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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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if i post a soylita/twinkjak without an arrow does that make me an "avatarfag"? 
seems like you are just deleting whatever annoys you at this point?
lol geg lmao even
>soylita avatarfag and twinkjak avatarfag are the same person
oh no no no no...

>if i post a soylita/twinkjak without an arrow does that make me an "avatarfag"?
Avatars are non-OC files (and file names) that can be linked back to a singular poster and the poster is using the file as a form of self-identification.

So don't post like that and you will be fine.

>seems like you are just deleting whatever annoys you at this point?
no, you're violating the rules for avatarfagging. I am banning you for it and removing your garbage posts since you do it constantly.

go back to the sharty if you want to engage in this kind of coal behavior.
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>if i post a soylita/twinkjak without an arrow does that make me an "avatarfag"? 
>seems like you are just deleting whatever annoys you at this point?

<go back to the sharty if you want to engage in this kind of coal behavior.
[Hide] (34.4KB, 746x799) Reverse
>Implying that anyone who has both soylita and twinkjak saved on their hard drive is one person
You are more mind-broken by these two drawings than I thought. 

>Avatars are non-OC files (and file names) that can be linked back to a singular poster and the poster is using the file as a form of self-identification.
What does that even mean? If I post "38701 - SoyBooru.png" more than once does that make me an avatarfag? 

>no, you're violating the rules for avatarfagging. I am banning you for it and removing your garbage posts since you do it constantly.
Typical jarty avatarfags: 
The Froge poster, Sashley quoter, v-tan drawfag and w7-890 were never banned by you for violating the this rule because you actually liked them.

Typical identifiable coalers:
>>>/soy/144180 This dragonjak poster (Gigo89) has been begging for his own soyjak imageboard since soygem.party was created.
>>>/soy/141896 This "fan_of_(x)" filename poster has been spamming this website with his furry fetish since 2023.
>>>/soy/ 138876 This variant:unknown spammer who sage threads he doesn't like. 
>>>/soy/143901 And there's this mameson shit.... I doubt that anyone actually used him in a soyquote situation, ever.
All of them are identifiable and super annoying, should I report them even though I could just hide their posts?

>go back to the sharty if you want to engage in this kind of coal behavior.
FACT: sharty still has the best soyposters and soyjak artists due to its popularity, have you ever thought about that maybe this website is not as funny as you think it is? 
>gay furry porn >>>/soy/143752  and slopjak spam le gem
>light nas reaction images on /soy/ le killing my site
You're essentially defending the raiders just to emphasize on muh free speech while getting triggered by the most arbitrary shit imaginable. And whenever someone complains about the site being too rulescucked you just blame the sharty out of nowhere like you always do.
you're both taking this way too seriously and deep
this place is just a booru shitfinging fest, there's a million more pedophilic things getting posted by actual pedophiles that all the admins allow and encourage
and here's another classic sharty culture video to make your clitties leak
Replies: >>11565
I think the avatar shit is too strict and also not visible from the basic user's POV since we cant see IP addresses. Like I saw a lot of twink posts recently but I didn't think it was one person, i thought a wave of twinky refugees came here or something. So i dont think its as disruptive as you think.
Replies: >>11536 >>11565
>If I post "38701 - SoyBooru.png" more than once does that make me an avatarfag? 
no, as the booru filename is a common one.

>The Froge poster
didn't use the posts to just spam your personal opinion with an avatar (like how you are doing now).

>Sashley quoter
actually attempts to soyquote despite being nas

>v-tan drawfag
drawfags are explicitly a protected class in the rules because they generate OC and will have an identifiable style.

banned multiple times

>This dragonjak poster (Gigo89)
report him if you think he violates the rules.
I'm avoiding bringing down the hammer on this user as to prevent anyone from accusing me of banning him for advertising an imageboard, which would be rather hypocritical as I critiqued Kuz for doing this.

actually soyquotes people and uses the site properly, his file names are identifiable but he clearly isn't making an attempt to make a name for himself.

