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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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There is currently a loli thread that has stayed up for hours. It should be against rule one. The thread has pictures of lolis wearing bikinis with suggestive poses clearly meant to be goon material but maybe you don’t find it to be lewd enough to ban it. Or maybe you weren’t made aware of the thread. I just want to know what are the limits for a lolicon thread to get banned? Btw I’m not a lolicon. I find them annoying but I just hide the thread. I’m just a concerned jartycvck soy citizen.
is it reported?
>It should be against rule one
it is, I just got home again and im going to remove it.
why do nusoicacas think that something being left up for 3 seconds means that its "admin approved"?
Replies: >>11774 >>11791
Its not even nsfw you retard
>muh horse pussy porn dump good dough
Replies: >>11775
you retarded gorilla niggers, just calling loli porn "sfw" doesn't mean it's not loli porn.
kill yourself.
Replies: >>11777
>lolis with clothes le bad
>zoophilie le gud
>they're allowed on blue boards though
what the fuck are you even talking about. loli porn isn't allowed on sfw or nsfw boards on the jarty.
>4cuck admins allow loli porn therefore jarty admins must as well!
ped/co/philes... what is wrong with you?
I try to use the American Miller Test to judge the subject since I believe it takes context into account much better than a flat permit or deny based purely on genitalia presence.

I do not want to host content that sexualizes children in any way because of the type of people it attracts to the site and the damage it causes to the userbase. The sharty already has a massive pedophile issue that spills over into anything it touches, including splinters like these. Pedophiles make absolutely abhorrent posts that scare off quality posters and just end up attracting more pedophiles. I want OC chads and funny people posting here so the place is nice to come to, not some discord nonces scheming for new ways to post hurtcore CP and loli porn.
Replies: >>11796
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Now that zoophilia art has been brung up to the conversation. Don’t you think that the pony porn will also bring in more degenerates too? Lute do you plan on banning sexual images of animals soon? 
It was up for hours. I think there is at least a few ‘lita lewds still up. 
4chan is 4chan. Jarty is Jarty. We wouldn’t have splinters if we all liked the rules put in place. I don’t understand how you expect Lute to cater to you in his own website just because “erm you are le moralcvck…that’s normie and kinda not /liberty/….wtf are you my parents?”. There is plenty of lolicon imageboards so I just don’t understand how lolicons want to come here. It just feels like they want to be disruptive of purpose.
Replies: >>11827
What happened to the porn must be spoilered rule
Replies: >>11827
All imageboards and internet is full of pedos. 10% of men in survey will admit they have sexual thoughts about kids. Welcome to the real world.
Replies: >>11800 >>11827
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>All imageboards and internet is full of pedos. 10% of men in survey will admit they have sexual thoughts about kids. Welcome to the real world.
>this website is already full of degenerates and i don't see how sfw loli thread is as bad as mlp porn on /soy/
The thread might have been sfw but It was lewd too. Lute doesn’t want to host a site catered to lolicons. I’m not going to go on a back and fourth about which porn is worse. 
Then he just won’t cater to those 10% of men. In real life their mental illness is frowned upon by other men. Not every imageboard will be your safe-space. You can keep pushing it but it will be deleted over and over again. Honestly why can’t you just go to 4chan where you can freely make a loli goon thread.
Replies: >>11806 >>11810
projecting really hard with this one sis
Replies: >>11809
I don’t see how I’m protecting.
Replies: >>11811
>Not every imageboard will be your safe-space. 
Not every soyjak site needs to follow sharty's rules
>Honestly why can’t you just go to 4chan where you can freely make a loli goon thread.
Because allowing what other soyjak sites don't is what makes jarty special.
Replies: >>11827
me neither i think you are just retarded
>Don’t you think that the pony porn will also bring in more degenerates too? Lute do you plan on banning sexual images of animals soon?
I have considered a sfw /soy/ before, but decided against it for its restrictiveness. I have removed /b/ for the types of coalers it attracted before as well. If there ends up being a problem with porn generals on /soy/ harming the site's quality, I will remove them so this place doesn't become 4cuck's /b/.

