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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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There is more meta discussion about the site and rules itself than actual jakking. Lutey loot i think your anti avatarfagging crusade is partly to blame. Spamming the same jak over and over is deep soyjak culture, not le bad cord avatar offsiter etc. Ye intervene in the natural organic process of meme evolution.
>meta discussion problem
wasnt an issue until you came
Replies: >>11566
Arrow fail
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>soylita avatarkike.jpg
>[worthless opinion]
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We know you're doing this shit on purpose to ruin the site avatarKIKE
Replies: >>11570
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>i dont like soylita so i'll post THREE soylitas (with gore btw)
Replies: >>11572
the splinter newfags have ruined this site
I only posted them to demonstrate my point
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Just go back to 4cuck 'lil bro'
ESL Croat here. I didn't know that was avatarfagging. I just wanted to post .GIF for fun
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>these are actual avatars because they are used by unique individuals to identify themselves as and you can tell just by the look of them. 
actual OC though, they get a pass for being productive and contributing users, unlike the common soylita spammer.

>unless you check their post history, which is something normal users can't do. 
I do this to see if someone is using it to identify themselves.

>it actually encourages avatarfags to identify themselves by making low quality edits like those 3 users i've mentioned above.
actual effort posts get a pass, low effort coal does not. The OC provision is there to protect artchads.

im not going to stop banning soylita avatarfags unless the rule changes. relevant XKCD.
Replies: >>11599
Not that i agree with you on being a buffchud edit with just a name on it can be considered an OC worth keeping but at least he doesnt shit up the entire site and only stay in his little @obsessed faggot corner
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>im not going to stop banning soylita avatarfags unless the rule changes. relevant XKCD.
lute please just hashban soylita its just a single obsessed pedo avatarnigger who still posts it no one else uses it and you lose nothing by banning it other than the site quality going up
Replies: >>11603 >>11608
I and other users would consider this site rulecucked and leave probably. You might consider that good but thats because youre a selfish little fuck. The main reason i refused to use the shemmy was the banning of soylita. She is a canary in the coal mine for rulecucking versus freedom.
And case in point, look what happened to the shemmy. It collapses due to jantrans discord drama and rulecuckery. Same as the sharty in that regard.
Replies: >>11608
make >>>/soylita/ and just move everything there
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<make >>>/soylita/ and just move everything there

<I and other users would consider this site rulecucked and leave probably. You might consider that good but thats because youre a selfish little fuck. The main reason i refused to use the shemmy was the banning of soylita. She is a canary in the coal mine for rulecucking versus freedom.
then go back to 8ch's soy? retard
>if you browse sharty now you will find out how loose their no avatarfagging rule is compare to yours.
then go there, avatarfag, and post soylita.
you won't because that site is a worthless cesspit of booru & discord attentionwhores forcing memes in a permanent brimstone winter.

>lute please just hashban soylita
A downright soylita ban is something i'm trying to avoid as it:
1. doesn't attack the root of the problem, which is users avatarfagging with this nas coal, posting loli porn with this nas coal, and excessively spamming this nas coal. Other rules already cover these offenses.
2. harms bypassing users who may post an actual soyjak-related piece of content that happens to have soylita in it.

I'm merely trying to enforce the rules as they are, I don't want to add anything more if it's not necessary.

This site isn't trying to be /b/ 2, it's attempting to continue the spirit of the old sharty before Kuz took over. Part of that is keeping the site a largely anonymous, soyjak focused website that generates OC. People forcing memes, like with Cobson and now Soylita, did damage to the site and was not what made soyjak.party an actually funny and good place to post. The jarty was only a /liberty/ site because Kuz was an over-bearing moderator who banned the letter "E" at one point because it made him mad. These days, the sharty has zero quality control and that lets any discord tranny wishing to force a meme and become a z-list micro e-celeb dictate site culture by spam alone. If you want to be able to spam soylita and have a proper user base where people who care about quality can filter your garbage out, please contribute to peerchan to make it a viable alternative jschan.

