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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

Hello everyone, I think It's finally time that this site discusses opening board registration, so 'teens can host their own boards about their own topics with their own moderators, however I would like to discuss some rules for these boards, both in content allowed on them and permitted subject matter:

Global rule changes
Rules 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 will all remain in effect as they are now and will apply globally.

Rules 2 and 4 will be moved to be local board rules on every board that I currently manage (/soy/, /qa/, /sneed/, /art/, etc.)

These changes should give board owners more flexibility in their style of moderation and the community they wish to create.

Improvements to the "What is allowed" section of the rules to note specifically protected content that may appear on all boards, i.e, soyjaks. 

failure to enforce global rules will lead to the board in question being suspended or seized.

Board Topic Rules

The types of boards you permit on a site will influence the site's culture. If we get /qanonresearch/, /pedo/, and /leftypol/ on this site, the main board, i.e, /soy/, will become overrun with users from these cultures, which would lead to the nas-coalening of the century as the site steps away from soyjaks being the primary focus.

Because of this, I would like to propose several topic bans for boards and rules to prevent this place from devolving into cancer if this is done:

A total ban on shock-content and pornographic boards
The goal of a ban like this is to prevent the site from being overloaded with coomers and foodists. This site already has quite the reputation for being a lot more sexual than who we've splintered from, soyjak.party, and while this is tolerated, having the site overrun with actual brain-dead retarded and talentless gooners who just want to spam this site with porn dumps would not be good. At least the current coomers on this site create jarty-related OC for people to make fun of or react to. The shock-content ban specifically is to prevent sadists, pedo-sadists, or other types of people from coming to the site in droves to turn this site into their favorite 'cord for raiding twitch streamers.

A total ban on political-centric discussion
sorry /liberty/ bros, but politisperging attracts the most low-life, whiny, and sensitive retards from across the internet to sites. It also ends up attracting feds as well as someone inevitably starts talking about committing murder against a politician. This website does not need to be another one of the myriads of debate halls for politics anymore than it already is. Keeping political talk secondary to making fun of people with soyjaks will keep this site on track for its original purpose. This isn't to say that political content will be banned from the site, or disallowed on /soy/, it's just that political discussion should stay secondary to the purpose of this site, which is to be a fun place to be for making fun of people, things, and getting into pointless arguments about nothing while using soyjaks or other /qa/ memes.

A hard ban on board spam
Anyone creating new boards rapidly that do nothing to spam the site will have their boards removed and accounts banned. This is to prevent the boards page to have 300 pages of garbage because a sh*rtySHIT thought it'd be funny to troll.

An eviction notice system
Eventually, we're going to get a board that is not in violation of the rules but still harmful to the site as a whole. Because of this, at my sole discretion, I would like to have it known that I can serve a board an eviction notice, where after a certain date the board will be terminated from being hosted on the site. This should give whoever is hosting the board enough time to relocate the board off the jarty and to somewhere else. 

While many would hate to see it since it's not /liberty/pilled, the servers I run are paid for at my expense and hosted on my hardware. This means that I am paying for whatever content is on this site. I am rather lax on rules because it makes posting here fun, I would also be willing to remove any specific type of content just because I don't like it because it's on my hardware. Also, if the feds come knocking, there's not much I can do but attempt to prevent further harm to the site and that means bending the knee in some cases if a community gets too rowdy.

The solution for this, long term, would be for peerchan to finally stabilize enough to be ran as the jarty's main software. I doubt that will happen any time soon, though, so this is the best compromise.

The interpretation of if a board should be on this site or not will be to my sole discretion. Unlike boards like /soy/, which I purposefully keep as open as possible, boards on the site will likely be a more regulated subject so we don't get a board dedicated to legalizing child rape, posting loli porn, or dedicated to soylita spam on the site. If you want that, 8ch.moe exists. The last thing this site needs to become is "pedo fascist larp imageboard #10723".

