/sharty/ - Off-site soyjak.party meta

Cry about the sharty here

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ask me anything
>4 Hours ago
yep its over
it isnt?

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fingerqueen status? someone said that Dr.Soystein killed her. photo of an autopsy was also released. I thought fingerboys were still attacking from time to time. TLDR? it's very confusing to me from the photo alone with no context.

also post things you know about fingerboys/fingercity
finally an important thread
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>finally an important thread

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someone should draw them as soot, captain coal, kuz, angeleno, max, doll and froot.

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>soyjaks good even though they're repetitive

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This is what's considered a gem on the sharty now.

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kuz status? someone said that maximov said that he died. pic of a post was also posted. I thought kuz was still posting from time to time. TLDR? it's very confusing to me from the post alone with no context. 

also post things you know about Kuz/Kolyma
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>cite your source?
only oldfags will remember the ddos guard thing where you had to wait 5 seconds and refresh the page
Ok but kuz status? is he ok?
Replies: >>15335
how tf should I know it's not like I'm a kolyma employee on his payroll or something haha
Wait, I thought Max and Kuz were the same person and it was all just a gay discord larp and that they were all Americans.

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It's over.
Replies: >>15350
sorry my clitty leaked ALL over the severs im so sorry
Replies: >>15348
You stupid fucking shitskin, clean your clitty juice IMMEDIATELY
>>15346 (OP) 
After seeing all that shit about froot I honestly think it's good and I hope it stays dead. I always saw people complain about how da sharty is dead and that's it's all coal, which I always thought were exaggerations but in the last 4 months it has been awful. There's always gonna be people saying "i miss da old times" or "oh i hate the newtroons" but it's actually gone to shit and those people are right. Fuck the sharty, fuck 4cuck, fuck froot and kuz and all the cordniggers, I want my time back.
Replies: >>15351
What shit? I'm not terminally online, explain me.
Also almost all of my threads are fuckin deleted nowadays, jannies got out of their minds.
Replies: >>15352
Just look on the catty of this board. Froot is a confirmed cordnigger and got doxxed. I don't know if he's a pedo but he's definitely a cordnigger. It's over for the sharty.

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someone should draw this but with soot, kuz, doll and froot

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someone should make a soysphere version of this
Replies: >>15343
>>15225 (OP) 
i poop big,long,black and hard

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Is this real?
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Replies: >>15342
finally a word that describes my personality to a t
this user is also a pedophile
nice selfie
If he wants you to respond, then why did you give him what he wants? Are you retarded?
>>15136 (OP) 
nice thighs

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