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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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This cordtroon left cp  and aftershitty invites up for 6 hours and he dares give himself the permission to delete soylita images he doesn't like
womp womp
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>womp womp
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yeah ban the janny  who is actually moderating the site instead of idk the inactive ones? Amazing!
Replies: >>12878 >>12894
That was some good moderating you did last night
>last night
I actually finally got full sleep that night for the first time since moderating. I have been deleting cp quickly for the past weeks. Get on some others janny's ass.
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>ban the janny  who is actually moderating the site instead of idk the inactive ones
he already did that and cp up for 6 hours is what he gets
Replies: >>12898
It's downright petty to pin all the blame on one Janny you got a beef with. Try thinking rationally for once, man. You can't expect him to stay up all 24 hours like you did, ya know?
Replies: >>12899
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i didn't make this thread i'm just speaking facts, plus you have no self-awareness and aren't worthy of the janny position regardless 

a little trivia for you, can you believe that cp was up for 6 hours on daily basis even when jarty still had 300+ ppd after soypocalypse? @admin @stratogem @selfishlittlefuck simply gave up on this shit site after sh*rtySHITS they "hate" so much went back to sharty.
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>i didn't make this thread i'm just speaking facts, plus you have no self-awareness and aren't worthy of the janny position regardless
Replies: >>12901
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i joined because i was sicked of seeing illegal content
you joined because certain 2d drawings pissed you off 

go figure it out already
Replies: >>12902
holy meds
Replies: >>12904
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are you trying to say that you didn't make all these posts defending @ragefag?
btw @ragefag loves cartoon sitcoms such as "the simpsons" and "king of the hill"
that's one way to identify him
Replies: >>12905
You keep talking to me like I'm him, and yeah, I guess I'm defending him. Not 'cause I like him, but 'cause he actually puts in the effort to moderate this site, unlike those other jannies. If he gets fired, you'll see illegal stuff hanging around the catalog longer every day. He's not perfect at it, but he's pretty much doing it all by himself with the admin jumping in sometimes.
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You have schizophrenia
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