>variant:unknown spammer who sage threads he doesn't like
actually soyquotes people and uses the site properly.
saging is not against the rules, you're free to do it if you dislike a thread.

>mameson shit
very new, still watching this to see if this is just some dudes avatar or an actual soyjak.

>have you ever thought about that maybe this website is not as funny as you think it is
reddit questioning.

>whenever someone complains about the site being too rulescucked you just blame the sharty out of nowhere like you always do.
go back to sharty

If you believe that rule is too strict, please create a thread on /meta/ for discussing ways to better handle the rule. 

I put it in place because this is an anonymous imageboard for anonymous users. Outside of exception cases for staff and drawfags who have an identifiable style, this should remain the case. you do not need to add your personal name, signature, or avatar to your posts to use this site, making an identity for yourself is not good for site health and detracts from the content. No one here needs to recognize you or know who you are.
Last edited by admin
Personally banned by strato, even had spergouts
OC, not identifiable, exclusivly soyquotes
Only seen a few times
Only posted here during shemmy drama
OC drawings, by your logic 'lita artist also should be banned
Replies: >>11565
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relevant xkcd: the water is the internet, lute is cueball, the ship is the jarty and the slide is the mandatory lss cerebel implant everyone must now implant into their skulls to post
Also fuck you retard for banning me for avatarfagging despite twinkjaks not even being %10 of my posts
Actual schizo^^^^
Replies: >>11555 >>11565
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relevant xkcd: the larger blocks are the wider normie society and the smaller ones represent the thankless work of so-called "schizophrenics"
Replies: >>11542 >>11565
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relevant xkcd: they're after me
Replies: >>11565
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>some random person in... umm.... nebraska!
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To some users, twinkjak and soylita are just like any other self insert coal (cobson, neutralplier) they're essentially just reaction images to grab your attention so you're more likely to read their shitty opinions. They're avatars to you because you can see their ips and know how much they've been samefagging. Or maybe its because you're so paranoid and think anyone who doesn't post soyjaks and frogs is a potential attentionwhore who wants to build their identity on your soyjak.party clone
reported for being a markiplier avatartroon
Replies: >>11565
>To some users, twinkjak and soylita are just like any other self insert coal
self-insert coal is avatarfagging when done by a person, it's no different than using "le based tranime character" to grab your attention when posting an opinion.
If I permit this, I should just permit namefagging too, since it's doing the same thing: building an identity.

>anyone who doesn't post soyjaks and frogs is a potential attentionwhore who wants to build their identity on your soyjak.party clone
While not to the extent you're saying, I do wish to prevent attention whoring behavior on this site as it's behavior that has done damage to the sharty as a whole. When bad actors garner attention, they usually build an autistic cult of personality around themselves that detracts from the site's point: posting soyjaks. This gets especially dangerous to the site when you involve discord servers with these namefags (who then can use their influence to unnaturally spam and force their meme in some kind of gay ego trip). I've seen this coal behavior crop up multiple times and it's never good.
This is where gore and loli and shitspam etc. comes in. Nametroons cant handle having their precious identity surrounded by dead nigger babies so they leave and their circlejerks take root.
The jarty is stalwart for now because you are an liberty idealist and autist and so you can mostly resist rulecucking. But observe how faggots crawl out of the woodwork to suggest you open janny applications etc. These are the faggots who would rulecuck the site and turn it into the sharty 2.0 given the chance. 
In Chinese political philosophy they say the ideal leader does nothing as everything is set up to run without his personal intervention. Gore spam and shit is a part of the anti-namefag-rot purgation system.
So they leave before their circlejerk takes root*
Replies: >>11565
Dude, shut up.
Replies: >>11551 >>11565
rulecuck faggot
Replies: >>11565
this is sort of why every nusoitroon simps for soot because they literally dont know or remember a single 'bad' thing he did lol
Replies: >>11565
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Why would anyone self-insert as muttjaks/brown troonjaks/animal feeding videos/shitting hippos? It's very obvious to me that you banned those people for posting memes you didn't like at the time. Just because they annoy you does not make them avatars when will you realize this? 
So you're probably the necrobumper who shuffled /soy/, how unfortunate. I still remember the time when @admin global banned me for a whole month for posting one Andy Sixx image on /sneed/, a dedicated board for nas memes because he thought I was some avatarfag that I never heard of. 

