/sharty/ - Off-site soyjak.party meta

Cry about the sharty here

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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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I've been a native of the sharty since the end of soot's administration. I loved the sharty, it was my community, the best place on the internet away from the fucking faggots on 4cuck. This may sound retarded but people on the sharty have pulled me out of psychological crisis multiple times and made me feel not alone in this shithole that is the current day web. I invested myself into that site, its health, it's community, and I felt proud of being part of a place so great. 

Now it's fucking ruined, its all fucking destroyed. Just because some fat brown south american cord pig tranny janny wants to jerk off his power and get his dick sucked by his fellow foodist nigger chuds. I tried. I tried my best to steer people in the right direction, along with many other soyteens by warning people that this site was on course to go down the shitter. Nobody fucking listened. Not that it mattered at all, it is a fucking image board after all, and the nigger in charge of any image board has complete and utter control over the site and it's users. Now its literally a fucking public discord server, moderators and all. Its fucking obvious that that nigger admin is just getting his rocks off by fucking with us, wordfiltering every single piece of site lingo, banning anyone the greater population hates, completely changing the culture into some foodist kiwitranny dox circlejerk, implementing "coal police" moderation which was explicitly forbidden in all previous administrations. They fucking massacred our site.  They conquered it, raped it, and repopulated it with their own army of fucking children.
This is a time of fucking mourning. The sharty has fallen, and it needs to fucking burn.

End blog
I did not know it would get this bad
Replies: >>9402 >>9403
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similar struggle, brother. 
although I've been on the sharty since late 2021, i only really started using it fully around july 2022 and it did help me when i was in a bad spot. it really is sad to see what it has  become
Replies: >>9403 >>9404
meant this for op, shit.
its bound to happen to any place on the internet that gets decent exposure. unfortunate that it happened so soon
Replies: >>9406
 I’ve only been there for like 10 months (came from 4cuck) and yeah I got baited hard initially but I had some fun times as well but I didn’t feel sick browsing the site and now I do because it’s filled with discord faggots the best thing I can say about the regime change is it definitely made me realize how delusional I was
Replies: >>9405
I wouldn't say delusion. the site has always had its problem with offsiters, but froot has encouraged these faggots exponentially. all i  can say is cherish when the site was good. its best just to leave that site entirely because the userbase will get worse and it wont surprise me if we get another red tier IP leak again or some other damage breach
Replies: >>9408
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>its bound to happen to any place on the internet that gets decent exposure
but its not, we had all the checks and balances for the newfaggot underage chuds who are overtaking the site right now. If it were under any other administration we would've buck broken them all into either leaving or assimilating with us. But guess what, none of that matters if one of them is fucking admin. Our hands are tied, its so fucking frustrating. We are in the right, ffs half of the fucking sharty knows we are right, look at /q/ but the horrible truth is that doesn't matter anymore. They've literally said that they don't give a shit what we think and they are going to run it how they and only they please, regardless. There's literally nothing we can do but give up on the site. It's the polar opposite of everything the sharty stands for. The sharty was freedom, yes, that was the core of this community, without it, the site dies.
it is bound to happen, i mean look at 4fag, its full of aids, kek. but we got unlucky with a shitty admin and we're getting raped because of it and his fondness for nufaggots. not only is froot a problem, but i think raids are, too. raids are mostly fine, but I've always found it stupid to plaster the site's name all over our raids. anyway, all we can do is abandon the site because trying to shift the tide seems pretty fucking impossible, because its a few lone gemmers vs naive nutards and literal discord servers that just beg to be the new hacker known as 4chan or whatever the fuck
Replies: >>9409
No shit I’m honestly all for it at this point because froot is definitely not good human, when he said blade was his favorite rapper I knew it was over because only discord negroids like that faggot >>9406
I made a complaint on /q/ complaining about doxing and the foodist and of course it got deleted why the fuck would you delete a thread complaining about the site when that’s what the board is for probably because it’s true
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4cuck is a victim of the same "let it rot" moderation that the sharty is coming into, just by a different party. I staunchly beleive we could fix 4cuck any time we liked the second jannies stopped having it on cultural lockdown.

