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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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>talk to me in meta words words words im an esl leftfaggot

so being a pedonigger is allowed? as expected of j@rtycvcks
also borderline nsfw 'litanigger post if thats what you goon to

@thread nobody cares about
>necrobumping isnt against the rules
most important thing to note ^^vv
fine i'll just make 1 mutt thread every few days and necrobump them all once a month since that isnt against the rules
Right? Right??

also since the topic is spamming:
im gonna assume we can spam derail threads since multiple threads had this and nothing happend to those

>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong
Replies: >>11192
you want everything to be aligned with soyjak.party's rules, then what's the point of this site? just serves as a bunker and produces gay discord fanfics?
Replies: >>11184 >>11188
no 'litanigger i just server to not be infested by pedotroons like 3 posts i linked
whenever shitty.clitty goes down all activity transfers to shemale.
Most nusoicacas dont even know about the site.
>produces gay discord fanfics
happens here more often than you think
<>[kohlchan Mandatory Space]
<>[catchan Mandatory Space]
saging your post BLEED
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stfu immigrant faggot
what part of 'lita website don't you understand
i have been on this site for nearly a year fagranny
>WHAT part of Li'ita websstite do you not udnendstanr öÖö
i wanted a 'lita website i'd fuck off to booru.plus or discord/ both have enough of you nigletroidians there
Replies: >>11190
also nice router on-off,
You honestly seem like a massive discord faggot human trash
Replies: >>11191
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>only a year
holy newfag, get out
Replies: >>11191
chaned IP again award
>>11182 (OP) 
Womp womp cry about it shartyshit rulecucking is not allowed here
>so being a pedonigger is allowed? as expected of j@rtycvcks
there's no guaranteed way to just "ban pedos" from your site without it devolving into schizophrenic accusations and purity spiraling over what exactly counts as "pedophillia". This should be a subject relegated to law enforcement agencies, not soyjak websites. 

So long as the posts themselves aren't disruptive, they're going to be permitted for the same reason that pro-nazi, pro-racist, or pro-violence statements will be permitted. 

>borderline nsfw
its just a dusty edit of a meme with soylita. 

>fine i'll just make 1 mutt thread every few days and necrobump them all once a month since that isnt against the rules
that's not against the rules, yes, ideally though it'd be "one topic, one thread". I'm not going to enforce that for its unpopularity, but a mutt general would be most ideal as to not take up catalog space.

>im gonna assume we can spam derail threads since multiple threads had this and nothing happend to those
this behavior is expressly permitted:
"5. Dumping images in single threads"
the posts themselves don't crash browsers or anything either. If you don't like it, filter it in your settings.
Replies: >>11211
again, this is not a "soylita website", this is a soyjak website where nas like this is tolerated.
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Replies: >>11210 >>11213
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>you fags are just getting upset and shitting up the site over nothing
>this is like the only altchan worth using so I wish you'd stop trying to drive lute insane so he deletes it 
>the soylita threads are kinda gay though
ev&o gas is one letter away from gem
kys xkcd poster
but why cant the jannies remove spam/flood from threads it gets annoying
Replies: >>11212
because you can hide it, also because adding more janny rules would lead to more janny discretion in removing posts.
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>ev&o gas is one letter away from gem
>kys xkcd poster
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soot ban nucoal
Replies: >>11216 >>11217
what is nucoal and how does it differ from normal grade coal?
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>what is nucoal and how does it differ from normal grade coal?
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>>talk to me in meta words words words im an esl leftfaggot

>so being a pedonigger is allowed? as expected of j@rtycvcks
>also borderline nsfw 'litanigger post if thats what you goon to

>@thread nobody cares about
>>necrobumping isnt against the rules
>most important thing to note ^^vv
>fine i'll just make 1 mutt thread every few days and necrobump them all once a month since that isnt against the rules
>Right? Right??

>also since the topic is spamming:
>im gonna assume we can spam derail threads since multiple threads had this and nothing happend to those

>>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong>something went wrong
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why was that troonjak spammer banned for spamming the soytan diaper general? >>>/soy/141813  i thought it's allowed because you can hide it? >>>/soy/140096
Replies: >>11382
marge am i banned or not banned
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