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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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what is avatarfagging anyway? if i self insert as someone else's jak with original filename attached does that make it an avatar? because it sure looks like i am if you couldn't see my post history and confused me with someone else
>what is avatarfagging
"Avatars are non-OC files (and file names) that can be linked back to a singular poster and the poster is using the file as a form of self-identification."
it's literally in the rules, please read them.

>if i self insert as someone else's jak with original filename attached does that make it an avatar
If you're using it as a form of self-identification or signature, even if it's another person, yes.

>it sure looks like i am if you couldn't see my post history and confused me with someone else
yes it would, but I check the posting history before an avatarfag ban. Often times I see multiple instances of someone using the same thing and assume they're ban evading, so I ban again.
Replies: >>11688 >>11690
>can be linked back to a singular poster
Define this.

>Often times I see multiple instances of someone using the same thing and assume they're ban evading, so I ban again.
Sounds just like a 4cuck janny lmao
Replies: >>11691
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>"Avatars are non-OC files (and file names) that can be linked back to a singular poster and the poster is using the file as a form of self-identification."
it's literally in the rules, please read them.

you might want to check global reports, i just reported all the avatarfags by your rules on /soy/

>If you're using it as a form of self-identification or signature, even if it's another person, yes.
but i don't look like that though, if i self insert as gapejak holding a heart does that mean i look like a gapejak holding a hear in real life?

>yes it would, but I check the posting history before an avatarfag ban. Often times I see multiple instances of someone using the same thing and assume they're ban evading, so I ban again.
if some one wants to post nothing but neutralplier on your site it's their right to do it, normal users wouldn't notice because it's such a wide spread reaction coal that anyone could use.
>Define this.
if someone is using it as a way of identifying themselves, then it counts. I.e,
if you consistently sign most of your posts with a specific image that no one before posted, then you're avatarfagging. This is especially the case when you're not using it to make fun of someone and you're just self-inserting. 

>i just reported all the avatarfags by your rules on /soy/
no you didn't:
6. Rules are enforced by intent, not letter, therefore loopholes in the rules are disallowed.

my intent for this rule is to prevent people from creating an identity, most of the people you've posted are actually soyquoting (or at least nasquoting) people with their image. They're not just posting their opinion with an obnoxious avatar as a way of identifying themselves.

Many of the users you did post are shemmy immigrants, and im sure that some of those really are avatars, but they haven't been on the site enough for me to confirm them as such. If they keep posting, they'll be removed.

>if some one wants to post nothing but neutralplier on your site it's their right to do it
no it's not. I own this place and pay for the servers. If you want to have that then contribute to peerchan so you can do it on your own computer while still networking with other 'teens. I want us to get to that point so the janny problem can permanently be solved.

>normal users wouldn't notice because it's such a wide spread reaction coal that anyone could use.
I think many newfags forget how absolutely atrocious the sharty got at some points with this. Nonstop self-insert coal from an obvious 'cord psyop. Late soot era when soot just outright abandoned the site was nothing but BBC cobson spam and avatarfagging. The excessive spam and no avatarfagging rules are meant to combat that so the site's limited space of 90 pages doesn't become overran with one specific forced nas coal or soyjak (or any type of booru cancer gigachud-muttnas country war spam of two autistic factions fighting by spamming out anything of effort).

people come to forums like these for a topic. You come to the jarty ideally for soyjaks and soyquotes. I try to keep rules light so that people can experiment and see what works and doesn't. I only step in when necessary. If every site was pure "no rules" hell, you would get nu 4cuck /b/. If you really want that, you can go to it and post all the nas coal you want. The quality of the site will be abysmal and easily manipulated by outsider discord servers. As much as everyone hates the janny, the lack of a janny is far worse. Again, if we had peerchan, everyone could personally choose who their janny is and curate their posting space.
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