The pony porn faggots have honestly been more well behaved than the soylita niggers. instead of avatarfagging, posting loli porn, and screeching this is a "HEGGIN SOYLITA PEDOPHILE SITE", they keep to their own thread and don't spread too much. It's coal, but manageable coal. If they ever end up being a problem though, I will take action.

>I think there is at least a few ‘lita lewds still up. 
please report them when you see them

>I don’t understand how you expect Lute to cater to you in his own website just because “erm you are le moralcvck…that’s normie and kinda not /liberty/….wtf are you my parents?”. There is plenty of lolicon imageboards so I just don’t understand how lolicons want to come here. It just feels like they want to be disruptive of purpose.
tsmt. cobGOD trvthnvke right here. lolifags have places to be: 8ch.moe exists. If they want to post sexualized images of cartoon children and be obnoxious about it they can do it somewhere else on a place I'm not paying for. they can scream "MUH 'LITA WEBSITE AND OLDJART CULTUR" on hardware that they pay for, or are permitted to use. I try to keep things lax because it allows people to have fun here, but when the posting becomes disruptive it needs to go.
Ideally everyone would be connecting peer-to-peer, paying for whatever they host themselves, but that is not our current situation. Peerchan unfortunately is not ready for full deployment.

that's only for sfw boards if the nsfw image is on-topic. /soy/ is nsfw.

>10% of men in survey will admit they have sexual thoughts about kids
even if that's true, I doubt it is since "kids" means those who are pre-pubecent, I don't understand why that means that a soyjak website needs to be covered in loli shit. you have other boards you can post on.

>Because allowing what other soyjak sites don't is what makes jarty special.
If that was the only thing that would make the jarty special, then 4cuck's /b/ would be the best place for 'jakkers because of its lack of quality control and rules. That place is abandoned and just exists as gooner hell these days.

The jarty is primarily carried by its OC producers and witty anonymous users, users whom enjoy a slower site that's more lax on content and rules, yes, but also don't want this place to devolve into catty wiping porn spam and gore like 4chan's /b/ (or the sharty was before the ban on the awful "dead nigger baby" """meme"""). I'm sure that many of the users here are unhappy with booru.soy's namefag culture (I know I dislike it), which has taken comedy away from the content itself and instead put it towards fake e-drama between people who you shouldn't care about. 

I try to keep the catalog fair to compete for posts on and free of heart-wrenching and disgusting content so these users come back and enjoy themselves when posting. This manifests itself in me removing CP/Gore/loli shit, consolidating threads, and banning people trying to make a name for themselves that aren't contributing OC in any way. That's the rationale behind the rules. If you're not fond of my methods of making the site a fun and fruitful place to participate in, please tell me what I'm doing wrong, but if you don't like the concept as a whole then you're probably better off on a different site where spamming the latest pedophillic discord coal about some namefag would be more welcome, maybe discord would be more your speed?
Replies: >>11855 >>11871
retarded nigger smoking crack above me:
kill yourself faggot, now
Replies: >>11831
dung brained poo above me:
<sfw drawings of cute girls muh hecking pedophlilia (im not projecting my lustful thoughts onto others OK?)
>horse porn? yeah thats what my site needs
dial8 obsessed trannie
nobody gave a fuck about any of this until logan and khan started their faggy cord drama last year and proceeded to let it spill over into the entire community instead of doing what is right and killing themselves.
>Let's be honest here, which one is more disturbing?
both are pretty bad, but purely in isolation I could tolerate either.

