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Well everyone, it's finally over. After YEARS of posting on bald cartoon men with glasses website, our time here has finally come to an end. For better or worse, this is how it has to be. I have to give my sincerest thanks to everyone who has contributed to this site's success, everyone from the slopjak shitposters to the genuine effort posting users who have tried to make this place fun to use.

All of you have etched out a name for the jarty as something worth remembering. I hope you all had as much fun as I did, because the memories I made here are something I hope to have the privilege of being able to take to my grave. Thank you all for the good times and good laughs. I love you all and, at least as it pertains to this site, this is goodbye.

Some time soon I will be putting up a static page in honor of the site and with an archive of old posts.

If you need me, you can reach me on XMPP at https://invite.joinjabber.org/#lute@xmpp.party
or at least for the next month: admin@jakparty.soy.

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ok jarty help some retard out how exactly does one get by hosting his own site from scratch i think i MIGHT be able to pull this off but limited to localhost like the Proxmox VE test yesterday unless i can register a domain using some homeless flip guys real name after lending his id card for this experiment can you any of you faggots walk me through this whole hosting process my autism isn't as strong as a Github tranny popping out rust projects (and i can barely comprehend how DNS works in IT windows server classes i took last year)

>whats your budget
about P5000 maximum cash for a few months unless i get a decent job now how exactly do i minimize the costs without cutting out performance i DO after all own the hardware itself while my dad pays for the PLDT fiber fees now i just need to dedicate the funds for the "outside of network" related fees itself (ie cuckflare optimization and adverts code)
is 200MB/S home connection plan enough do i need VPN to avoid complaints from my local ISP and shield the poor router from port scanning shenanigans what happens if some butthurt STEM brony does end up ddosing me (aka booting network) and i have no protection will my phone stop connecting to the internet at all due to packet jam?

>what happened to the topton M6 and the legion 5
the mini pc i disassembled and fixed is now again filled to the brim with chrome tabs (yes really) and i cant be arsed to updoot and reboot it while the legion was successfully repaired and turns out there isnt really much of a problem with the motherboard but rather its wangblows acting up despite installing W11 from scratch the same issues still persist but IDK if a vmware specific problem or an inherent design flaw with this motherboard model or chinky 64gb ram kit TLDR in other words my negligence got the best of me but other than that the system is fully functional yet i keep wasting time on pirated indie games from IGG lol rather than getting my jar of rasins together

>round the clock moderation
how exactly often do you visit the site to janny up and clean the BMT in the frontpage is it once a week or every day at night? for my board would it be a good idea to leave it unattended for a week while on VACation will the open facing 'puter get hacked and burn while im gone and aside from routine CP spam whats the worst thing they can do assuming they successfully "root" penetrated its security?
lutey what host does the jarty use since youre shutting down anyway treat this as some kind of sponsor for the next people hosting there (what server OS do you suggest and should i run JSchan in ubuntu vm container for safety? also how much does the entire jarty cost to operate is it on the hundreds or thousands of sheckels?) i seriously hope this costs less than another new SZBOX mini pc every month

>what stops you from hosting
fuck i have no credit card let alone an idea on how to setup new bitcoin/monero wallet and how the hell do i even transfer the pesos bills on my lefty hand to legitimate usable crypto coins this isnt america and we still have third world tier economy im not even sure if gcash shopeepay works and i dont wanna get V&ed or family accounts banned by accident plus we have corrupt cops taking bribes for "hate speech laws" like on cucked anglo countries

ill probably get hunted down for this little modification but would it be a good idea to block all 5 eyes countries (US/CA/UK/AU/NZ) and most importantly israel however japan and the rest of europe is fully allowed even though this board exclusively caters to SEA + mainland asians and global south users with "silent" proxy detection to keep potential bad actors and discord commiepedotroons out (would hosting in malaysia be a good idea compared to EU offshore platform since i dont want any revenge 4chud brigading and obvious raids going on after "we" buck break some british troon furfag website)
hope you guys dont get too butthurt over this "devious" change but from a fundamental anon imageboard perspective will this help with ((( free speech ))) in the slightest and allow organic and unpopular opinions not the same controlled opposition rhetoric chans because i am very sick of westoids larping and flaunting about god given morals i just want REAL discussion for once from the rest of the 80%ers not the "superior far righters" on the top 20% influencing andrew tate like beliefs
I'll help with hosting the site if you admin and janny it wGOD 

also reply to my email
>can you any of you faggots walk me through this whole hosting process my autism isn't as strong as a Github tranny popping out rust projects (and i can barely comprehend how DNS works in IT windows server classes i took last year)
Buy a domain
Buy a virtual private server
Point your domains A record to your server's IP
Lock down the root account so you don't get hacked
Host a website on the server
>about P5000 maximum cash for a few months unless i get a decent job now how exactly do i minimize the costs without cutting out performance i DO after all own the hardware itself while my dad pays for the PLDT fiber fees now i just need to dedicate the funds for the "outside of network" related fees itself (ie cuckflare optimization and adverts code) is 200MB/S home connection plan enough do i need VPN to avoid complaints from my local ISP and shield the poor router from port scanning shenanigans what happens if some butthurt STEM brony does end up ddosing me (aka booting network) and i have no protection will my phone stop connecting to the internet at all due to packet jam?
You probably shouldn't self host an imageboard. A vps is cheaper and it's on all the time.
>lutey what host does the jarty
he uses incognet
>fuck i have no credit card let alone an idea on how to setup new bitcoin/monero wallet 
there's a luke smith tutorial on it
>ill probably get hunted down for this little modification but would it be a good idea to block all 5 eyes countries (US/CA/UK/AU/NZ) and most importantly israel 
Meds. Five eyes isn't real. We aren't watching you.
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