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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

WTF is embedding CP?
Replies: >>11736
>>11735 (OP) 
those babyjaks with the filename "babyjakNUMBER.png" have embedded child pornography archive.ph codes in them
Therefore ban
i'm assuming you're genuinely ignorant about this:
if you open the babyjak{NUMBER} images in something like gimp and do edge detection, a link to CP exists in the top left hand corner. It's a way of distributing CP that was used by spammers on soyjak.party. I would suggest removing these images from your computer.

If this is intentional, I will be reporting every instance of this to NCMEC.
Replies: >>11741
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If there wasn't a post explaining how they're hiding the links and what they do, how did you know this without browsing the sharty... Unless you've been a shartycuck yourself.
Replies: >>11742
big happens like that get around, I think someone made a thread about it here awhile ago on /sharty/.
I personally haven't used soyjak.party since the end of the early kuz reign when he started banning the letter E. the few times I check in on the place all I see is self-insert dust and nas coal.
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>I personally haven't used soyjak.party since the end of the early kuz reign when he started banning the letter E.
nice vent xister
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