/sharty/ - Off-site soyjak.party meta

Cry about the sharty here

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>/qa/ is still locked
>sharty is ruined by foodist subhumans and underage offsiters
>jarty is dead
>jakking still gets you banned on 4cuck
Replies: >>15207
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>>15206 (OP) 
look no further we just made another splinter!

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someone make a soyjak version of this

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Is there a lore reason why Angeleno used my oc for his latest Q&A thread? Am I Angeleno?
Replies: >>15200
froot posted my oc once i guess
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>jarty has no OC's
<reports jarty OC's
a tale as old as time for nuisoicacas
>>15188 (OP) 
Subtly saying he is actively looking around for ideas relating to the sharty and the image is engaging enough to not become an eyesore on page 1
you should send lorenzo a dmca kek

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>vaush flashed his spadeson folder on stream

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Maybe the real bbc was the clitties we leaked along the way.

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You watch PPH.

I watch PPG.

We're not the same.

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this is what's considered a gem on the sharty now
it makes nutroons like OP seethe therefore gem
funnier and better than troonjak spam

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ask me anything

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>thinks hes part of teh epic leugion of dah interwebsz but can barely raid a 4trans board
>lets in massive numbers of offsiters but is obsessed about muh ias and calls anything new discord 
>let's offsiters from twitter do all of the work for him  if hes not an twtiterfag himself easily proven by most modern raids
>extremly easy to bait
>massive moron who thinks ruletrannying will save a site designed for shitposters who want to be free from jannies
>runs like a dog to the jarty when he wants something banned (ie chudbait or anything he doesn't like)
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>>thinks hes part of teh epic leugion of dah interwebsz but can barely raid a 4trans board
>>lets in massive numbers of offsiters but is obsessed about muh ias and calls anything new discord 
>>let's offsiters from twitter do all of the work for him  if hes not an twtiterfag himself easily proven by most modern raids
>>extremly easy to bait
>>massive moron who thinks ruletrannying will save a site designed for shitposters who want to be free from jannies
>>runs like a dog to the jarty when he wants something banned (ie chudbait or anything he doesn't like)

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I know shartysnitch and i've talked to him
people nobody cares about enthusiast
Replies: >>15179
i care

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