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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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1. install trumpflare
2. automatically ban any or all coalers from this great aryan website
3. bring back all the gemmers
4. kill the sharty
5. make chudtoss a 'jakker
6. get trump to tweet a soyjak with #GamerGate2 so we can win the culture war
7. kill kuz
8. bring back soot from the dead
9. make jakraft active again
10. fix images
Replies: >>10972
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>soot do all this

>1. install trumpflare
>2. automatically ban any or all coalers from this great aryan website
>3. bring back all the gemmers
>4. kill the sharty
>5. make chudtoss a 'jakker
>6. get trump to tweet a soyjak with #GamerGate2 so we can win the culture war
>7. kill kuz
>8. bring back soot from the dead
>9. make jakraft active again
>10. fix images
Replies: >>10957 >>10958
>2. automatically ban any or all coalers from this great aryan website

starting with op
Replies: >>10957 >>10958
>calls other people coalers
dont throw nooses at people while hanging off the ceiling tranny
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>>calls other people coalers
>dont throw nooses at people while hanging off the ceiling tranny
>>10954 (OP) 
You forgot "Fix wiki template" albeit
Replies: >>10976
soot do this too
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>(x)oot do this 
Replies: >>10984
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