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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

@Soot have you read the "Industrial Revolution and Its Future"
if you have then please summarize it in this thread. if you have read it and you dont summarize it then your mommy will die in her sleep. if you dont reply then kuz will come back from the dead and steal the jarty.
you have 48 hours to comply
Replies: >>10745
>2 days ago
sooooot your mother will die in her sleep
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Replies: >>10688
thanks for sharing your 'cord 'tag sis
>have you read Industrial Revolution and Its Future

>please summarize it in this thread
Replies: >>10690
do you recommend it soot?
Replies: >>10691
Replies: >>10692
will you have sex with my wife?
Replies: >>10694
Chud ## Admin
No, but I would recommend a black male for her.
Replies: >>10696
this is a real post
>>10678 (OP) 
that was the first book I read fully, I like the style of making a group of paragraphs each one having a number, do you know any other books with that style?
Replies: >>10746
Any pretentious essay written in the last 200 years
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