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pedoniggers are using simpsons to make child abuse content
>6. Rules are enforced by intent, not letter, therefore loopholes in the rules are disallowed.
lets also not forget that the marge.city splinter was a CP site so this must the current thing that the 'cord decided to defile
Replies: >>9076 >>11175
>>9075 (OP) 
I seriously think this is just one shitposter schizoposting and spamming, and not actually anyone attempting to do harm. I hope that i'm right in this, and this isn't some CP dog whistle.
It's still getting quite spammy, and I may remove it on that basis rather than on it being child abuse content. If I'm wrong, call me a niggerfaggot for it.
Replies: >>9079
>I seriously think this is just one shitposter schizoposting and spamming, and not actually anyone attempting to do harm.
i seriously hope not because that would mean that shitposters of this site think about depraved violence towards children
@Luke check your discord dms kitten 😡
>>9075 (OP) 
will somebody please save the pixelrinos?
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