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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

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Why are all the shemmy-teens coming here again? Did someone ping @everyone on the svvtcord to cause a raid?
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>Shemmy Exodus 
>Why are all the shemmy-teens coming here again? Did someone ping @everyone on the svvtcord to cause a raid?
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from what i gathered shemmy changed admin or something like that and since they are anti frootists they flocked here lute pls rulecuck them and deport them back to mexico the site is no more comfy
new admin banned shemale culture from shemmy /soy/ also yea i think their jannies also get their orders from someone else
Replies: >>11422 >>11424
Foot (their new admin) is being a nigger
Replies: >>11422 >>11424
what even is shemmy culture? I never really used the site outside of its first week.
how so?
I've been thinking about setting up board registration for about a month now. if they have their own site culture they'd wish to preserve, then a splinter board of their own may benefit from that (akin to /sharty/).
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>what even is shemmy culture? I never really used the site outside of its first week.
>how so?
>I've been thinking about setting up board registration for about a month now. if they have their own site culture they'd wish to preserve, then a splinter board of their own may benefit from that (akin to /sharty/).
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>Why are all the shemmy-teens coming here again? Did someone ping @everyone on the svvtcord to cause a raid?
>first extra rulecucking and now requireing account creation for posting
holy fucking at this point just kys
Replies: >>11427 >>11431
he's a kike he needs the few extra shekels of your data please understand
He rulecucked the site
Replies: >>11431
you can make us a temporary board that would be nice
Replies: >>11431
>now requireing account creation for posting
meds instantly.
I am suggesting that users can make their own boards and manage them, only those users would need an account.
what rules did xe add?
I would think that sh*mmySHITS would appreciate having their own board with their own admins more than just having shemmy but jarty admin.
Is shemmy culture so different from jarty culture that it warrants a new board to maintain by our staff? At least /sharty/ was a mix of admin slapfights and a completely different off-site culture (nusharty is basically just off-siters now)
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jarty culture:
>animation memes
>furry porn
>soylita, soytan porn 

shemmy culture:
>jake/nate/sean drawthreads 

do any of you still care about soyjaks?
Replies: >>11434 >>11443
damn,,, maybe j*rtyCVCKS and sh*mmySHITS are not too different after all...
perhaps j*rty and sh*mmy can join forces and go from being two fails to one giant megajartyfail
Replies: >>11446
Do it nigger, open the floodgates and enable board creation.
Foot added:
You WILL NOT post any grotesque or NSFW content on the site.
You WILL NOT attempt or share doxes of anybody on the site.
You WILL NOT annoy the admin.
it's because soyjaks have become too gay and known around so that's probably why
he banned feralteen off the site and fired a mod for namefagging after saying jannies arent allowed to capcode namefag outside of /sgp/
shemmy has a fairly big namefag community that the current staff is against
Replies: >>11476
doll just took control of the site by buying it under a fake alias

also lute I think the jarty is getting ddosd again fix it
>shemmy has a fairly big namefag community that the current staff is against
nameKIKE culture? Coal of the highest order (though if the site is build around namekikes, idk why the staff would want to remove them)
Replies: >>11477
Lute rulecuck me NOW
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