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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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I'll probably start working on making JSChan better some time in the next couple months, do any of you 'teens have a wish list for site improvements?
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>>8095 (OP) 
Replies: >>8102
if there is some way to change the size of images in the catty, that would be useful
not as familiar with jschan as vichan doe
Replies: >>8101
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>>8095 (OP) 
ebin list
SOOOTT FIX THE LOGS (this will fix the "i dont know where my thread was moved to" issue)

Replies: >>8101
go into settings and put in 
.catalog-thumb {
max-height: 150px

under custom CSS, it'll change stuff for you.

ev&o people use these sometimes
gemmy idea
in the works
im a lazy little selfish fuck, but fine, since it's way past overdue, i'll put it onto the top of my to-do list.
planning on doing this one of these nights after a big upgrade or something
erm, even though I already did? chud?
Replies: >>8138
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make the overboard scroll infitine pages
make the overboard faster and more reactive to new posts
increase total file size upload limit to let us upload gemmy videos
Replies: >>8121
Fartnuggets! I do not know what I want.
>>8095 (OP) 
loot make /trump/ as an equivalent to /pol/ / /int/
loot make /trump/ have flags
Replies: >>8121
Move the hide button to the left on each post
Replies: >>8121
>Mass reply button
>Greentext button
<pinktext button
>blue text
that's all I can think of
Replies: >>8121
make the default theme on /soy/ yotsoyba b because of my hekkin sovlful old sharty and /qa/
Replies: >>8124
Replies: >>8121
>make the overboard scroll infitine pages
gem idea I want to do
>make the overboard faster and more reactive to new posts
gem idea I want to do
>increase total file size upload limit to let us upload gemmy videos
would require increasing server size, which would mean more costs. Perhaps adding some features so users can pay for more storage would be a nice middle-ground? 
>loot make /trump/ as an equivalent to /pol/ / /int/
>loot make /trump/ have flags
see >>7348
>Move the hide button to the left on each post
gem idea I want to do
>>Mass reply button
takes a lot of the effort out of mass replying to people
>>Greentext button
ev&o you can just click the > button on your keeb and it works
><pinktext button
ev&o you can just click the < button on your keeb and it works
>>blue text
too limited, another user's suggestion will cover this though
seems more like a novelty to me
gem idea I want to do. letting users select whatever color they want for their text would allow some obnoxious and funny posts
Replies: >>8122 >>8133
wish granted
>spin text
>blue text
desperate "look im doing somethin!" kolyma ideas
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>no fun allowed fun is le kolyma
>ev&o people use these sometimes
too many options that will undermine the new themes
sooot add my logo or i will break the site
Unban namefags like W7-890 and make zoolatry punishable by CCP law
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soot replace the old windows theme in >>>/art/ with a gnustep inspired theme
gnustep features a gemmier gui and its open source
>>8095 (OP) 
Replies: >>8200
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new banner thread even tho >>2577
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Replies: >>8227
currently, his avatarfagging and bisexual posting is banned due to it violating the no avatarfag rule.
Replies: >>8230
how is using a soyjak avatarfagging? kys retard
Replies: >>8233 >>8234
the bait-and-switch bisexual flags is a type of post signature.
Replies: >>8235
Jakkers these days are boring
i post some of them sometimes, it's not avatarfagging, it's just you being a faggot banning soyjaks you dislike
Replies: >>8237 >>8238
I cannot come up with any clever response to all this drama.
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>posts gay material (ironically of course)
>uh btw (You) are the faggot
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>@everyone, we just dropped bluetext support, a tutorial for using it can be found here.
on the jarty's page in the 'ki some cobchud called /x/ a CP sharing board fix it please
Replies: >>8260
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it's that easy
Replies: >>8261 >>8263
steeeeeeeven play spergcraft with me
@lute add biden to the list
>CP gets posted on the frontpage
JEWT sleeps for 6 hours straight
>w7-890 namefag finally pops up out of nowhere
so peace is not an option eh? Repost the baleeted comment in 5 hours or there will be actual Zoo'P in the frontpage You've been warned Dont push my limits faggot
Replies: >>8276 >>8280
>wGOD is going to post furry and zoophilia porn

You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain...
Replies: >>8281 >>8292
How difficult is it to not use a signature.
>You've been warned Dont push my limits faggot
You are a dumb nigger. The biggest attentionwhore nigger I've ever seen. I am no longer going to cut you any favors.
Replies: >>8281 >>8292
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im not gonna maybe ill post harmless adult anime instead just to trigger fe/fir's projection fantasies