However, when horsefags post their coal it goes like this:
>hey guys, my little pony porn general here!
<ew, im going to hide this because I don't like it
and then the coal stays in its own isolated thread and doesn't become a problem, despite being awful. 

when loliniggers post their coal, it goes like this:
>hey guys, this is a heggin soylita thread. soylita website, amirite my fellow pedophiles?
<ew, im going to hide this because I don't like i-
>*proceeds to make 40 more threads of loli porn*
>*makes afterparty discord server culture thread*
>@everyone I LOVE RAPING KIDS!

its really all so tiresome with this. I would be more willing to tolerate these coal posters if they could not stir up shit and at least be funny. Posting edgy stuff as bait is fine, but dealing with these types is tiresome. I don't want to deal with them anymore, especially since I pay to host their content.

>Are you all gay faggots or are you just too much of a pussy to admit you like this just as much as we do?
my favorite behavior of the 'litaniggers and loli spammers is their incessant need to project their illness onto others. I've seen your types do this shit multiple times as some kind of "pwn", it's really lame  and just shows you're more interested in stiring up shit rather than improving the site
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relevant XKCD
unfortunately this is not reddit or redditfarms so your arguments and mine will go ignored in favor of 120 character twitter clapbacks. i'd prefer you bite the bullet on this content and just kill it sitewide but it is admirable you are sticking to your principle no matter where it takes you.
Replies: >>11841 >>11845
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we will see long term what happens and what decision I will come to.

btw i look like this and say this.
Replies: >>11919
>loli posters do concentrate their posts onto a non-nsfw thread
>delete it anyway

You are not being helpful lute.
Not reading your blogpsts but I can tell by skimming your sniveling tone that you are concern trolling and begging for this site to be rulecucked. Kys, dilate, go to reddit, in that order.
Replies: >>11847 >>11849
another lolicon that cant read, who would of thought this would be reality
Replies: >>11848 >>11849
me reading a jumbled heap of redditor concern trolling video essay tier wordswordswords moralslop is not gonna turn you into a woman. Kys dilate and go to reddit
Replies: >>11849
plug your clitty leak already
Replies: >>11850
yep, not reading it, pedophile dilates and personally i dont really care
>i dont care
>but im still obsessed and posting in this thread for hours
why are jartycucks like this lol?
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me waiting for another retarderald begging for loli porn to be unbanned just to get denied epically
This is what I don't understand about you. It feels like you're trying to rulecuck /soy/ into a soyjak board like how it's intended but at the same time it's also a free-for-all /trash/ dump without content that triggers you personally.
tsmt this is a tale as told as time. one faggot gets personally upset and cant handle the content on a site and starts to tirelessly petition the admin to ban le thing i dont like, accusing it of being morally wrong, offsiter, etc whatever it takes to get the le offensive content banned. if they succeed the process then repeats for another yet-feebler-still generation of faggots who then find the site barely tolerable under the new conditions, and rulecucking accumulates.
behead rulecucks. roundhouse kick a rulecuck into the concrete. slam dunk a rulecuck faggot into the trashcan.
Replies: >>11857
This. remember when they first banned BMT on sharty?
then it was DNB then TND then any gore ect ect...
Replies: >>11859
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first (You)
why do you like p2p so much
Replies: >>11872
its how the internet should have been:
individual computers connecting to each other to send data back and forth, that way we don't have "hosts" or "jannies" taking responsibility for paying for other people's content (and thus having an obligation to janny it). 

soylita niggers can host soylita coal on their own computer without me paying for it, and I can also filter it out on my client to never have to see it. That way, no janny can ban you for what you post, but everyone can ignore coal if they so choose. Inversely OC GODS can have their gems rehosted by others and secure their longevity that way.

an imageboard where everything stays up so long as someone individually is hosting it would be pretty cool. Gems would survive through time and coal would cease to exist. If I don't like a post in particular, I can block it from my client (or have a janny list I subscribe to do that) and never have to see it. Its just an overall win for everyone.
Replies: >>11874
How has your testing of the peerchan/gladden gone?
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do this lute
Replies: >>11890
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do this instead
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>What is allowed here?

>Do not post
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