Given the oppertunity, the truth always finds it's way to the top. Thats what made the sharty anything more than some college kid's silly imageboard. 
Every bullshit fake shithole on the internet is that way because it is artificially made to be a bullshit fake shithole by suppressing the agents of change and innovation. Otherwise social darwinism will always take hold, because nobody really likes being in a pile of shit anyways.
>>9400 (OP) 
Yeah this is true, but you can't really change le board culture unless jannies are on your side. However, jannies are more interested in gooning to dnb than to kick out the literal 11 year olds.
what the fauci is dnb
Replies: >>9414
Dead nigger baby, just a photo of a dead black baby
all things end but the sharty would have ended way later if soot had given the site to someone other than kuz. I mean lute manages to keep this place up so there are people other than kuz who could have ran it. froot is obviously a kuz era newfag and the worst person to have gotten the site from him.
Sharty should have never been promoted. The ene
Replies: >>9417 >>9418 >>9429
The end.
nigger tooth sucks bbc in hell. the end.
Replies: >>9427 >>9431
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didn't read + prepare to get raped tonight (I have nothing else to do)
Sharty promotion was never a problem. It was all about bringing the wrong people here, which kuz was great at. He wanted to grow the site no matter what and look at where we got.
Replies: >>9431
Why you love BBC?
Promoting was still a mistake because it still allowed wrong people to go there and write dogshit.
Sharty even had retards who would promote Twitter because everyone hated 4cuck for being corrupt.
Replies: >>9432
On Twitter
just let it go nigga things like the sharty when they just have this magic happen all the time, move on and find something else
Replies: >>9440
What did you say?
If it wasn't for this place I could've given up on soyposting. I'm more worried about the damage sharty will do to the reputation of soyjaks through all the doxing and raiding over the quality of posts there at this point.
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Replies: >>9462 >>9468
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go back sh*rty tranny
Replies: >>9474
you are 13
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two whole years and you are still crying and butthurt about the same "story"
there are probably kids still in elementary school who are laughing @ you butthurt obsessed losers
imagine caring so much about some no-name imageboard geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg i didnt know it was possible for you retards to be so pathetic.
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Replies: >>9474
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february 2022 nufag here and maybe i was coaler at the start but always had the intent to develop as a good soyposter and made oc for the site,but after the niggerpurchase it really began to go into the nas coaling direction, so i immediately went to this very site in hope of getting to talk with people that wanted to post soyjaks on soyjak board, and it mostly was pretty chill (except for paragraph long meta twitter soyquotes, they are always unfunny coal), but now this site is being infiltrated by fags that like to post so called "cemmy" shit, please gtfo to /b/ trashbin because /soy/ is for fucking SOYJAKS, i dont care if its "tranny" or "shartyfag" to hate pedo cartoons, i just want to kek at funny soiquotes and duels and post those myself, frick off.
nice try fitting in, pedophile, but people who have more than one braincel can connect the kike dots.
Replies: >>9477
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Replies: >>9478
thats crazy bro how about you just move on? things like the shaty come and go, also soyjakking is dying, nobody jaks anymore, literally, it's all just twitter politics clitty bullshit, it's a sinking ship man, has been for three years
Replies: >>9480 >>9482 >>9483
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Been posting here longer than you, pedophile. Pedophile, pedophile, pedophile!
Replies: >>9479
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die, twisted kike
Replies: >>9482
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>die, twisted kike
Replies: >>9491 >>9501 >>9503
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look at thread like this
and commit suicide jakking detractor, we are jakkers and we arent gonna die off pretty any time soon no matter how much nas you post on soy
>hating shartyfags (new jakkers)
>hating oldfags (old jakkers)
pick one, retarderaldenator
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>Nate 2 minutes ago 9480
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Replies: >>9485
>pick one

<i just want to kek at funny soiquotes and duels and post those myself, frick off.
pick one
Replies: >>9488
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>pick one
<i just want to kek at funny soiquotes and duels and post those myself, frick off.
>pick one
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>I can only say frick cuz I’d be grounded by my heckin parents
Replies: >>9491 >>9501 >>9503
>posting brimnates is soyquoting
trannyjak is nas, only shartylee and dfntlee post them unironicaly because they are too butthurt and retarded to post actual ias
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Replies: >>9490
Erm that’s not the proper redditiquette
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Replies: >>9494
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Replies: >>9503
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Replies: >>9514
1st grade nas coal
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>1st grade nas coal
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>1st grade nas coal
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>>1st grade nas coal
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>>>1st grade nas coal
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Come back to boards.4channel.org like everybody else did
Replies: >>9553
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Replies: >>9554
what an ebin twitter reaction image! better save this so i can send it to my cord friends!
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>Twitter reaction image
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Why does every owner of this shithole so putrid in a way, soot was a whiny piece of shit, kuz was a cordtranny, doll might've been a loving admin but he was horrendously naive and froot is worse than any of these, maybe kuz mogs him but he didn't do this shit
Months ago we saw the exact same faggots, fatcat wanted to turn the website into what froot is trying to turn it now
To be fair, Sharty is basically a parallel to the U.S.S.R. I know this ancient moldy theory is a fucking meme (plus bait) and it’s baseless along with being entirely braindead, but I won’t be surprised if all the owners are just LARPing as Soviet leaders or something.

Soot is the dude who fucked up a metric ton [see: everything Soot did] (as in banning many gemmy shit and getting a few keyed folks fucked or off the ‘party, which in retrospect, isn’t too bad when compared to his successors, who are either inept or ‘cordniggers) but still regarded as a model for a basis which the later administrations build on (just as Lenin’s martyrdom in communist propaganda.) There were also the enormous splintering which occurred as Soot “decided” to remove himself from the position of ownership [see: the faggot didn’t know how to run a site and not be an ass], which’d result in the Jarty, the ‘cordniggers, and the ‘booru being essentially still entities abiding by the principles of Swedeist-Sootism while functionally behaving as entirely parallel communities to the main ‘party.