More input on this is requested and there is no promise this is even done at all.
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>>hi this is lute today im cucking to fascist authoritarians
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>states rights is cucking to fascist authoritarians
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>Hello everyone, I think It's finally time that this site discusses opening board registration, so 'teens can host their own boards about their own topics with their own moderators, however I would like to discuss some rules for these boards, both in content allowed on them and permitted subject matter:

>Global rule changes
>Rules 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 will all remain in effect as they are now and will apply globally.

>Rules 2 and 4 will be moved to be local board rules on every board that I currently manage (/soy/, /qa/, /sneed/, /art/, etc.)

>These changes should give board owners more flexibility in their style of moderation and the community they wish to create.

>Improvements to the "What is allowed" section of the rules to note specifically protected content that may appear on all boards, i.e, soyjaks. 

>failure to enforce global rules will lead to the board in question being suspended or seized.

>Board Topic Rules

>The types of boards you permit on a site will influence the site's culture. If we get /qanonresearch/, /pedo/, and /leftypol/ on this site, the main board, i.e, /soy/, will become overrun with users from these cultures, which would lead to the nas-coalening of the century as the site steps away from soyjaks being the primary focus.

>Because of this, I would like to propose several topic bans for boards and rules to prevent this place from devolving into cancer if this is done:

>A total ban on shock-content and pornographic boards
>The goal of a ban like this is to prevent the site from being overloaded with coomers and foodists. This site already has quite the reputation for being a lot more sexual than who we've splintered from, soyjak.party, and while this is tolerated, having the site overrun with actual brain-dead retarded and talentless gooners who just want to spam this site with porn dumps would not be good. At least the current coomers on this site create jarty-related OC for people to make fun of or react to. The shock-content ban specifically is to prevent sadists, pedo-sadists, or other types of people from coming to the site in droves to turn this site into their favorite 'cord for raiding twitch streamers.

>A total ban on political-centric discussion
>sorry /liberty/ bros, but politisperging attracts the most low-life, whiny, and sensitive retards from across the internet to sites. It also ends up attracting feds as well as someone inevitably starts talking about committing murder against a politician. This website does not need to be another one of the myriads of debate halls for politics anymore than it already is. Keeping political talk secondary to making fun of people with soyjaks will keep this site on track for its original purpose. This isn't to say that political content will be banned from the site, or disallowed on /soy/, it's just that political discussion should stay secondary to the purpose of this site, which is to be a fun place to be for making fun of people, things, and getting into pointless arguments about nothing while using soyjaks or other /qa/ memes.

>A hard ban on board spam
>Anyone creating new boards rapidly that do nothing to spam the site will have their boards removed and accounts banned. This is to prevent the boards page to have 300 pages of garbage because a sh*rtySHIT thought it'd be funny to troll.

>An eviction notice system
>Eventually, we're going to get a board that is not in violation of the rules but still harmful to the site as a whole. Because of this, at my sole discretion, I would like to have it known that I can serve a board an eviction notice, where after a certain date the board will be terminated from being hosted on the site. This should give whoever is hosting the board enough time to relocate the board off the jarty and to somewhere else. 

>While many would hate to see it since it's not /liberty/pilled, the servers I run are paid for at my expense and hosted on my hardware. This means that I am paying for whatever content is on this site. I am rather lax on rules because it makes posting here fun, I would also be willing to remove any specific type of content just because I don't like it because it's on my hardware. Also, if the feds come knocking, there's not much I can do but attempt to prevent further harm to the site and that means bending the knee in some cases if a community gets too rowdy.

>The solution for this, long term, would be for peerchan to finally stabilize enough to be ran as the jarty's main software. I doubt that will happen any time soon, though, so this is the best compromise.

>The interpretation of if a board should be on this site or not will be to my sole discretion. Unlike boards like /soy/, which I purposefully keep as open as possible, boards on the site will likely be a more regulated subject so we don't get a board dedicated to legalizing child rape, posting loli porn, or dedicated to soylita spam on the site. If you want that, 8ch.moe exists. The last thing this site needs to become is "pedo fascist larp imageboard #10723".