At this point just call it reddit.soy, since you care about post quality so much on a community that has like 4 actual users. 

Reminder that "one nas image + no arrow" is all it takes to get yourself banned on a supposedly more free version of the sharty. That's how fragile you really are.
why y gotta avatarfag with that bearded wojak of your's man

>shuffled soy
at some point someone necrobumped +60 soytan threads and lute said it was ok so i decided to take to extreme in hopes of taking meaningless necrobumps banned
Replies: >>11565
>Why would anyone self-insert as muttjaks/brown troonjaks/animal feeding videos/shitting hippos
I don't know why they do it, but they do. I think it's because they want attention.

>animal feeding videos
also outright banned from the newer "no gore" rule, go to 4chan's /b/ if you want to post that, zoosadist.

also this poster's post history shows he's the soylita avatarfag. its actually just one nigger whining he's been banned for violating a rule that he could read. please go back to sharty, you will be more happy in that coal zone.
Replies: >>11560 >>11565
sharty banned soylita long long ago at this point just redirect them to /s4s/ or /bant/, they would accept xim(they/them)
Replies: >>11565
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> mass ip wipes for "avatarfagging" Chud 10 hours ago ffafe8 11527 
>[] (5.7KB, 666x52) Reverse
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>[] (131.5KB, 816x984) Reverse
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>if i post a soylita/twinkjak without an arrow does that make me an "avatarfag"? 
>seems like you are just deleting whatever annoys you at this point?
> Chud 10 hours ago c05412 11529 
>lol geg lmao even
> Chud ## Admin 10 hours ago 5c95e3 11530 
>>soylita avatarfag and twinkjak avatarfag are the same person
>oh no no no no...
>>if i post a soylita/twinkjak without an arrow does that make me an "avatarfag"?
>Avatars are non-OC files (and file names) that can be linked back to a singular poster and the poster is using the file as a form of self-identification.
>So don't post like that and you will be fine.
>>seems like you are just deleting whatever annoys you at this point?
>no, you're violating the rules for avatarfagging. I am banning you for it and removing your garbage posts since you do it constantly.
>go back to the sharty if you want to engage in this kind of coal behavior.
>Replies: >>11533 >>11535
> Chud 10 hours ago a46132 11531 
>[] (58.8KB, 800x765) Reverse
>Spoiler File
>(218KB, 848x691) Reverse
>>if i post a soylita/twinkjak without an arrow does that make me an "avatarfag"? 
>>seems like you are just deleting whatever annoys you at this point?
><go back to the sharty if you want to engage in this kind of coal behavior.
> Chud 9 hours ago ffafe8 11533 
>[] (34.4KB, 746x799) Reverse
>>Implying that anyone who has both soylita and twinkjak saved on their hard drive is one person
>You are more mind-broken by these two drawings than I thought. 
>>Avatars are non-OC files (and file names) that can be linked back to a singular poster and the poster is using the file as a form of self-identification.
>What does that even mean? If I post "38701 - SoyBooru.png" more than once does that make me an avatarfag? 
>>no, you're violating the rules for avatarfagging. I am banning you for it and removing your garbage posts since you do it constantly.
>Typical jarty avatarfags: 
>The Froge poster, Sashley quoter, v-tan drawfag and w7-890 were never banned by you for violating the this rule because you actually liked them.
>Typical identifiable coalers:
>>>>/soy/144180 This dragonjak poster (Gigo89) has been begging for his own soyjak imageboard since soygem.party was created.
>>>>/soy/141896 This "fan_of_(x)" filename poster has been spamming this website with his furry fetish since 2023.
>>>>/soy/ 138876 This variant:unknown spammer who sage threads he doesn't like. 
>>>>/soy/143901 And there's this mameson shit.... I doubt that anyone actually used him in a soyquote situation, ever.
>All of them are identifiable and super annoying, should I report them even though I could just hide their posts?
>>go back to the sharty if you want to engage in this kind of coal behavior.
