives you anonymity + if you use proxies you are anonymous even to jannies
>preserve history 
That’s fucken hard to do liek oldfags need to stay to preserve the past and that’s very impossible to control on anonymous platforms,they will leave eventually one dayso hard to control 
Same shit as before if a community grows too much a lot of outsiders are gonna post crap, hard to control aswell

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