>More input on this is requested and there is no promise this is even done at all.
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>states rights
what does any of this mean did that esl's shitty ideas >>>/qa/5305  actually inspired you to make this
Replies: >>11497 >>11516
tsmt if someone wants to build their own namefag space without coal police or whatever blunt rotation shit they wanna pull they can just use https://8chan.moe/soy/
Im gonna make /blacked/
you still havent done anything you selfishlittle fuck i want my own board NOW NOW NOW
Replies: >>11516
rule 2 should be a global rule. allowing people to namefag will open the floodgates to the worst kind of people in any community
Lootie Loot am I allowed to make /soylita/ if I promise that i'll delete avatarfagging, posts sexualizing her or posts that advocate for pedophilia in general?
Replies: >>11516
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add >>>/kelly/

and maybe /int/
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soor make me a /qa/triots board
Replies: >>11516
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>>11486 (OP) 
But peerchan's ui is shit compared to jschan
Replies: >>11516
ev&o the idea isn't that bad besides all the bad parts
because i'm not kuzzykins and I don't want to institute a new change without asking the site's userbase first.
so long as your dustlita board doesn't violate the global rules of the site, I'll tolerate it.
if it gets out of hand though, I'll put an end to the board.
ev&o that's thefrogpond
also @frogs why haven't you added the webring plugin so we can be xister sites
hence why it's not being used right now
Replies: >>11517 >>11521
thefrogpond has been down all week [sadtransheart]
Replies: >>11519
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>rulecucking and more micromanagement will surely make more people use my dead site
frog sissas...
not like this...
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>Lootie Loot am I allowed to make /soylita/
are you going to open janitor applications when the board thing rolls out
Replies: >>11523 >>11546
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>are you going to open janitor applications when the board thing rolls out
if it increases overall PPH, then I may need more global jannies, but I think that it'll be fine for now.
Replies: >>11524
just make a no rules board (/b/), none of the custom boards will receive more than 5 ppd.
Replies: >>11525 >>11526
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just use 4cuck /b/ or /trash/
it's obvious your soicuck janitors cant handle true freedom
Replies: >>11625 >>11898
a no rules /b/ board would just devolve into how nu 4cuck/b/ is: porn dump coal that's influenced by discord servers.
If you want that, 4chan has you covered. If you want something of higher quality, some level of moderation is necessary. Ideally this moderation would be user-selected rather than ingrained into a site, but again, peerchan isn't finished so we can't get that.

Allowing board registration will at least permit users that are interested in certain topics to moderate themselves. Low PPD is not a bad thing in itself, so long as its consistent and the content is of high quality.
Replies: >>11528 >>11625
this site has basically became a porn dump though, people only post here for what isn't allowed on the sharty
tsmt its free speech is the people want to talk about bbc and bwc then that is their right
actual soyboy
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>it really took this long for the nuj*rtyCVCKs to barely figure out their admin is a retarded faggot soyboy
>>11486 (OP) 
>total ban on söylitical-centric discussion
Fuck you I'll make /chud/ anyway
so when is this getting released
Replies: >>11712 >>11875
lutey is reflecting on his mistakes and having a bit of a cooling off period. he will do it once he gets back.
>>11486 (OP) 
loot do this already please please please
Replies: >>11875
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>>11486 (OP) 
add /e/
I'm still pondering on the specific global board rules to add and move around as to not create the coal of the century if I did add this.

still requesting comments on my board topic rules and global rule changes
Replies: >>11877 >>11878
Just pull the trigger
okay can't someone just make a board that maliciously spams max filesize videos/gifs to waste your bandwidth
would you ban a board like that
Replies: >>11880
I can put global filesize caps on boards.
also if there was some spam board that just tried to waste filesize I would remove it.
Replies: >>11881
is this going to require email or phone verification or something
Replies: >>11882
no, but I may require a captcha and inactive boards may be deleted automatically after some time.
Replies: >>11883
you are going to make it so only a specific amount of boards can be made each day right
Replies: >>11884
a board is basically just a single string data field in the post database and a set of moderator permissions
Replies: >>11885 >>11886
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>existence is just space dust on a rock going 2.9 soyillian miles per hour in an empty void
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But muh abuse and raids and p spammers and pedos
Boards I'll be creating:

boards I'll be deleting:

