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The Shemmy is collapsing because a one nufag squeaker kolymateen that sperging up and want NAS on /soy/ and NSFW to be banned, caused many jannies to be manipulated by him. all 'teens who speak up against him to protect shemmy culture are supressed and got banned, including me (yes, i banned because i really want that kolyma rizzfag to be banned)

I'm also member of GNWO, a movement to end rulecucking and demoralization of soysphere and embrace 'jakking freedom which NAS and IAS, SFW and NSFW lives in harmony, just like the old /qa/

I don't made a splinter here, i just give a suggestion for a new splinter

Another idea is a board when IAS-NAS mixed board (like pre-foot shemmy /soy/) and IAS-only board (like soot-era /soy/), Also soylita/shoyta poster deserve their own board, only post-soot nufags think they're "le pedophile" blah blah blah

Also i have idea to made a countrywar board (basically booruniggers are now have their own board) i think countrywars and slopjaks are gemmy, also R.I.P satoko the best troll ever, it's sad he's never see a splinter when countrywar are allowed

My ideas is a splinter imageboard who both have rulescuck and norulescuck board, basically a splinter with decentralized board
[Hide] (6MB, 1280x720, 01:28)
>The Shemmy is collapsing because a one nufag squeaker kolymateen that sperging up and want NAS on /soy/ and NSFW to be banned, caused many jannies to be manipulated by him. all 'teens who speak up against him to protect shemmy culture are supressed and got banned, including me (yes, i banned because i really want that kolyma rizzfag to be banned)
>[reddit spacing]
>I'm also member of GNWO, a movement to end rulecucking and demoralization of soysphere and embrace 'jakking freedom which NAS and IAS, SFW and NSFW lives in harmony, just like the old /qa/
>[reddit spacing]
>I don't made a splinter here, i just give a suggestion for a new splinter
>[reddit spacing]
>Another idea is a board when IAS-NAS mixed board (like pre-foot shemmy /soy/) and IAS-only board (like soot-era /soy/), Also soylita/shoyta poster deserve their own board, only post-soot nufags think they're "le pedophile" blah blah blah
>[reddit spacing]
>Also i have idea to made a countrywar board (basically booruniggers are now have their own board) i think countrywars and slopjaks are gemmy, also R.I.P satoko the best troll ever, it's sad he's never see a splinter when countrywar are allowed
>[reddit spacing]
>My ideas is a splinter imageboard who both have rulescuck and norulescuck board, basically a splinter with decentralized board
Replies: >>5308 >>5310 >>5316
[Hide] (41.7KB, 977x1098) Reverse
The Shemmy is collapsing because a one nufag squeaker kolymateen that sperging up and want NAS on /soy/ and NSFW to be banned, caused many jannies to be manipulated by him. all 'teens who speak up against him to protect shemmy culture are supressed and got banned, including me (yes, i banned because i really want that kolyma rizzfag to be banned)

I'm also member of GNWO, a movement to end rulecucking and demoralization of soysphere and embrace 'jakking freedom which NAS and IAS, SFW and NSFW lives in harmony, just like the old /qa/

I don't made a splinter here, i just give a suggestion for a new splinter

Another idea is a board when IAS-NAS mixed board (like pre-foot shemmy /soy/) and IAS-only board (like soot-era /soy/), Also soylita/shoyta poster deserve their own board, only post-soot nufags think they're "le pedophile" blah blah blah

Also i have idea to made a countrywar board (basically booruniggers are now have their own board) i think countrywars and slopjaks are gemmy, also R.I.P satoko the best troll ever, it's sad he's never see a splinter when countrywar are allowed

