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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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Lute your site is gonna die again if you can’t rape soygem like last time 
If I were you I’d try to get those newgens back by doing something unique like last time but it lasts longer instead of just board creation maybe get sharty to know about it instead of shemmy idk
Replies: >>12748
loo put up annoying advertisements on 4chan
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who's behind the botspam anyway? was it ronald or was it afterparty? 

like i said people only use these splinters for what's not allowed on the sharty, no amount of advertisements and forced activities are gonna save these discord circlejerks from dying
Replies: >>12720
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>like i said people only use these splinters for what's not allowed on sharty no amount of advertisements and forced activities will save these places
omg that’s why places like twinkjak.party were much more active people didn’t just use it to get around sharty rulecucking
Replies: >>12721
I think zarty is maybe also a example (because it was active for a tiny bit of time)
Again people also only used it for getting around zellig ban so that’s probably why it died
Replies: >>12722
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soyzellig was good until they started banning pedo advocacy content 

it's funny how every major sharty clone claims to hate the sharty for its rules but has somewhat identical rules to the sharty.
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>soyzellig was good until they started banning pedo advocacy content
Replies: >>12725
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stripped filename with no response? must be a lute post 
i don't post on soyzellig.party so i wouldn't know but anyway just imagine the following images can get you banned on soyzellig.party, that's how oldfags feel when you ban them for posting gore and lolis.
Replies: >>12727 >>12728
all zellig will be banned soon like lita is
Posting cunny gems isn't the same as liking actual 'p doe
My posts on there with neutralita would always get deleted by the mods geg
Replies: >>12729
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do you also think gooning to yaoi isnt gay?
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she's right because tranime/cartoon characters don't resemble actual human
and what makes your furry/mlp feitsh not (exactly) zoophilia? because no animals in real life look exactly like those characters.
Replies: >>12732 >>12734
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and btw furries ain't gonna colonize your shitty site any time soon since they have a much larger containment thread on sharty's /g/
Truthiest nuke that ever truthnuked
Replies: >>12733 >>12734
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most of all, drawings and 3d models of fictional characters don't have human rights
you are essentially protecting something that doesn't exist 
that's why there's nothing illegal with threads like this https://boards.guro.cx/3dcg/res/28754.html
too bad a redditcuck like @admin will never understand the true beauty of freedom
Replies: >>12734
>they dont resemble actual human beings
a lot of it is, some threads on 4cuck>>>/b/ even has photorealistic 3d loli animations
something i always was against, next time spend more time memorising IPs
anthros are too much humanlike, i think you mean feral porn? which i find is zoophilia
ok then
>its le legal though
it is also legal for niggers to freely chimp out and rob stores in USA
Replies: >>12735 >>12737
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if you never intended to let your site become a fetish galore you wouldn't allow porn on /soy/ and furry shit in the first place, you did because you are in to those things and you banned gore simply because it offends you, not your users.

i was only trying to help you but you just have to cuck your free speech site and ban pedo bait to appeal those schlog trannies who don't even post here.

and even as a furfag or a soytan fan, there's literally no reason for you to check this site other than maybe soytan porn. no amount of captchas will convince them to swtich to jarty at this point.
Replies: >>12736
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>You banned gore
it was to keep shartyskins out
if you want to post kitten crushing videos so much go ahead, shemmy doesnt have a captcha and tuxler works flawlessly
>I was only trying to help
do your job next time little buddy, perhaps www.4chan.org/b/ is a better site for you to clean up
>no amount of captchas will convince them to swithh to jarty at this point
as if we needed more shartyskins
-@Jewt signing out
Replies: >>12737 >>12738
why larp as loot while using a yuro typing style though
Replies: >>12740
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>it was to keep shartyskins out
do i have to remind you again that live feeding poster was a loyal jarty oldfag before you banned him for "avatarfagging" as gore videos? and that's when gore was allowed on jarty 
>if you want to post kitten crushing videos
animal gore ≠ animal abuse, but i bet a delusional reddit furfag like you can't even handle a video like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsmNw5r7n2Y
>little buddy
yeah ((( Logan Cooper ))) and his 50 cent schlog army totally didn't inspire you to ban pedo bait.
>as if we needed more shartyskins
how will you explain the fact that you made gorillion anti-froot threads on sharty just to tell them to stop using it?
why would you spam the sfw furry thread with e621 bot to make it look artificially active? >>>/qa/4391 >>>/qa/4506
most importantly, why did you change the rules to appeal to newfags if you didn't want them? where are they now? sounds like a cope to me!
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fell for the bait award
Replies: >>12740
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Because Amerikans are too corrupt in soul so i've decided to move to Evropa, home.
Yeah, Logan being a pro soylita tranny is what caused me to make this desicion. You fuckers make me miss Kuz the gayfag
>why make sharty thread doe
My hardware my rules. Case is over.
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this is what you all look like
the most obsessed frog award
Replies: >>12747
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he banned a jarty oldfag and the privilege of posting gore just because of your cemmy soyjak comic threads, how does that make you feel adam?
Replies: >>12749
>>12715 (OP) 
you can say faggot here
come home aryan
board creation was gemmy for a few hours until xe had a tranny dilation episode for no reason and deleted random boards and fucked up the database and destroyed the vibes and the pph
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