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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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Fire stratotroon
Replies: >>11947
>>11945 (OP) 
FYI that post was CP with real children. But please explain to me how it was unjustly deleted.
He deleted the whole soylita thread and everyone's innocent posts because his clitty exploded
Replies: >>11954
Why did you delete the sfw 'litas
Replies: >>11954
literally no cp whatsoever in here. only more leaky clitties.
Replies: >>11954
why did you delete the only alive, organic and fun thread in months on this website
Replies: >>11955
But he included the log that just says "CP" in the message. Your double digit IQ is showing.
When you make another soylita thread state that any attempt to sexualize the character is not wanted in the OP. Instead of doing that, OP decided to inform the posters that xe didn't want "moralfagging".
>Lita is cute, she is sexy, and she has a sex drive. If you cant see the beauty in that you are a cucked faggot who has been mindbroken by zog media to think natural sexy cute beauty is bad and shouldn't be appreciated.
I'm glad this was included in the archive.
Replies: >>11960 >>11967
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at least xe wrote gem ban messages.
Why did you report my ip to the NCEMC  you fucking nigger, i found just now that 4tran banned me for "child pornography" after I posted only sfw 'litas on /v/
Replies: >>11962 >>11963
kys nigger the NCEMC won't do shit it's a literal fucking drawing and none of what i posted was even porn of her
If you are a soylita poster and you actually follow the rules, then you need to gatekeep the posters that don't. Either by reporting (which no one in the thread thought to do), or ridiculing the pedofags. We don't have the resources to check threads with hundreds of posts and carefully weed out the ones with pedophilia in them.
>i found just now that 4tran banned me for "child pornography" after I posted only sfw 'litas on /v/
Replies: >>11965
>get banned from 4cuck, literal fed playpen for 'p
irl jannies are on your ass nigga count yo days
>we dont have the resources
why do you even care didnt you retire months ago and just have your account lying around?
also lute and his pet janny are active 7/24 doing it for free kek, along side a new janjan too
Replies: >>11966
I wanted to help out. If you think about it, there's not that many websites where you can post freely as you do on the jarty. The soylita porn posters are just biting the hand that feeds at this point.
Replies: >>11968
i didn't mean to include that part of the screenshot you retard
>biting the hand that feeds
yea but this is the only imageboard or forum or any social place where i can post as I please, it is still hard to feel bad when jannies are so retarded that they'll just dismiss anything as long as there isnt any visible ass or pussy and taints the site's legacy. All good things have to come to an end after all.
Replies: >>11972
What did you want people to post in your cunny general thread?
>All good things have to come to an end after all
Do you really want to be the cause of that?
Replies: >>11974 >>11981
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@stratocoal you're so done after lute wakes up
i clearly stated next to it that it was the soylita general, not loli porn or anything else
Replies: >>11976
You called your thread the cunny general. Cunny literally means child pussy. Can you get any less subtle than this?
Replies: >>11977
wether you like it or not soylita has a child pussy between her leg, due to her being a child. I did not want people to post her cunny though, just images of her all clothed and happy
Replies: >>11980
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>>child pussy bad 
>>adult pussy good 
Semantics arguments belong in reddit.
>do you really want to be the cause of that?
If jannies just "dismiss" the reports fuck am i gonna do? at this point just go full accelerateism and mercy kill the site.
Replies: >>11986
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stratobrim is getting fired
Replies: >>11986
oh my hecking metal cover edgelord discord schizo comics
>If jannies just "dismiss" the reports fuck am i gonna do?
report posts that actually break the rules
Why hasn't this incredibly important drama been posted to kiwifarms yet?!
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