Yuri Pedovich Carternetzov is just literally a hard Stalin LARP with all the fucking uniform and the shady Kolyma inner circle which he employed (Max and that one Troon who leaked a shit ton of IPs, I guess that could be a parallel to Beria?) In case all these massive totally-not-NKVD military roleplaying aren’t obvious enough, Kuz was also, despite being known for an ardent imposition of rulings, not very effective in stopping the posting of child pornography/other materials of abusive nature. The aftermath still lingers to this day in the current FROOTard era and god if I don’t want to lash him on a cross for making “edgy racism and shock materials equals gem” the norm during his tenure.

Then there’s DOLL, who essentially came up from no where to put Sharty back up from the utterly fucked up state of the Bunker era by getting the main domain back up. DOLL’s policy was not as much actual dekuzation per se as much as unfucking the bullshit the pedophile made into the norm (that was partly also due to Epik being the new webhost and they don’t take child porn or animal abuse or just whatever vantabrimniggerstone the ‘teens liked lightly.) This infact actually did mirror Khrushchev’s legacy, as the destalinization came into being initially not because Khrushchev was an ungrateful selfish little fuck, but rather based on Stalin’s poor management and the parasites that he allowed to fester in the Soviet political system. The dekuzation was not really successful despite the brief period of superficial improvement as Sharty is still quite a shithole to this day, but the damage’s done from the moment when vantabrims were not properly moderated and ‘cordniggers got hooked onto the site.

Finally we’ve got FROOT, who just came up after DOLL got nonviolently (as in no shutdowns or doxxing each other like crybabies) deposed, and he’s just a kikefagniggerbibisilovingstalinwannabecommietroon so no more explanation needed.

Therefore, if Admin 6 is anything like Gorbachev, I guess Sharty’s just going to get lynched by Twitter mob who got allowed in and Redditors who didn’t get repulsed by Sharty’s altchan vibe due to actually strict administration to adapt for MUH SENSITIVE LITTLE EYEBALLS.

TL;DR Sharty’s just like muh heckin’ flawed understanding of real world history
Replies: >>10377 >>10450
froot is putin and the jarty/spva are ukraine
putin invaded ukraine because he is a slf
Replies: >>10379
Froot’s trying to screw with SPVA? I thought  the owner just kind of bootlicks whoever’s in charge of the website
Replies: >>10380
she's right
>Pre-Culture: Earlier forms of Soy culture on /int/ and /qa/ in 2018-2019
>Spring: 2020-Pre Clean Stable 2021, peak of Sharty and in general Soy Culture
>Summer: Post Clean Stable and Pre-Purchase
>Autumn: Kuz and Doll era, Pre Soypocalyspe
>Winter: Maybe pre-soypocalyspe, Soy Triumvirate, Froot as head admin.
Any objections?
BMT is a foodist thing
Kolymaist KYS
One night I decided to make a shit ton of soyquotes, perhaps this will cause any oldDEITY nearby to activate his inner power.
Next day.....
The catalog is just soyquotes. BTW this was a few days ago. THEN It quickly went to shit with the euro vs mutt garbage that definitely belongs in /int/ or /nate/. But no I guess. TrannyJanny NEEDS to keep that garbage up. AND CAN'T FORGET "doxx this twitta rando xdddddddddddd!!"
What's the point of posting soyjaks in /soy/ anymore.
I remember that "the soyim knows" thread. Literally the worst day in the website. (i'm aware of august 2023, but I've stopped visiting the sharty after july 2023) Despite the fact I never even clicked on the thread, the overall feeling of the board just............ doesn't hit right. And it's been like that ever since. (except for the Soyquote-rich catalog.)
>>9400 (OP) 
Down with foodist
Down with doxxing
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i posted that thread, to this day it's one of the things i regret the most in life
Replies: >>13794
wait what the fuck is the soyim know thread I haven't used any of the web sites recently
Replies: >>13795
soyjak party/chive/thread/33073+50.html
fill in the blanks
Can anyone remind me what the soyim thread was? I genuinely forgot
Replies: >>13800
When TCOAAL was being doxxed
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I was on during that, you're the guy with the soicuck file names right? Very fun, seeing the 'log that green was cool.
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there is nothing
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>Join ANF albeit
>>9400 (OP) 
holy shit i remember this thread all those months later
that was a dark age
Replies: >>17576
Retard bumper award, also sharty is dead idk why
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>>9400 (OP) 
trvke, albeit old. I just got a perma-ban for posting the following picrel, issa moralfag site.
>>9400 (OP) 
frog bro speaking some truth
let him cook.
the new admins are more like babysitters they don't engage with people like they used to
I miss when the site was organicly fun and not spammed by a million different pissed off discord groups
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