If you want /b/ 2, then go to 4chan.org's /b/ and witness that it's a worthless porn dump. If you want sfw /b/, then go to /bant/ and see how utterly cancerous, unoriginal, and worthless that board is. If you still want more rules to make it "muh soyjak website" (really in name only), then go to the nu-sharty, which is just a namefag hell where discord and booru kikes force the coal of the week in a failed attempt to emulate the success of forcing Cobson for the 2 billionth time.

The rule against avatarfaging and excessive spam is to prevent people from forming identities on the site and from being able to coat the entire catalog in whatever unfunny coal of the weak their 'cord comes up with. This has been the goal since the first day this site came online (with my original rule set being even more rulescucked than this until a 'teen emailed me suggesting I add more /liberty/ to allow 'teens to compete in peace, which is what I have largely stuck to). This will continue to be the rule so long as it's necessary to protect the limited catalog space from being wiped or manipulated. 

jakparty.soy is a soyjak website, dedicated to soyquoting and poking fun at people. It always has been and it always will be. Soylita self-insert NAS is merely tolerated and is not exempt from the rules regarding avatarfagging and excessive spam. If the soylitafag's attention seeking behavior continues, they will only be met with harsher and harsher punishments for doing so. If you do not like this arrangement, then please leave. Your presence on the site is both new and unwelcome.
Replies: >>11609 >>11612
does a lolicon/shotacon hashban sound more reasonable to attack the problem?
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>I and other users would consider this site rulecucked and leave probably. You might consider that good but thats because youre a selfish little fuck. The main reason i refused to use the shemmy was the banning of soylita. She is a canary in the coal mine for rulecucking versus freedom.
The site had actual OCs and quailty memes before you came in shitting all over the place. And no, we lost more people to you fucking here up (ex. the soytan transformation guy) and we would lose nothing after your departure (expect the 3 extra pph caused by drama by you)
Please, fuck off.
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Soot era sharty was full of gore and spam though, "poking fun at people" also involves trolling the fuck out of them with spam and posts that make them seethe. And we are not talking about gore here anyway, we are talking about your overzealous moderation of something that's not really an issue, but derails the natural flow of the posting on the site and actually creates an issue. The soot era sharty was fun because it had a combination of wholesome fun gemmy discussion and chaos. Soot did not go around banning variants for being "uhmmm le avatar variant or something because I autistically checked the IP logs of this poster for some reason to justify banning them".
Multiple posters have been calling you out recently for your missteps regarding the so-called avatarfag "problem" but you have thus far resisted learning from your mistakes.
Replies: >>11613 >>11630
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>multiple posters
the soylitafag isnt "multiple posters"
Replies: >>11614
There are multiple soylita posters nutroon. And if there was only 1 it literally doesn't matter. That's like saying someone cant spam anything new because it identifies them (by IP which only the admin and tranny jannies can see). Sounds like 4cuck where any new development is seen as bad, spam, forcing a meme, etc. and gets banned. That leads 4cuck to become a rulecucked sterile echochamber with no new memes capable of developing.
Replies: >>11615 >>11616
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Again, we were developing far more memes and new spam before you came in so if you REALLY value those so much then you can just leave to some other site, bantcultur, 8chan, peerchan, or any other tranime altchan would be glad to have another nucaca who produces fresh cute OC
Replies: >>11616
Another example, by IP wiping the twinkjak poster, lute effectively snuffed out the development of twinkposting here. The problem is thinking anything new is bad, and that we have to relive a rose-colored partial reconstruction of a certain month of the Soot era while any 'jaks or other memes outside of that hazy and ever-changing ideal is considered bad and censored.
Come to think of it I've seen that 'plier recently with that filename. A few times. You post it frequently no? Lute can you please check xir IP and ban them for avatarfagging as the 'plierposter?
Replies: >>11617
Spoiler File
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>another example, twinkjak poster
there have been only 2 bans due to twinkjak posting:
1) @You, litaposter
2) me (thats why im using vpn because im banned for a week) and my ban was probably caused because i shuffled more than half of the 'log with meaningless spam 
However if lute comes out of his crypto cave and says he banned me for for assraping the catty but rather posting a few twinkjaks then he may go get fucked by a big tiddy goth gf with a BBC strap-on
@LSS Mandated Space
And I'll make my previous point again. You are simply not wanted here even ignoring rulecucking you cause nothing but more drama instead of producing the gems and memes you so like to be created
Replies: >>11618 >>11619
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>The problem is thinking anything new is bad, and that we have to relive a rose-colored partial reconstruction of a certain month of the Soot era while any 'jaks or other memes outside of that hazy and ever-changing ideal is considered bad and censored.

