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Cry about the sharty here

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nusharty is all about drama and pol shit. no fun or irony allowed
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>you guys need to get better bait. 
That's why I mentioned the more observable and objective fact that complains about rulecucking and coal policing has increased tremendously. Just because I suck at bait doesn't mean others also do. Rulecucking and "coal policing" is a thing and that's a fact.
>You wouldn’t happen to be him, would you?
No, I don't even frogpost that often. I posted my ban on the /raid/ baiting thread, it was unjustified.

Anyways, my last post on this thread. Fuck nushartfags for turning the site into self insert blogpost hellhole, fuck froot for fucking the entire website, fuck doxxniggers for killing the entire history and putting the site into risk, fuck jannies for not letting me have fun in any way possible and fuck that shit website.
Replies: >>11082
words words words libertarians cant meme
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>Nate Now 11071

>words words words libertarians cant meme
>That's why I mentioned the more observable and objective fact that complains about rulecucking and coal policing has increased tremendously. Just because I suck at bait doesn't mean others also do. Rulecucking and "coal policing" is a thing and that's a fact.
I guess. I’ll concede on that one point, but I should note that grievance is going to be entirely irrelevant a few weeks. Froot is handing power over to doll, an ardent libertarian and original soyteen who encourages people to post what they want. That’s what you want, isn’t it? 
>No, I don't even frogpost that often. I posted my ban on the /raid/ baiting thread, it was unjustified.
Which one? I checked 5 of them and I couldn’t find it. 
>Fuck nushartfags for turning the site into self insert blogpost hellhole
>fuck froot for fucking the entire website,
It’s going to get better, and you can help with that. I doubt you want to, because complaining in this safe space is easier. 
>fuck doxxniggers for killing the entire history and putting the site into risk
That ones on the botspammer snitch from the frog pong, which I have no proof but I think was started and used by the same people here. 
>fuck jannies for not letting me have fun in any 
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Replies: >>11084
*frog pond

someone uploaded a video of themselves fucking a hore on the sharty
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okay sh*rtySHIT but why has that never happened on the jarty?
Replies: >>10960
are you retarded or what? i was trying to quote both sites because the fap videos happened on jarty
Replies: >>10961
meds fap videos never happened on the jarty
Someone post it
NAHHH ☠️☠️☠️

what sharty is doing with "raiding" nowadays is pathetic. the more i see those threads on /raid/, the more i want to shut it down.
as for this site, i just got bored of it i might leave for good and just spam jaks on other imageboards just for fun.
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>i want to shut it down
Replies: >>10966 >>10968
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>dancing jews
xd xd xd they really do say this
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dancing jews
Cryptotrash caused everyone to develop Jewish traits

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Replies: >>10941
why can't you just dox on kiwifarms or something though?
>>10923 (OP) 
sharty users have done more damage to minors by doxxing and harassing them than any pedos geg
Im to lazy to check on the sharty.
Was it mox?

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Replies: >>10876 >>10911
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>>10533 (OP) 
hi froggy froo how are doing
What coal was in this thread it 404'd or the janny deleted it.
>>10533 (OP) 
Marge what happened?
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those morons hashbanned female cobson made by minus? kek
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what does the K stand for?
holy tosserald
You should have posted this on the sharty instead, it's the better website. If you still use this website in 2023 except for an occasional glance, you're crazy. The sharty is the superior website, always has been, has been ran by a more competent developer than any developer in jarty history. I hope you make future uploads sharty-exclusive.

Other than that, great content, and can't wait to see more.
Where did he post this? On his twitter?
Replies: >>10914

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reminder: this is the ending we should have gotten
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Replies: >>8132 + 2 earlier
erm, stratogem though
Replies: >>7941
Max is the best admin, period.
stratogem isnt sashley though because sashley posted in meta without the janny capcode dummy stupid idiot retard cool beans!
>>4921 (OP) 
who is sashley? marge
Replies: >>10895
stratogem, according to the cemmycord

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Trangeleno just removed Goonclown's dox from the wiki. He is actively defending known pedophiles now. What are the jarty's thoughts on the matter?
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Replies: >>10884 + 1 earlier
kiwifarms is better fit for these kinds of things
also torrents for these kinds of things would help with distribution
If you love doxxing pedos, kiwifarms is the answer, doxxing is not jakking culture
should be reinstated because goonclown is evil
>>9854 (OP) 
Just go to kiwifarms you moral crusade niggers.

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Nobody truly loves or cares about jakking anymore, in one group you have /pol/trannies who have never actually properly quoted anyone let alone used the website for more than 3 months, they barely care about jakking and only see as a tool to further muh moral crusade bullshit and on the other side they'res practically anti-soyjak jarty users who are extremly demoralized over anything and see soyjakking as dead and rotting.
You can tell that everyone who once cared and loved this website and was literally glued to it is becoming inactive or outright leaving, anybody remaining on this shithole who isn't a newnigger discord pig himself is watching as a another newnigger liar discord pig tranny takes soyjak culture and bastardizes to what he and his discord friends want, even the angeleno-tier who are complete sluts and would bend over to any admin are now vehemently against doxxing or froot, all the raidteens are gone, and if anybody even tries to have fun they're banned by his control freak admins
This is it, this is how jakking dies not sorrounded by loved ones but in darkness.

==After their failed attemp to dethrone froot, the last remnants of ANF have been reduced to occupying the lonely board of the /sharty/
/sharty/ is an inactive board devoid of both strategic value and raiding resources. There is no hope of reclaiming the main sharty for the exiles now, and like Napoleon and Saint Helena, the last scraps of the ANF can now only wait for death to take them.==

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You said the sane thing a year ago
The election is gonna simultaneously ruin and revive the sharty. 'jaking thrives best during major political events because that's when people get the most worked up and emotionally invested. a lot of people think the art of 'jaking is dead but this could relight the spark for many burnout oldfags and bring in an influx of newgod election tourist similar to 4chan in 2016 but instead of reddit boomers they're zoomers. not only will this bring a whole lot of gemmy baiting opportunities but with the influx of users we could start on to bigger operations and raids. I think it's going to be really fun but the outcome is going to be bad. I think either were going to get so notorious the site gets shut down, or it just gets more watered down and neutered over time after the election is over and people get burnt out again.
Replies: >>10576
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Trump is führer, Trump is GOD. #TRUMP #MAGA #MD2GA @POTUS #Q #WWG1WGA .Q will rebuild the roman empire. Q is messiah. Q is king. Q is fuhrer. Q is emperor. Q is GOD. Q will instantiate TND. Q and TRUMP will save the white race.
Replies: >>10748
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>Muh senile fat geriatric mutt kike vill kill ze goyi- save Americans from ze evil joos
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hi froggy froo

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fucking selfish little kike finally does something about all these doxes
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That’s the wrong bush low iqGID
Replies: >>10859
Not deleting it the fail is funny
Soy booru filename kerk
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hi frogy froo

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