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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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>delete /sharty/
>ban any discussion of sharty all together (this isn't your site to whine about your wojak.party ban) 
>be less hostile to new users (this site isn't your personal little secret nigger, nobody cares that you samefag sharty splinter site 24/7)
>delete /soy/ and make /qa/ the main board, just like my old 4cuck kway :O
>kuz-era "how to save the sharty posts" have finally leaked over from soyjak.party into the jarty
oh god the coalification is coming
Replies: >>10626 >>10632
nice job not addressing the post. the only controversial one is the bottom one. if you want this site to forever be shartyfags whining about their bans then i don't know what to say to you. /sharty/ is just dumb.
Replies: >>10630 >>10632
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GEG you are so obsessed you literally need to be RULECUCKED not to talk about us
>be less hostile to new users
you had me until that part
complaining about the sharty has always been part of this site
I don't need to, go back to sharty/q/ with you bottom-of-the-barrel kuz era rulescuck plans on how to "EBIN SAVE JAKKING" (zero funny posts about soyboys made award)
Replies: >>10632
If you want tons and tons of rules than just slither back to your shithole or go back to whatever pisscord cesspit you came from faggot
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< How to save the Jarty: Chud 2 hours ago c47504 10624 
<[] (140.1KB, 1232x1646) Reverse
<>delete /sharty/
<>ban any discussion of sharty all together (this isn't your site to whine about your wojak.party ban) 
<>be less hostile to new users (this site isn't your personal little secret nigger, nobody cares that you samefag sharty splinter site 24/7)
<>delete /soy/ and make /qa/ the main board, just like my old 4cuck kway :O
< Chud 2 hours ago a3885a 10625 
<>kuz-era "how to save the sharty posts" have finally leaked over from soyjak.party into the jarty
<oh god the coalification is coming
<Replies: >>10626
< Chud 2 hours ago c47504 10626 
<nice job not addressing the post. the only controversial one is the bottom one. if you want this site to forever be shartyfags whining about their bans then i don't know what to say to you. /sharty/ is just dumb.
<Replies: >>10630
< Chud 2 hours ago e1c2d0 10628 
<>be less hostile to new users
<you had me until that part
< Chud 1 hour ago b363dd 10629 
<complaining about the sharty has always been part of this site
< Chud 52 minutes ago a3885a 10630 
<I don't need to, go back to sharty/q/ with you bottom-of-the-barrel kuz era rulescuck plans on how to "EBIN SAVE JAKKING" (zero funny posts about soyboys made award)
< Chud 48 minutes ago 85a783 10631 
<If you want tons and tons of rules than just slither back to your shithole or go back to whatever pisscord cesspit you came from faggot
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