My ideas is a splinter imageboard who both have rulescuck and norulescuck board, basically a splinter with decentralized board
the gem that makes me laugh every time i watch it
Replies: >>5309
Yeah. that's why i also want boorufags to have a board, they are funny
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Slopjaks and countrywar are gem
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>The Shemmy is collapsing because a one nufag squeaker kolymateen that sperging up and want NAS on /soy/ and NSFW to be banned, caused many jannies to be manipulated by him. all 'teens who speak up against him to protect shemmy culture are supressed and got banned, including me (yes, i banned because i really want that kolyma rizzfag to be banned)
>[reddit spacing]
>I'm also member of GNWO, a movement to end rulecucking and demoralization of soysphere and embrace 'jakking freedom which NAS and IAS, SFW and NSFW lives in harmony, just like the old /qa/
>[reddit spacing]
>I don't made a splinter here, i just give a suggestion for a new splinter
>[reddit spacing]
>Another idea is a board when IAS-NAS mixed board (like pre-foot shemmy /soy/) and IAS-only board (like soot-era /soy/), Also soylita/shoyta poster deserve their own board, only post-soot nufags think they're "le pedophile" blah blah blah
>[reddit spacing]
>Also i have idea to made a countrywar board (basically booruniggers are now have their own board) i think countrywars and slopjaks are gemmy, also R.I.P satoko the best troll ever, it's sad he's never see a splinter when countrywar are allowed
>[reddit spacing]
>My ideas is a splinter imageboard who both have rulescuck and norulescuck board, basically a splinter with decentralized board
gigo no one fucking supports the shit you do except you, no one wants the "GNWO" to exist but you, if yku want to post this shit so badly then just post here. no one is forcing you to use the superior site.
Replies: >>5318 >>5319
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Holy marge
GNWO means "gooner new world order", a anti-rulecuck pro-NSFW movement, it had did nothing with Gigo or whatever

Also who's gigo?
Gigo mostly use sharty though, he's no longer a sperg
also gelisht often impersonate him
so he's change his name to "gigachad123"
I COULD make a splinter but I'm a jartychad and content with this website so why would I?
Replies: >>5321
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You should.
Spoiler File
(235.1KB, 640x360, 00:03)
>The Shemmy is collapsing because a one nufag squeaker kolymateen that sperging up and want NAS on /soy/ and NSFW to be banned, caused many jannies to be manipulated by him. all 'teens who speak up against him to protect shemmy culture are supressed and got banned, including me (yes, i banned because i really want that kolyma rizzfag to be banned)
>[reddit spacing]
>I'm also member of GNWO, a movement to end rulecucking and demoralization of soysphere and embrace 'jakking freedom which NAS and IAS, SFW and NSFW lives in harmony, just like the old /qa/
>[reddit spacing]
>I don't made a splinter here, i just give a suggestion for a new splinter
>[reddit spacing]
>Another idea is a board when IAS-NAS mixed board (like pre-foot shemmy /soy/) and IAS-only board (like soot-era /soy/), Also soylita/shoyta poster deserve their own board, only post-soot nufags think they're "le pedophile" blah blah blah
>[reddit spacing]
>Also i have idea to made a countrywar board (basically booruniggers are now have their own board) i think countrywars and slopjaks are gemmy, also R.I.P satoko the best troll ever, it's sad he's never see a splinter when countrywar are allowed
>[reddit spacing]
>My ideas is a splinter imageboard who both have rulescuck and norulescuck board, basically a splinter with decentralized board
Replies: >>5323 >>5324
is this what theericbutts does nowadays or something?
Chudsissies what is this?
Not a splinter but we can discuss here
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please just go back to sharty's /qa/ i'm sure someone will draw dragonjak and vocaroo-tan for you.
Replies: >>5328 >>5329
Meds real gigo + kellyfag mostly active on sharty that's just impersonating Gelisht
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Can you stop mentioning that joel-tier nametroon and accused me as gigo or whatever i have did nothing with that nigger
You're a literal schizo i had did nothing with this post 
GNWO means gooner new world order not gigo new world order 
Also that's not a real gigo but impersonating Gelisht (he confirms it on sharty)
Trvthnuke thread
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>The Shemmy is collapsing because a one nufag squeaker kolymateen that sperging up and want NAS on /soy/ and NSFW to be banned, caused many jannies to be manipulated by him. all 'teens who speak up against him to protect shemmy culture are supressed and got banned, including me (yes, i banned because i really want that kolyma rizzfag to be banned)

>I'm also member of GNWO, a movement to end rulecucking and demoralization of soysphere and embrace 'jakking freedom which NAS and IAS, SFW and NSFW lives in harmony, just like the old /qa/

>I don't made a splinter here, i just give a suggestion for a new splinter

>Another idea is a board when IAS-NAS mixed board (like pre-foot shemmy /soy/) and IAS-only board (like soot-era /soy/), Also soylita/shoyta poster deserve their own board, only post-soot nufags think they're "le pedophile" blah blah blah

>Also i have idea to made a countrywar board (basically booruniggers are now have their own board) i think countrywars and slopjaks are gemmy, also R.I.P satoko the best troll ever, it's sad he's never see a splinter when countrywar are allowed

>My ideas is a splinter imageboard who both have rulescuck and norulescuck board, basically a splinter with decentralized board
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