Boards I plan to create:
Replies: >>11891
I'm deleting all of those, sorry.
shartytranny tier nothingburger
inefficient and procrastinating on top of that, expect this to never come out or dead on arrival
FDL woke up
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>FDL woke up
Replies: >>11900
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>>FDL woke up
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Replies: >>11900
4chan is only bad because i need to solve captchas and most of my proxies are rangebanned.
Replies: >>11900
saged in a sticky award
Replies: >>11901
>saging a sticky is le bad because reddit said so or something
is requesting cub also banned? what if someone solicits young looking art on one of the furnigger threads here inb4 double standards
Replies: >>11929
cub porn is counted as loli.
requesting it is not permitted.
Replies: >>11931
is flat is allowed?
also since /soy/ is basically /lita/ at this point do consider making it an own board or reopining /b/ (please)
Replies: >>11933
>is flat allowed
flat chested women, so long as they're women and not children/jail baiting, do not violate the rules of the website. I would warn though that if a woman unfortunately does look underage, source for their age should be posted so moderators are aware and can confirm "this is an adult" would prevent unjustified removals.

btw small breasts > large breasts, but pedoforks get the rope.
>also since /soy/ is basically /lita/ at this point
meds+bbc, /soy/ is /soy/.

>or reopining /b/
did you give up on this already?
Replies: >>12101
no, I just have been very busy due to life events and the global rule change took precedence over this. I still plan to go ahead and add rules for this and open up board registration as soon as convenient. Still need to tweak the board rule so we're not overran with porn and politicoal
Replies: >>12105
That should only take like 30 minutes max.
>Boards that are both locked and unlisted may be subject to deletion at any time, without notice.
that's understandable, but assuming they're not locked but abandoned, how long does the owner have to be inactive for them to get deleted/reclaimed?
Replies: >>12327
loo the new boards are mostly gemmy but someone made a soylite board and also someone else is spamming endless jartycuck boards which makes my twp twitch
jannies gonna have to stay up 24/7......
Lutttte we need the trillion janny plan
Replies: >>12327
I'm the original OP of >>>/soy/145466. Could you move it to >>>/mare/?
Replies: >>12320
Luteeeee upgrade the servers
the site is 5% slower to load
I can't do it, idk maybe lute removed my permission because I'm not a very active janny
new boards that are getting the boot

Rule 3

Rule 1

Rule 2
Came home from getting the milk award
Replies: >>12327
at last you're finally arrived
Replies: >>12326
oh fuck i'm an esl fnf pedo jartycuck fuck
1 month of inactivity makes a user lose all staff positions
a board without an owner will be deleted after one day without having a head of staff
I'm thinking about upgrading my most trusted jannies to global board admins so they can police the entire website for global rule violations. most boards with some level of staying power are also going to have their own jannies. If the boards that are good stick around, I may give some of their board owners global staff so they have the luxurious right to report CP.
milk ev&o just woke up award
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>banned for rule 3: excessive spam
bwahahahahaahahahaaaahahaha keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek nigga you can't be serious
Replies: >>12331
shit nobody cares about award
hopped in a vpn award
Replies: >>12332
i actually do prepaid sim + spoofed imei + vpn + whonix + tuxler for my all shitposting opsex
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>It was fun until you started sperging out again. Haven't you realized that nobody actually gives a fuck about pedoshit and gore on imageboards? 

>>deleting actually active boards instead of 0 posts joke boards 
>As expected of deadsite admin. 
>WTF is rule 3 anyway? Whatever you don't like = excessive spam?
tranny janny fail
They simply hate fun
clitty leakages are afterparty culture and u deleted the board while still appropriating it like the white niggerjew that u are!
thank science we still have >>>/mare/
Replies: >>12338
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>>>/mare/ fvcking WON.
Replies: >>12339
Replies: >>12340
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go to >>>/mare/
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>It was fun until you started sperging out again. Haven't you realized that nobody actually gives a fuck about pedoshit and gore on imageboards? 

