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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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>come to site with anti-loli rule
>spam loli porn
>get banned
>chimp out about it
>claim to be "muh oldjart kultur"
>proceed to throw tantrums on /meta/ about how being a pedophile is ebin "bait"
>randomly at the same time as this is happening, afterparty memes, onegzellig spam, wignat shit, threads with embedded CP, and pedophile generals start cropping up

im starting to think that we're the target of some kind of raid
because you engage in their arguments instead of just banning them
we had a similar issue last year but after rule 2 went up and soylita was banned sitewide they fled here. you just have to kill them until they run away
you gave them an inch,(by allowing loli in general as well as a platform to speak) and now they're trying to take a mile
Replies: >>11788 >>11807
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>you gave them an inch,(by allowing loli in general as well as a platform to speak) and now they're trying to take a mile
If I do end up going down the same route as the sharty with a straight ban on soylita content, I think it may do harm to innocent posters as well and be too restrictive (some users use this variant in passing and I do not want to over-moderate them) and ineffective at the same time (as pedos will just find a new symbol to attach to to signal to each other on the site and drive post quality down). 

I would like to more specifically tackle the core of the issue if I did implement a rule: any content that involves children in any way should be removed, since we have had issues here before with people posting images of little girls in bikinis as "jokes". These pedo types will just find a new symbol to use to express their illness. I'm sure that the current spur on of users is some 'cord psyop given how all the coal in the world is coming on at once because of it.

You may be right, but im trying to avoid any hard-line blanket bans on types of content that would be on topic (soylita, while NAS, is involved in many acceptable soyjak edits that are otherwise acceptable for the site).

I want to do as little damage as possible to site posting habits while also being effective. If I must go big, I rather go big completely and remove all content related to children since that's what these pedos are after. I would like to do something less invasive though that would also be effective.
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hitlerian dubs therefore trvhtnvke
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why did your wife leave you logan
you could ban content involving children sitewide. thats good too to keep it even. they will move on to something different but thats like any bug infestation. you just keep stomping until they go away.
Replies: >>11795
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You fake asl stop posting
Replies: >>11798
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logan was against the soylita ban at first unlike kuz. did y'all really forget about his original drama now?
Replies: >>11799 >>11801
yea i remember the telegram messages
i was until it was proven you cant have a soylita poster that doesnt avatarfag or post pedophilia which is why they (less than 5) all moved here after being exiled from every other site lol
Replies: >>11804
>I think it may do harm to innocent posters as well and be too restrictive
I think that fear may be a bit exaggerated. Pretty much nobody cares about soylita besides people comfortable with pedophilic themes.

>(as pedos will just find a new symbol to attach to to signal to each other on the site and drive post quality down)
Or they'll start leaving for somewhere that allows this stuff like they did with the sharty and the shemmy.

Them's the facts.
I don't know the perfect solution either, but things seem to work out for the other 2 soyjak websites. Nobody who's not completely new, retarded or malicious is really hurt by rules like these. Maybe what you're really afraid of is 10s of complaining threads by the same bad actors that are driving the good posters out?
Replies: >>11807 >>11819
this is fake and gay until i hear your fire alarms again
DO NOT take suggestions from these soyumvirate trannies, they want every single soyjak website to be just like the sharty. The only way for jarty to stand out is tolerate as much as possible. Imageboards are essentially for degenerates and losers, you are NOT running an online daycare.
Replies: >>11812 >>11819
>the only way the jarty can stand out is by being a brown deformed pedophile den
>make a daycare for MY specific discord and MY specific brand of faggotry that nobody likes instead
If lute really does believe you don't have a place in the jarty, he should just go ahead and start issuing bans for noncery. That's all I'm saying. Thinking this would hurt anyone but the morally decadent pedophiles is  delusional.
Replies: >>11813
actual redditcuck award
Replies: >>11814
knows i'm right and has no argument award
certified 4chan oldgod here btw
Replies: >>11817
Us jarts are going to prison lol
Replies: >>11816
Snopes fact check: false
The biggest difference between oldteens and newteens is that oldteens know it's cringe to have a website dedicated to posting soyjaks and it should never be considered something serious, (there were bmt generals, soylita porn and loli porn soyjak edits were all partially allowed on both sharty and booru) while newteens are always larping as some kind of anti-tranny/pedo crusaders and randomly claiming things they don't like to be pedophilic. This is why joking about pedophilia was never such a big problem until sharty got popular and filled with actual toddlers.
Replies: >>11818 >>11819
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They won't like this one lol
>Pretty much nobody cares about soylita besides people comfortable with pedophilic themes.
caring about soylita is usually from the pedocord, but innocent posters do post images with her in passing. They don't particularly care for soylita, but actual quality posting users would be annoyed to see that they were banned for a variant that they happened to post in passing.