Also LITERAL fvlse nvke as we had plently of memes of our own before all this drama vvvv    <-_____,
Lucky for you I have been regurarly archiving this site on archive.today since the second half of last year          |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^you may check if you dont belive  |
You're assuming I am the "lita avatarfagger" which I am not, there is another litaposter who is referred to as the "avatarfag" by lute. As I've said many times though normal (non admin) users can't really tell who is who half of the time, and impersonating other posters is part of the fun of imageboards. You don't even know who I am really, seeing as you assume there is only one 'litaposter, only by the admin going in and essentially airing the IP logs and telling everyone (by way of IP wiping), is this made apparent.
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>41 years + mass deletion when losing an argument
this is already kolyma level power tripping, you could've just kept the text.
remember when that froge poster complained about how kolyma jannies permabanned him for posting his forced meme? this is you now. 
not to mention there're at least 3 soylita posters on this site and i'm just one of them. 
if you are allowed to make faggy blogposts with neutralplier, chudjak, gapejak, cobson, feraljak, soytan, pepe...  then why not soylita? 
maybe it's because she actually triggers nusoytrannies among all the other non-offensive reaction coal?  making losers who took imageboards way too seriously mad with zero effort is the whole point of soyposting. has browsing old sharty archive all day actually made you think "traditional jakking" is some form of art that needs to be preserved? because you failed at.
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i was merely using her as a reaction image rather than something to identify myself as on a board with IDs enabled.
>maybe if i make enough public bans on soylita posters those newtrannies will come back 
>surely they won't just switch proxies and post her again
this is your mindset btw, you are essentially making the same mistake every other sharty clone did - caring about what "the sharty" think of your site and making "soylita posting" more of a taboo than it really is.

if you want those underaged sharty users to colonize your little stratolutekuzprizmaw7 comfy zone so bad you should've just ditched the liberty meme and ban off all the trannies on your site when you still had chance >>10003, because it's too late now. your site failed to attract both oldfags and newfags, they only browse this place for "what isn't allowed on the sharty".

if you still want jartry to stand out you should just make it as free as possible like the old sharty >>11612
>mah nu trenis
You are the "newtranny"
>making soylita a taboo
You caused it
>Ban all trannies
He is keep getting banned for avatarfagging
-->they only browse this place for "whats not allowed in sharty"
dumb nigger, you retarded gorilla nigger
Replies: >>11671
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>You are the "newtranny"
i'm acutally a mid 2021 sharty newfag and august 2022 jarty oldfag

>You caused it
no, @admin caused it by publicly announcing that he's officially buck broken by one soylita poster, this is something i've never seen on other soyjak sites and makes soylita posting infinitely more justified. 

>He is keep getting banned for avatarfagging
what about your neutralplier with descriptive filenames? wouldn't that be avatarfagging as well?
Replies: >>11680
>assraping sites le good
DNB broke more bucks than your wojack could ever dream of (except traced 'p that is). Go ahead, post it.
>DFNs and neutral avatarfagging
The only threads where i used neutrals in a indentitflyable way were the threads with IDs already enabled inbred kike
You shitted your shitty wojak meme in every street possible like a true poojeet on top of posting them 7/24
Replies: >>11681
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holy esl spergout
Replies: >>11682
Shit tier wojak
I'm not interested in going around in circles in this thread anymore. If you want to change the avatarfag rule, then make a thread requesting for its change and give good reasoning for it. Just insulting the site on /meta/ is the same shit the cobson laughing (also known as fatcat/MarMar, a /qa/fe pedophile) spammer did. It's unproductive and does not belong on /meta/: a serious board related to site quality.

If you actually care about the state of the site and believe the rule goes too far or its enforcement has been too harsh, then make an earnest thread about it. This concern trolling is not helpful. Until a rule change goes in, I will continue enforcing the rules as is, meaning that soylita avatarfagging is not protected and will get you banned as does every other type of avatarfagging.
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