/meta/ - Meta

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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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remove /b/ from the topbar considering its deleted
reinstate /b/
it was objectively a more interesting board than /sharty/ and /comfy/
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>reinstate /b/
>it was objectively a more interesting board than /sharty/ and /comfy/
Added to my to-do list
Replies: >>11478
Add >>>/rules/ so we can talk about new rules we want to see added.
Replies: >>11479 >>11490
that's just /meta/
Replies: >>11481
Add /b/ and allow gore and BLACKED and lolicon.
tsmt if lolis are REALLY that bad you might as well as just ban racism (arguebly even worse due to it being a real issue)
also just like "violent" videogames all they do is reduce actual crime by incentivising people to consume non-real versions
we don't need a porn and gore dump page, this just attracts users that do not want to use this site for posting soyjaks.
Replies: >>11499
do this
then why are you opening board creation?
Replies: >>11505
unironically this, make /b/ a gore/loli/avatarfag board
desperate for users lol
Replies: >>11507
If he really is, then he should just ban degenrates instead of sticking to "mah rulz"
All the normal people in this site quit because of them
Replies: >>11508
idk I only really stopped posting because I got busy irl more than anything else
Replies: >>11509
Soot how do i remove a post
Replies: >>11510
lute disabled post deletion because of a bug
I can delete it for you though
Replies: >>11511
Delete it now janjan i dont want people to sdd me fails on an anoymus bald men with glasses website and i'll double your wage
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