>How difficult is it not to get butthurt over someone's signature why dont you take your own advice instead of jannying 24/7 on a dead altchan
<arent you furfags supposed to be rich and evil? gee is this what you call "good at marketing and business talk" really makes you think on your LinkedIn page
>(You) are formally the dumbest /ook/ furnigger ive ever seen. The biggest attentionwhore I've ever seen was the sashley faggot with his hey look i posted horny furfag video arent you supposed to be turned on and derail this thread reddit style
<but nah xe/xem is the real MVP and i wont delete this obvious blatant avatarfagging that smells like an axewound far away in women's spaces even though everyone is complaining
bla bla bla and i fixed your word wordy words for you hopefully (you) dont mind them being shoved down you own mouth WITH A RAINBOW DILDO SHAPED FUNNEL

>dont push the white man's "benevolent TM" limits faggot (dude sorry to flatter your ego but seriously? nobody sane is afraid of you ive been doing this for years on end now) (also you can try permabanning my shithole continent but ill come back every time just to ruin your day)
Wow is this what @JEWT calls a "professional trust and safety" management team? i mean i already forgotten about it yesterday when i slept too early but Boy! you really want me to do this don't you? i mean i dont want to get v& IRL but im considering about installing OpenVPN or wireguard in my local computer cafes in gilmore using stealth executable or just the anydesk proxy temporarily as i don't want to cause trouble for the next members

>no more favors PERIOD (Jokes on you pal i never asked faggot ill just evade myself then)
Jesus christ im not even defending the NSS but holy shit not even kuz/doll was that harsh against namefags and yet you have the audacity to call this a "no drama comfy altchan" while shit like this happens AT A DAILY BASIS ok hypocrite
TL:DR are far right furry moderators really chill like the mass media depicted? this proves the complete opposite ((( STRATOKIKE!! )))

>the jew admin is so desperate to remove ALL my traces xhe decides to necro bump this age old thread just to edit my namefag first attempt at a real dragonjak GEM
You can't make this up faggot even the laughing cobcoaler received better treatment than me but ive learned long ago that there's no point in arguing "fairness" but yeah by all means go ahead and keep gaslighing us about "safe free speech refugee chan" rhetoric

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST 2. Creating posts that come with any type of signature or avatar is banned.

Replies: >>8283 >>8565
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This guy makes furry hate look gay. This video will calm him down if he ever comes back
Replies: >>8564
how long is my ban even?
Oh. I did not notice that.
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>im not gonna maybe ill post harmless adult anime instead just to trigger fe/fir's projection fantasies

>>How difficult is it not to get butthurt over someone's signature why dont you take your own advice instead of jannying 24/7 on a dead altchan
><arent you furfags supposed to be rich and evil? gee is this what you call "good at marketing and business talk" really makes you think on your LinkedIn page
>>(You) are formally the dumbest /ook/ furnigger ive ever seen. The biggest attentionwhore I've ever seen was the sashley faggot with his hey look i posted horny furfag video arent you supposed to be turned on and derail this thread reddit style
><but nah xe/xem is the real MVP and i wont delete this obvious blatant avatarfagging that smells like an axewound far away in women's spaces even though everyone is complaining
>bla bla bla and i fixed your word wordy words for you hopefully (you) dont mind them being shoved down you own mouth WITH A RAINBOW DILDO SHAPED FUNNEL

>>dont push the white man's "benevolent TM" limits faggot (dude sorry to flatter your ego but seriously? nobody sane is afraid of you ive been doing this for years on end now) (also you can try permabanning my shithole continent but ill come back every time just to ruin your day)
>Wow is this what @JEWT calls a "professional trust and safety" management team? i mean i already forgotten about it yesterday when i slept too early but Boy! you really want me to do this don't you? i mean i dont want to get v& IRL but im considering about installing OpenVPN or wireguard in my local computer cafes in gilmore using stealth executable or just the anydesk proxy temporarily as i don't want to cause trouble for the next members

>>no more favors PERIOD (Jokes on you pal i never asked faggot ill just evade myself then)
>Jesus christ im not even defending the NSS but holy shit not even kuz/doll was that harsh against namefags and yet you have the audacity to call this a "no drama comfy altchan" while shit like this happens AT A DAILY BASIS ok hypocrite
>TL:DR are far right furry moderators really chill like the mass media depicted? this proves the complete opposite (((  STRATOKIKE!!  )))

