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Cry about the sharty here

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I'm becoming more and more convinced clitties need to be put in a fucking mental institution. There is no joke to be had there, this is just edgefagging just to edgefag.
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Holy mother of samefag
If he's that much of a sick fuck already I think he would like being raped.
because its a tranny, geg.
but otherwise its not that important, tons of people get shot every day, who unironically cares about some troon getting shot
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I'm usually against most of the "funny" gore in the 'sharty, such as dnb, but this is a downright poor case to get uppity about. The guy that got shot was a proven pedophile that acted out everything Reiko did but worse, not a life worth saving nor mourning.
Replies: >>14628
that life is worth saving. think about it
i can rape him in my basement (unless xe already got srs, then im leaving that to a fuck machine)
i can beat xer and keep xer barely alive in my basement
i can justify it because xes a pedo

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Sometimes i feel i created the my own nightmare i hate so much now, i use to actively participate in doxxing before the nemlei and manticore shit and i made the "the soyims knows" thread.
something feels terribly wrong with the sharty, something is terribly, terribly wrong and im not larping or being a bitter and demented oldfag, it feel like something is missing about the place or something horrendous is about to happen and its unlike browsing the place even in it's worst times, it does not compare , i feel like everyone who browsed or used to browse the website has gone into an unanimous agreement to let the stinker rot and for the website to crash again so someone else might actually take fr**ts place.
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Replies: >>14626 + 4 earlier
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Which shitposting site? The shitty is a drama forum now
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you do realise you've become what you once hated right
Replies: >>14291
>I don't regret it, he had to go
the sharty didn't run him off doe, he got doxxed by some other tranny he was associated with
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>>13776 (OP) 
Go back to blogpost.party

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Why is there so much furry porn on here? Why? It brimgs nothing to the discussion and it makes me want to go here even less.
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Pony porn is aryan or something
Replies: >>14597 >>14610
Some Troon spams it because he thinks it’s funny or whatever or maybe it’s some Sharty tranny that wants this place to lose all of its “users” either way it’s coal and lute should ban xir but he won’t becuase freedumbz of speech when you post pony porn
Built, crafted, engineered, and perfected to receive BZC until time immemorial
Replies: >>14601
that’s not what time immemorial means you frothing retard
all porn is jewish and pedo

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relevant XKCD straight from r/XKCD
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Replies: >>14461 >>14586
ermies, this is true but also not very wholesome...
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>>11260 (OP) 
This is what I was worried about. Never promote jarty
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>despicable me
>>11260 (OP) 

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>zoo porn constantly on page 1
maybe i was going to check out these threads and contribute to conversation
but now i know the type of people im dealing with here
enjoy your bleak future jartycucks, you deserve it
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>nuteens have no actual soyjaks saved on their computers so they have to resort to quoting people with self inserts
Replies: >>14582
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>pony porn le bad even doe its le good
are you guys real peole
Replies: >>14577
Blud didn’t even look at the file name :skull:
Albeit you are correct I don’t have any jake/jakparty soyjaks saved on my phone

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>some mentally unwell, autistic, neglected 15 year old is involved in some sharty pedocord
>pedocord has the usual foodist pedocoalers: soylita coalers, zelligspammers, etc.
>the thread devolves into obsession over the 15 year old in the server instead of investigating the known pedos
>kid gets doxed for being autistic, mentally ill, and possibly groomed by an older man
>kid gets slandered for 'p spam because she posted a meme of a black kid
>kid gets slandered as a jewish troon which makes doxing her ok because it's "HEGGIN BASED!"
>nuteens eat it up, get obsessed over her, and feed her attention
>girl makes video saying she's happy about the attention (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf4Pdf_56yA)

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>sovl even doe sovlless amenshit nuhardcoreslop
Replies: >>10046
She’s right
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>She deserved it for being a ponyfag, a cringey nuteen tryhard, and making earcancer. Anyone who acts this autistic are asking to doxxed/cyberbullied
i wonder what shes up to right now?
Replies: >>14579
from the looks of it she still makes music

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>loli and mlp porn on the log
mods delete this fucking cancerous board if you aren't going to ban these pedophiles. actually make me a fucking moderator for christ's sakes
Replies: >>14459
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mlp porn is allowed shartnigger
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Replies: >>14463
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>>14455 (OP) 
honestly with the state of the site, Lute might as well should delete everything.
Kill yourselves nigger soytranny stop posting your nas coal on this board

Froot is DMCAing the SPVA youtube channel over internet meme characters.
Perhaps an enterprising teen could set up a "jakparty.soy video archive" channel in case spva goes down?
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>expecting a nushartcaca to avoid literally any gayop he can find
no, froot will always be their god and they wont question anything he does
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>dial 486-555-0100
>it works
racism is over kike
As someone who knows 'leno and is an actual friend of him, he does type like that. Not likely to be an impersonator... but who knows

going to run an experiment on this board to hopefully de-coalify it:
Early 404 has been enabled
post IDs have been enabled
all new threads need a subject
all new threads need a message
the bump limit is now 300 posts
every post has a captcha

hopefully, this will mean that irrelevant, spam threads die quickly while effortposts that breed actual discussion rise to the top. more tweaking may be done to improve this board as well (perhaps a minimum character count).
16 replies and 9 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>14484
>>14447 (OP) 
what's early 404 can you clarify lute?
Replies: >>14487 >>14488
Requiring a longer word count is stifling free speech?
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 Nate 4 minutes ago 1b45cb 14487 
Replies: >>14491
14488. The fourteen words! Heil. Heil Hitler!!!!

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the current state of the soipoopoo community
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Replies: >>14462
go back
Replies: >>10525
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I'm not him.
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>go back
keep spamming the shitty
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>>10425 (OP) 
That is the worst "soyjak" I have ever seen. Wow. No comment.

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