/sharty/ - Off-site soyjak.party meta

Cry about the sharty here

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I don't like you therefore you are new.
Fitting since this heckin poast is shit kek
Replies: >>15232
newgod... newpal... newshit... newbabymonkey...
Lute make feeece admin I like his name
even vichan knows cobshit is feces

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thoughts on footists?

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j*rtyCUCKS lost
7 replies and 4 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>12712
he won
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>>11111 (OP) 
>j*rtycvcks lost

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this is what's considered a gem on the sharty now
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>you can really TELL how the colors compliment eachother

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How do we get all the gemmers stuck on the sharty to colonize the jarty and leave the uraguayan spic in the dust?
10 replies and 3 files omitted. View the full thread
Da shardee is naturally rotting away doe
Shareblue have been attempting to counter the nuke planning to hit soyjak.party but they have failed. A nuclear warhead is aimed directly at soyjak.party. We would like to ask our subscribers, users, lurkers, etc. to help us counter-attack ShareBlue and other Soros Shills in the wake of the nuclear attack we will be executing against soyjak.party. By the end of the battle, at least one nuclear warhead should hit soyjak.party.
In addition, we have noticed that some of our people have been working for ShareBlue (e.g. LolisForTrump = ShareBlue Shill) as we now see a ShareBlue member, Soyjak, making a post on Reddit, which was later on taken down. Please do not believe this trickery of the ShareBlue. We do not have any relationship with Soyjak in any way, and we are not affiliated with Soyjak at all. We have discovered some shocking evidence that proves ShareBlue are the true Nazis.
We have noticed that when ShareBlue is doing any "operation", they often call us Nazis, but they are the actual Nazis. For example, ShareBlue started a group called Soyjackistan, but it's really just a disguised group for Jews to take over the world. The ShareBlue have been going around calling Soyjak memes Nazis because they know they cannot take us on if we go to war, so they trick other people into fighting us for them. The ShareBlue is also associated with Soros, a known Jew. They also have a lot of anti-Semitic posts on the
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racist kike containment thread
WE  won
killing sharty would just bring all the subhumans who ruined it in the first place to jarty

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other thread is autosaged

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spadeson is the last bastion of old sharty culture
Replies: >>15217
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>spadeson is the last bastion of old sharty culture
>>15196 (OP) 
tsmt. all we have left is /floyd/
we need to have a Spadeson's last stand like a spadeson second golden age! new gems and all
spadeson is so cemmy nyaa~~

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I'm toos, admin of partyjak.soy

ask me anything
why is your head like this
can you change my diapey?
Why do you have a butt head
Erm actually Arizona owns that site

>erm soylita bad but i need to get my GOON in so this stays up
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yep.. that's going to my soylita collection
what was the image

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Clitty leaking? More gems soon from Al-Hayat Media Cented

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