>>the jew admin is so desperate to remove ALL my traces xhe decides to necro bump this age old thread just to edit my namefag first attempt at a real dragonjak GEM
>You can't make this up faggot even the laughing cobcoaler received better treatment than me but ive learned long ago that there's no point in arguing "fairness" but yeah by all means go ahead and keep gaslighing us about "safe free speech refugee chan" rhetoric
Replies: >>8564
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sooot the trannies are using their epic bots again to spam the 'ki with ads
Replies: >>8294
i started using TOR to hide from the glowniggies and i keep coming across cp bans
i wonder if we will ever get to a point where most nodes are banned because of the pedo cobsisters
>TEMPORARILY anonymizers (such as tor) will be disallowed from uploading files.
Replies: >>8311 >>8312
he did something kuz couldn't do in a year in a few minutes
once the current wave of coal and CP dies down, I plan to bring anonymizer file posting back. Hopefully once CSAM-Buster is done, we'll never have to resort to degrading tor users to second-class posters again.
can you add a "show last 50 posts" to large threads like the sharty rapefugee one? also i hate how when you select a batch of text and click on a post number it doesn't delete the text, i feel like it should, at least it's that way on the sharty and it fucking annoys me when it happens here
>can you add a "show last 50 posts" to large threads like the sharty rapefugee one
>i hate how when you select a batch of text and click on a post number it doesn't delete the text
can you explain more about what this means? I tried selecting text and clicking on the post number on both vichan and jschan and it has the same behavior.
Last edited by admin
Replies: >>8317
in vichan, it clears the text and replaces it with a (>>) to 
said post number, here, it does not, but only adds to the already existing text, it just feels off
Replies: >>8319
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i mean selecting text as in pic rel
Replies: >>8319
I see what you mean now. That's a pretty obscure difference, but i'll note it down for change.
Replies: >>8369
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inb4 this is namefag can somebody tell me what happened to >>>/soy/54854 why the hell did the post disappear? i demand a formal explanation and the archive itself
also do you know where this jak originated? https://booru.soy/post/view/46746#search=furry i need it for my pro-CCP memes collection daddy Xi said that if i collect enough i get a free $5 coupon off aliexpress so time to goy up on my SSD storage
NVM somebody already replied but leaving it anyway as i need source on the PLA killing kikemonos soyjak booru

>× Banned!
>Board	Reason	IP/ID	Type	Range	Issuer	Issue Date	Expiry	Post(s)	Seen?	>Appealable?	Appeal	Note
>/meta/	2. Creating posts that come with any type of signature or avatar is banned.	qR6K0yYu.*.*	IPV6	Wide	>stratogem	5 days ago	2 days from now	Posts not shown	✓	⨯	-	-
(i mean? i didnt even have to wait cuz im busy IRL but by the time you see this im already done with my TESDA class so let me have some fun or ill go on an evasion spree inb4 my entire island gets the same rangeban treatment as actual CP spammers)
Replies: >>8327 >>8328
Replies: >>8564
>why the hell did the post disappear
janny doesnt like being called a furry woman
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another petty request upcoming, can you add a [bottom] tag to pic rel too that just takes you to the bottom of the page, as to make large threads easier to navigate
Replies: >>8370
>At least the following files are not unique:
remove this too please, let us post the same image multiple times, also it sometimes bugs out and
looooooo add a reply button at the bootoom of the page
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lute add image hover
>Posting files through anonymizers has been disabled globally
Replies: >>8390
loot do something to stop the database from crashing again
Replies: >>8387
Latest jarty blogpost states what i'm doing. tl;dr: improving site hardware + limiting user resources + better backups
also I set up an automatic restarting program that'll kick the site back on if it discovers it's down, we'll have to wait and see if that works or not.
is this intentional and or will stay?
Replies: >>8393 >>8394
it's going to be temporarily stay around until we can remove CP nearly automatically. That's a goal with CSAM-Buster and other NSFW filtering content. User's are making advances by providing ideas, and i'm coding stuff once I get time.
Replies: >>8397
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Replies: >>8402
rip, i haven't seen any cp since the ty went down but that may just be me
anyways i think a NSFW filter is reddit and not worth pursuing as nobody posts NSFW in order to get a website shut down or similar
Replies: >>8400
not all nsfw is CP, but all CP is nsfw. ideally too, child detection can be implemented so that if theres nsfw + child, it's seen as cp and removed automatically.
Replies: >>8564
that's what /sharty/ was for but it was futile
Soytan isn't shoting up on the home page.
why the fuck doesn't this site have a search bar
Replies: >>8444
Your jannis have left a up a BMT thread for 33 minutes.
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Angeleno here. I don't want the wiki or booru ever linked on this site. Jarty users don't have good data to sell. I actually lose money from jarty users.
Replies: >>8443
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>Angeleno here. I don't want the wiki or booru ever linked on this site. Jarty users don't have good data to sell. I actually lose money from jarty users.
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because you're a retarded little fuck
Replies: >>8450
Wow, it's nothing, I'm talking about individual posts, threads have hundreds of posts in them, I'm not gonna click each one to look for whatever I want
Replies: >>8454
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>Wow, it's nothing, I'm talking about individual posts, threads have hundreds of posts in them, I'm not gonna click each one to look for whatever I want
use the built-in thread watcher, chud
>>8095 (OP) 
>what do you selfish little fucks want
get rid of JS entirely
Replies: >>8513
just use noscript chudette
make it so you can report posts on the overboard. it's annoying having to click on rulebreaking threads just to report them
Replies: >>8532
lute please unban all tor exit nodes, if tor is not banned on the jarty then why do i sometimes see that i am banned for 273 years?
Replies: >>8532
noted down for development.
>lute please unban all tor exit nodes, if tor is not banned on the jarty then why do i sometimes see that i am banned for 273 years?
Admins have zero way to differentiate between exit nodes and normal posters outside of just guessing. When an exit node spams 'p or some other cancer, we just treat them like any other user, and issue a ban. 
I might host a hidden-service for the site one of these days to get around this problem, but I'd only do that with account-mandated posting on tor so there's some actual accountability for breaking the rules.
Replies: >>8587
make it so that we can edit the catty and personalize the sizes/shapes/quantities of various things
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>>8095 (OP) 
Add this as the jarty anthem
Replies: >>8557 >>8564
vmware namefag here where do i get the custom CSAM BUSTER made by soyjak.in? i need it for SEAchan in the coming months
Replies: >>8562
I will be integrating it with CSAM-Buster, so you can find it in its repo once I am done working on it.
Replies: >>8564
>>8562 (dont be a selfish fuck man i legit dont want your NCMEC backdoor besides its probably hardcoded to allow pro-DDP memes anyway)
can you just give me the original source code? from the CHAD pajeet running the board himself? i legit dont trust your zoophile ware
I would rather talk to the soyjak.in admins themselves in setting this all up on my custom jschan install
its just a joke though i know india has a legit hateboner chingchongs and im neutral about it but for god's sake i dont want bad acting westerners trying to take it down with desperate means

