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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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>3 minutes ago	ragefag	Delete	150558	linking loli porn
how is it rule-breaking? 
does that mean i can't even link https://boards.4chan.org/b/ on this 18+ imageboard now now?
lol why do you still care about this shithole nigga? i'm legitimately curious.
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oh well deal with it
Replies: >>12883 >>12892
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GEEG i knew @ragefag was up to no good when he's making that anti-soylita thread with randjak in it. https://archive.ph/qxFLl
he's more of a shotacon than a lolicon, you can see that in his drawings >>>/soy/134160, therefore he gets unreasonably upset after seeing loli porn and wants to delete it himself. 
@admin haven't you realized that he's main goal is to ruin everyone else's fun, and not to delete cp. you are losing users because of him back then, and you are losing users because of him now. this is what a single jew does to a perfectly fine community.
Replies: >>12885 >>12892
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and isn't if funny how ((( doll ))) >>11840 stopped posting on this site right after ((( ragefag ))) became a janny?
i wouldn't be surprised if he's in some sort of shartycord right now
they do this not because they hate pedos, they do this because they hate seeing jarty's success
Replies: >>12886 >>12892
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>implying we lost anything of value by making lolifags leave
Those froot era litafags are the only ones posting lolicon and no one else. Midfags deserve to be heard. You are too focused on the oldfags who gave up on this site.
Replies: >>12887 >>12892
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nothing of value would've been lost if i deleted your gay comic threads and rangebanned your ips, but i didn't because this is a free speech sharty dumpster and refugees are welcomed 

what you are doing is essentially claiming whatever you like to be "jarty culture" without realizing that over half of those shit was just @admin and his jannies samefagging 

what i want is a community that developing on its own without any interference from tranny jannies, that's exactly what happened after board registration was first introduced, too bad @admin is just too much of a reddictcuck to let people have any fun.
Replies: >>12888 >>12892
>nothing of value would've been lost if i deleted your gay comic threads and rangebanned your ips
I wouldn't care now, I'm not a whiney little retard like you who wants everything his way because "we have to be like 4chan!!"
>what i want is a community that developing on its own without any interference from tranny jannies, that's exactly what happened after board registration was first introduced, too bad @admin is just too much of a reddictcuck to let people have any fun.
yeah you said that plenty of times but who actually listens to you?
Replies: >>12891 >>12892
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btw im obsesed esl frog fail
1. Loli, shota, cub, jailbait, and child abuse content is banned.
Replies: >>12891 >>12892
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>we have to be like 4chan
no i was referring to soot's sharty since @admin likes idolizing soot so much too bad he doesn't have the balls to allow catty duel and soot doesn't even give a fuck about his failed sharty clone. 

ok redditcuck, but loli content and its controversy is the only reason why /soy/ has more than 50ppd from users outside of modteam whether you like it or not.
Replies: >>12892
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>catty duel
stuff like this?:

>Chud 1 hour ago 6ad033 12880 
>[] (994.8KB, 1822x1306) Reverse

>[] (67.1KB, 564x277) Reverse

>>3 minutes ago	ragefag	Delete	150558	linking loli porn
>how is it rule-breaking? 
>does that mean i can't even link https://boards.4chan.org/b/ on this 18+ imageboard now now?
> Chud 1 hour ago 32f62a 12881 
>lol why do you still care about this shithole nigga? i'm legitimately curious.
> Chud 1 hour ago b9d8f3 12882 
>[] (33.2KB, 554x439) Reverse

>oh well deal with it
>Replies: >>12883
>Chud 53 minutes ago 6ad033 12883 
>[] (66.6KB, 400x356) Reverse

>GEEG i knew @ragefag was up to no good when he's making that anti-soylita thread with randjak in it. https://archive.ph/qxFLl
>he's more of a shotacon than a lolicon, you can see that in his drawings >>>/soy/134160, therefore he gets unreasonably upset >after seeing loli porn and wants to delete it himself. 
>@admin haven't you realized that he's main goal is to ruin everyone else's fun, and not to delete cp. you are losing users because >of him back then, and you are losing users because of him now. this is what a single jew does to a perfectly fine community.
>Replies: >>12885
> Chud 43 minutes ago 6ad033 12885 
>[] (176.7KB, 436x361) Reverse

>and isn't if funny how (((  doll  ))) >>11840 stopped posting on this site right after (((  ragefag  ))) became a janny?
>i wouldn't be surprised if he's in some sort of shartycord right now
>they do this not because they hate pedos, they do this because they hate seeing jarty's success
>Replies: >>12886
> Chud 37 minutes ago b9d8f3 12886 
>[] (120.2KB, 1278x1181) Reverse

>>implying we lost anything of value by making lolifags leave
>Those froot era litafags are the only ones posting lolicon and no one else. Midfags deserve to be heard. You are too focused on >the oldfags who gave up on this site.
>Replies: >>12887
> Chud 28 minutes ago 6ad033 12887 
>[] (276.5KB, 800x434) Reverse

>nothing of value would've been lost if i deleted your gay comic threads and rangebanned your ips, but i didn't because this is a >free speech sharty dumpster and refugees are welcomed 

>what you are doing is essentially claiming whatever you like to be "jarty culture" without realizing that over half of those shit was >just @admin and his jannies samefagging 

>what i want is a community that developing on its own without any interference from tranny jannies, that's exactly what happened >after board registration was first introduced, too bad @admin is just too much of a reddictcuck to let people have any fun.
>Replies: >>12888
>Chud 22 minutes ago a6da35 12888 
>>nothing of value would've been lost if i deleted your gay comic threads and rangebanned your ips
>I wouldn't care now, I'm not a whiney little retard like you who wants everything his way because "we have to be like 4chan!!"
>>what i want is a community that developing on its own without any interference from tranny jannies, that's exactly what happened >after board registration was first introduced, too bad @admin is just too much of a reddictcuck to let people have any fun.
>yeah you said that plenty of times but who actually listens to you?
>Replies: >>12891
>Chud 19 minutes ago 9febb6 12889 
>[] (56.1KB, 250x179) Reverse

>btw im obsesed esl frog fail
>Chud 17 minutes ago 2803a2 12890 
>1. Loli, shota, cub, jailbait, and child abuse content is banned.
>Replies: >>12891
>Chud 10 minutes ago 6ad033 12891 
>[] (40.5KB, 750x734) Reverse

>>we have to be like 4chan
>no i was referring to soot's sharty since @admin likes idolizing soot so much too bad he doesn't have the balls to allow catty duel >and soot doesn't even give a fuck about his failed sharty clone. 

>ok redditcuck, but loli content and its controversy is the only reason why /soy/ has more than 50ppd from users outside of >modteam whether you like it or not.
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Replies: >>12893
[Hide] (7.2KB, 250x250) Reverse
holy retardation
i was talking about dueling with new threads rather than replies 
@admin banned it somewhere in october just because he had to bump months old "jarty culture" threads i think, what a sperg he was 
and he banned spamming the same text/image for some reason? i think it's because some cob spammer made him seethe to the point he added a rule for it. idk about this one cause i didn't browse jarty that much back then.
Replies: >>12896
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Yeah that was unreasonable on his part.Probably the only thing i'll agree with you on.
Replies: >>12897
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you haven't seen anything yet, he banned people for avatars and consolidated non-spam threads as he wished from the beginning of jarty to june 2024, at least he stopped banning people for avatars. 
but from what i can tell, he would never ever withdraw his rules not matter what happens. even when he removed the no avatar rule it's still on >>>/soy/103498 because it's just so well-written and everyone has to see it. that tranny loved his rules kek.
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