>FACT: sharty still has the best soyposters and soyjak artists due to its popularity, have you ever thought about that maybe this website is not as funny as you think it is? 
>>gay furry porn >>>/soy/143752  and slopjak spam le gem
>>light nas reaction images on /soy/ le killing my site
>You're essentially defending the raiders just to emphasize on muh free speech while getting triggered by the most arbitrary shit imaginable. And whenever someone complains about the site being too rulescucked you just blame the sharty out of nowhere like you always do.
>Replies: >>11534 >>11536 >>11537
> Chud 8 hours ago 552e51 11534 
>you're both taking this way too seriously and deep
>this place is just a booru shitfinging fest, there's a million more pedophilic things getting posted by actual pedophiles that all the admins allow and encourage
>and here's another classic sharty culture video to make your clitties leak
> Chud 8 hours ago 86afa9 11535 
>I think the avatar shit is too strict and also not visible from the basic user's POV since we cant see IP addresses. Like I saw a lot of twink posts recently but I didn't think it was one person, i thought a wave of twinky refugees came here or something. So i dont think its as disruptive as you think.
>Replies: >>11536
> Chud ## Admin 8 hours ago 5c95e3 11536 
>>If I post "38701 - SoyBooru.png" more than once does that make me an avatarfag? 
>no, as the booru filename is a common one.
>>The Froge poster
>didn't use the posts to just spam your personal opinion with an avatar (like how you are doing now).
>>Sashley quoter
>actually attempts to soyquote despite being nas
>>v-tan drawfag
>drawfags are explicitly a protected class in the rules because they generate OC and will have an identifiable style.
>banned multiple times
>>This dragonjak poster (Gigo89)
>report him if you think he violates the rules.
>I'm avoiding bringing down the hammer on this user as to prevent anyone from accusing me of banning him for advertising an imageboard, which would be rather hypocritical as I critiqued Kuz for doing this.
>actually soyquotes people and uses the site properly, his file names are identifiable but he clearly isn't making an attempt to make a name for himself.
>>variant:unknown spammer who sage threads he doesn't like
>actually soyquotes people and uses the site properly.
>saging is not against the rules, you're free to do it if you dislike a thread.
>>mameson shit
>very new, still watching this to see if this is just some dudes avatar or an actual soyjak.
>>have you ever thought about that maybe this website is not as funny as you think it is
>reddit questioning.
>>whenever someone complains about the site being too rulescucked you just blame the sharty out of nowhere like you always do.
>go back to sharty
>If you believe that rule is too strict, please create a thread on /meta/ for discussing ways to better handle the rule. 
>I put it in place because this is an anonymous imageboard for anonymous users. Outside of exception cases for staff and drawfags who have an identifiable style, this should remain the case. you do not need to add your personal name, signature, or avatar to your posts to use this site, making an identity for yourself is not good for site health and detracts from the content. No one here needs to recognize you or know who you are.
>Last edited 8 hours ago by admin
>Replies: >>11539 >>11544
> Chud 8 hours ago 8b49db 11537 
>Personally banned by strato, even had spergouts
>OC, not identifiable, exclusivly soyquotes
>Only seen a few times
>Only posted here during shemmy drama
>OC drawings, by your logic 'lita artist also should be banned
> Chud 8 hours ago 8067c5 11538 
>[] (14.7KB, 317x286) Reverse
>relevant xkcd: the water is the internet, lute is cueball, the ship is the jarty and the slide is the mandatory lss cerebel implant everyone must now implant into their skulls to post
> Chud 8 hours ago 8b49db 11539 
>Also fuck you retard for banning me for avatarfagging despite twinkjaks not even being %10 of my posts
>Actual schizo^^^^
>Replies: >>11555
> Chud 8 hours ago 8067c5 11540 
>[] (23.4KB, 385x489) Reverse
