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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

I'm requesting users to input if they think that I went too far with the ban on political related boards, meaning that boards like /pol/ and /liberty/ may be made on the site.

I only enacted this rule to prevent seigetards and feds from entering the site to stir up problems. 

Deleting the board /liberty/ broke the site's board feature and temporarily broke the database as vengeance for its deletion. Maybe this is science's way of punishing me for deleting the wholesome hegign liberinos.

jokes aside, i would like more public comment on what the userbase thinks of this rule.
Replies: >>12454 >>13513
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>nobody cares nigga, you lost those users the moment you decide to delete those boards, after rollbacks on top of that
/liberty/GODS won
children don't look like that
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you are the cringiest reddit mod in the world
Replies: >>12448
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reddit has higher PPH than you therefore i win
Replies: >>12449
it's past your bedtime, jute
Lute im actually starting to hate you tbh. You just make up pointless rules and piss everyone off instead of letting things develop naturally. It makes me think your mind is somehow fucked up and defective. I have lost interest this website because of this.
Replies: >>12451
no post history doe...
Replies: >>12453
saged a sticky award
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>>12437 (OP) 
Since no one else has shared their thoughts on the politics ban, I'll give mine. I believe the decision to ban political discussions was somewhat harsh. It seems your main concern is glowies. However, I think you should reconsider this stance. Libertarians are generally not seen as extreme as groups like neo-Nazis. Therefore, I suggest keeping the /liberty/ board but removing the /pol/ board.
Replies: >>12528
connecting to a different wifi or cell phone tower automatically makes you a pedophile cp spammer or something
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Do as you please lute, like always. Most liberteens left for the sharty and the shemmy ages ago. A federated soyjak site like 8chan was  a really promising idea, but you made such a brazenly retarded decision banning politics. Walking it back will bring few if not zero people back.
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This. Not to mention /liberty/ the board was starting to get actual discussion while /liberty/ the thread only exists to be bumped at this point.
I've recanted the rule prohibiting political boards. Its clear that it overstepped the bounds and was an act of pre-moderation that was unnecessary. /liberty/, /pol/ and other boards may be reinstated. 

to prevent this blunder in the future, users should try to provide input on site decisions as they come up more often.
give me back my /pol/ board nigger
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Return my ownership of /liberty/, some tranny called luna recreated it the second you announced that it could be reinstated.
Replies: >>12532 >>12533
I can but lute give me back my FUCKING /pol/ board I created nigger called moot stole my /pol/ board
btw what's ur user so I can transfer ownership
Replies: >>12534
Replies: >>12535
Replies: >>12536
Thank you
what about my /nofur/? gimme my experiment wGOD bot back
Not to be a rulecuck, but shouldn't boards like /tsentralnaya/ be banned under rule 2 given that it is essentially an advertisement for a 'cord server?
Replies: >>13509
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>>12437 (OP) 
/liberty/ won, cuck
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you know some real shit happened when you see stratoCUCK seething
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