>Or they'll start leaving for somewhere that allows this stuff like they did with the sharty and the shemmy.
perhaps they would, but my goal isn't just to target "soylita posters" its to target people who sexualize or obsess over children in any way, shape, or form. Their posts are from nigger hell and make using the site unfun. jakparty.soy should be a fun place to post soyjaks, soyquotes, nasquotes, and other /qa/ related content.

>the jarty being better than sharty is when the pedocord reigns supreme
i don't know what nucaca hell you crawled out of, but soot's sharty did not have an obnoxious pedo problem until he took time away from the site before kuz took over. A lack of competent moderation was the coal that preceded kuz' reign of total rulescuck incompetence. Both a free for all and rulescucking are bad, so I'm trying to strike a happy medium by only acting when the health of the site is at risk.

revisionist coal. those times were the worst in the sharty's history and made oldGODS who just wanted to have fun leave for greener pastures. nuteens do have a tendency to call moral crusades that end up going nowhere, but that doesn't mean that what they're against is somehow good.
what were the best times of sharty history according to you?
Replies: >>11823
can you just remake /b/ already so there's a place to move bad posts
Replies: >>11861
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soot's sharty did not have an obnoxious pedo problem because 'teens used to be fast thinking and never triggered by these ugly 2d drawings. There were suggestive/nsfw soylita oc in nearly every flockmod thread (If you even know what that is) and nobody really cared that much because they knew she's just a shitty meme.
Replies: >>11823
hard to say, different eras had different ups and downs, but my favorite was December of 2021. Though, everything up until soots absence and kuz taking over was pretty good.

I would be more tolerant but after seeing what happened with the sharty, and how soylita niggers were a canary in the coal mine for oncoming CP spam, I have my doubts.

pedo jokes are funny, but they stop being funny when it actually involves genuine pedos and grooming groups. These soylita posters come at the same time as we're getting embedded CP posts as well. Their intentions are not just to annoy or post a character they like, it's unfortunately more sinister.
Replies: >>11825
lute you will be arrested for fbi pedophile cp spam hacking      darpa.  CIA.   Ida pro. you will be thrown in cold hard jail cell you die in that cell they do not even care.  FIA CBI AWB ELI. FBI.  INTERPOL.  FBI.
there is actual grooming and child porn sharing going on in the sharty orchestrated by doll and the kolyma organization and you are blinded by this silly looking gapejak
this and add /bant/
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Seethen Sie
lita posters are all refugees from the sharty
i wouldnt blame you if you just put a temporary 3 month period where you send all lita posts to >>>/sharty/ to keep the loggy free of crap
you have a good enough track record of not rulescucking to enact a short temporary measure
Replies: >>12002
I'm heavily considering this.
inb4 pedoseethe in replies
Replies: >>12005
soylita was banned and unbanned from all the websites before. they only do it when they get desperate for users.
Do it faggot. You talk a big game but dont do shit. Ban 'lita and plunge this shithole into obscurity.
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