>relevant xkcd: the larger blocks are the wider normie society and the smaller ones represent the thankless work of so-called "schizophrenics"
>Replies: >>11542
> Chud 8 hours ago 8067c5 11541 
>[] (72.1KB, 640x427) Reverse
>relevant xkcd: they're after me
> Chud 8 hours ago 8b49db 11542 
> Chud 8 hours ago 86afa9 11543 
>[] (28.3KB, 413x383) Reverse
>>some random person in... umm.... nebraska!
> Chud 7 hours ago ffafe8 11544 
>[] (55.7KB, 600x800) Reverse
>To some users, twinkjak and soylita are just like any other self insert coal (cobson, neutralplier) they're essentially just reaction images to grab your attention so you're more likely to read their shitty opinions. They're avatars to you because you can see their ips and know how much they've been samefagging. Or maybe its because you're so paranoid and think anyone who doesn't post soyjaks and frogs is a potential attentionwhore who wants to build their identity on your soyjak.party clone
>Replies: >>11545 >>11547
> Chud 7 hours ago c05412 11545 
>reported for being a markiplier avatartroon
> Chud ## Admin 6 hours ago 5c95e3 11547 
>>To some users, twinkjak and soylita are just like any other self insert coal
>self-insert coal is avatarfagging when done by a person, it's no different than using "le based tranime character" to grab your attention when posting an opinion.
>If I permit this, I should just permit namefagging too, since it's doing the same thing: building an identity.
>>anyone who doesn't post soyjaks and frogs is a potential attentionwhore who wants to build their identity on your soyjak.party clone
>While not to the extent you're saying, I do wish to prevent attention whoring behavior on this site as it's behavior that has done damage to the sharty as a whole. When bad actors garner attention, they usually build an autistic cult of personality around themselves that detracts from the site's point: posting soyjaks. This gets especially dangerous to the site when you involve discord servers with these namefags (who then can use their influence to unnaturally spam and force their meme in some kind of gay ego trip). I've seen this coal behavior crop up multiple times and it's never good.
>Replies: >>11548 >>11555
> Chud 5 hours ago 99b530 11548 
>This is where gore and loli and shitspam etc. comes in. Nametroons cant handle having their precious identity surrounded by dead nigger babies so they leave and their circlejerks take root.
>The jarty is stalwart for now because you are an liberty idealist and autist and so you can mostly resist rulecucking. But observe how faggots crawl out of the woodwork to suggest you open janny applications etc. These are the faggots who would rulecuck the site and turn it into the sharty 2.0 given the chance. 
>In Chinese political philosophy they say the ideal leader does nothing as everything is set up to run without his personal intervention. Gore spam and shit is a part of the anti-namefag-rot purgation system.
>Replies: >>11549 >>11552
> Chud 5 hours ago 99b530 11549 
>So they leave before their circlejerk takes root*
> Chud 5 hours ago 62dcb3 11550 
>Dude, shut up.
>Replies: >>11551
> Chud 5 hours ago 99b530 11551 
>rulecuck faggot
> Chud 4 hours ago c05412 11552 
>this is sort of why every nusoitroon simps for soot because they literally dont know or remember a single 'bad' thing he did lol
> Chud 2 hours ago ffafe8 11555 
>[] (144.9KB, 716x797) Reverse
>[] (29.9KB, 223x255) Reverse
>Why would anyone self-insert as muttjaks/brown troonjaks/animal feeding videos/shitting hippos? It's very obvious to me that you banned those people for posting memes you didn't like at the time. Just because they annoy you does not make them avatars when will you realize this? 
>So you're probably the necrobumper who shuffled /soy/, how unfortunate. I still remember the time when @admin global banned me for a whole month for posting one Andy Sixx image on /sneed/, a dedicated board for nas memes because he thought I was some avatarfag that I never heard of. 
>At this point just call it reddit.soy, since you care about post quality so much on a community that has like 4 actual users. 
>Reminder that "one nas image + no arrow" is all it takes to get yourself banned on a supposedly more free version of the sharty. That's how fragile you really are.