>>>deleting actually active boards instead of 0 posts joke boards 
>>As expected of deadsite admin. 
>>WTF is rule 3 anyway? Whatever you don't like = excessive spam?
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>the site is tearing itself apart because lute deleted the cp
Replies: >>12343 >>12345
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>noooo we need 100000 dead boards about cp
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>deletes the only active boards
>everyone spergs out
>people still wonder why
Replies: >>12346 >>12347
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>only active boards
not true, they still have the horsefucker board and the shit board
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>even doe lute didnt delete /mare/
>/scat/ isn't on the list
/scat/bros, we won.
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never 4get
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>deleting cp bad because muh freedumbs or something like that yeah
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>porn featuring a child is not cp because 4chan told me so
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lolicon and one particular drawing of a soyjak girl = cp because sharty told me so
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>the people ATTACKING ME for gooning to little girls are the REAL pedos
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Britain won btw
I still can't create boards
btw since the boards list is fucked up (lute your site is broken KEK!) you can check the webring on https://scifichan.space/boards.html for the full list instead
Replies: >>12424
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the board that's so dead literally everyone forgot it existed
Replies: >>12428
Is it just me or is the overboard broken as well now
Replies: >>12426
Nvm it just went back up
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JEWWWWWWT give us back the /nofur/ bot can i keep running experiments here?
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>5 whole users in /mare/
>/meta/ ppd approaching /soy/
shartycucks must be getting really hecking scared
Replies: >>12590
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/dielutedielutedielutedielutedielutedielutedieluted/ won
/kuz/ lost
/mare/ lost
/liberty/ lost
/gemparty/ lost
/rape/ lost
/twk/ lost
/int/ lost
/karaboga/ lost
/uk/ lost
/lennon/ lost
/sayori/ lost
/v/ lost
/caca/ lost
/qa2/ lost
/furry/ lost
/bbc/ lost
/fuck/ lost
/board/ lost
/a/ lost
/fpe/ lost
/poke/ lost
/int2/ lost
/jfy/ lost
/mame/ lost
/videos/ lost
/transbian/ lost
/niggerhell/ lost
/giga/ lost
/sproke/ lost
/slop/ lost
/jartycuck/ lost
/dc/ lost
/anon5/ lost
/floyd/ lost
/crick/ lost
/root/ lost
/zoomer/ lost
/feralgodwon/ lost
/biden/ lost
/fnf/ lost
/toss/ lost
/coal/ lost
/schlog/ lost
/sienesepaining/ lost
/rage/ lost
/get/ lost
/cobson/ lost
/pol/ lost
/abdl/ lost
/dawla/ lost
/shemmy/ lost
/st/ lost
/apu/ lost
/k/ lost
/diap/ lost
/india/ lost
/sml/ lost
/feralteen/ lost
/pleasefaggotpleasefuckingdiejustfuckingdieforever/ lost
/cord/ lost
/mlg/ lost
/rea/ lost
/ziemniak/ lost
/bnat/ lost 
/ohio/ lost
/discord/ lost
/cuff/ lost
/ru/ lost
/vn/ lost
/jartypedo/ lost
/glbt/ lost
/gems/ lost
/goon/ lost
/yyy/ lost
/ngrptn/ lost
/slopjaks/ lost
/beni011/ lost
/666/ lost
/scat/ lost
/z/ lost
/studio/ lost
/rtr/ lost
/fankin/ lost
/nusoicacas/ lost
/twoxchromosomes/ lost
/incel/ lost
/trr/ lost
/zellig/ lost
/frog/ lost
/tx/ lost
/a2/ lost
/g/ lost
/mlp/ lost
/shartywon/ lost
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>>>/mare/ and nothing of value was lost 
@admin i told you that pony porn spammer is probably a sharty janny but you didn't listen
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