>Replies: >>11558 >>11559
> Chud 2 hours ago cf6981 11558 
>why y gotta avatarfag with that bearded wojak of your's man
>>shuffled soy
>at some point someone necrobumped +60 soytan threads and lute said it was ok so i decided to take to extreme in hopes of taking meaningless necrobumps banned
> Chud ## Admin 2 hours ago 5c95e3 11559 
>>Why would anyone self-insert as muttjaks/brown troonjaks/animal feeding videos/shitting hippos
>I don't know why they do it, but they do. I think it's because they want attention.
>>animal feeding videos
>also outright banned from the newer "no gore" rule, go to 4chan's /b/ if you want to post that, zoosadist.
>also this poster's post history shows he's the soylita avatarfag. its actually just one nigger whining he's been banned for violating a rule that he could read. please go back to sharty, you will be more happy in that coal zone.
>Replies: >>11560 >>11562
> Chud 1 hour ago cf6981 11560 
>sharty banned soylita long long ago at this point just redirect them to /s4s/ or /bant/, they would accept xim(they/them)
> Chud 47 minutes ago 1c8132 11561 
>[] (67KB, 752x833) Reverse
> Chud 44 minutes ago ab2bbb 11562 
>[] (80.5KB, 422x466) Reverse
>[] (6.3KB, 1101x52) Reverse
>>Why would anyone post memes that I personally don't find interesting?
>this is basically your excuse to call everything an avatar. 
>>Nooo not my furry frienderinos not the wholesome chunkerinos! 
>what are you, a vegan? I'm pretty sure whoever posted those perfectly legal snake feeding videos was just testing how rulescucked this site is, and you failed him.
>>You spoke up for unjustified bans therefore you must be one of them
>classic soytranny administration, revealing post history when they're out of arguments. I'm not the soylita poster who mindbroke you, I only started to post her because she makes you mad. 
>>please go back to sharty, you will be more happy in that coal zone.
>like I said, jarty probably isn't as high quality as you think it is, people only come here for what isn't allowed on the sharty.
>btw you should ban Gigo89 and that fan_of_(x) ai furfag if you actually care about this site's quality, since they've been slowburn raiding this website for quite a while now. if you want to rulescuck your unfunny discord circlejerk at least do it right.
nothing of value would be lost if you were gone
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>soylita avatarfag is now buffchud selfinserting WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED
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>its the gapelee
you know what i wont even try anymore
holy spergout
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I'm the original jarty 'lita avatarGOD and after lurking this thread i would like to express a few points
1. Thank you OP and whoever else defended 'lita itt, you're the reasons why I still have hope in soyjak imageboards, however I see that you try to bring down furry posters which is kind of coaly because i myself am very fond of furries and posting them (particularly Averi)
2. Lute I think that you actually really like 'lita but just don't admit it due to fear of criticism from nujarteens. Just know that it doesn't make you a pedophile when you like this variant and that you're doing a good job overall running this website and that I really look forward to your board registration project.
Replies: >>11585
then stop posting 'lita because she's not coal you stupid nigger
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Replies: >>11589
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>You clearly don't understand why I brought up cobson do you? They call him a "gem" only because of how forced he is and how much seethe he generates, nobody actually finds him "gemmy" except discord trannies who hate traditional soyjaks. This is exactly what happened to soylita and soytan.
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didnt read plus youre white plus HWABAG
the trvke that mindbroke all j*rtycucks lol
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39 replies | 23 files | 17 UIDs
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