wtf does this video even signify and where is my signature? this is literally just tegaki and namefag rambling wheres the actual signature?

whats gonna happen if i insert a teeny single frame of japanbeast or luxureTV into one of these spiked animation videos? would the CSAM filter detect it? i guess that's my assignment for September lets find out shall we?

because it came with win10 preinstalled but i already have brand new SSD ready for linux

what about nsfw + animal? wouldn't that count as cub/feral encouragement?

kek where did the jihadi thread go i wanted to edit those sounds with shotcut
Replies: >>8565 >>8586 >>8616
you sound like a colossal faggot
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theres a public list of all tor exit nodes doe, and a blacklist of them is a "tor exit node ip blocklist" search away
>dont be a selfish fuck man i legit dont want your NCMEC backdoor
hope you don't intend on hosting your site in America, because making reports to NCMEC is necessary.
If it bugs you so much, just get the patches you want and share your source code.
>what about nsfw + animal? wouldn't that count as cub/feral encouragement?
this is the first time ever you've said something that makes any sense at all.
Perhaps this would be a good way of removing zoophillia and BMT content.
Replies: >>8628
yeah the system could probably be used against that kind of stuff
whatever you do dont add /a/
this was one of sootie's biggest mistakes because it created a festering tumour attached to 'jakking
Replies: >>8782
ev&o I had fun catty wiping it with dilbert comics
Replies: >>8783
ev&o you can have fun catty wiping some shitty tranime altchan like heyuri
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>>8095 (OP) 
>what do you selfish little fucks want
fix this, whitelist mkv, flac, ogg, opus, etc...
Replies: >>8804
flac should be a permitted filetype. Strange, that this is not working. likely need to open a bug report on this.
Replies: >>8805 >>8875
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and in case it matters,
FLAC audio bitstream data, 16 bit, stereo, 44.1 kHz, 14323654 samples
btw in case you didnt notice yet, your captcha randomly breaks half of the time
loot reply to my email even if it's just to say "not my problem" or "you're retarded lol"
>>8095 (OP) 
Is onionposting allowed?
Replies: >>8851
Yes apparently.
add a statistics widget on the homepage like active users at this moment
Please add /v/ and also our little /pol/, maybe call it /chud/.
I am tired of trannies shitting the catalog with normie trash and 4cuck /pol/ is filled with migatatd cuckservative with constant 'cord spam of desert jew worship faggotry.
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Add /trump/ or something
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lute replace the the homosexual pin on /soy/, or else...
Replies: >>8930
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to be more specific, the nate x jake meme looks really homosexual and inaccurate because all the sharty "immigrants" do is being unfunny faggots 
yes i  do acknowledge that neither of them represents any website officially but i just don't like it, i really don't ok? 

please replace it with picrel or anything that's not gay
Replies: >>8932
also i'm trans
Replies: >>8933
triggered sh*rtycoaler
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>the Etihad boarding soundtrack suddenly disappears from the webm thread LMFAO
imagine frying your brains with so much furfag porn (You) literally just lost your ability to enjoy classical music (is this the power of furfag admins?)
whats wrong @@prizzy@? does arabic music buckbreak you from within? your irresponsible furfag filled delta/united airlines can never compete with arab ones. YOU yuros WILL NEVER BE AN ANIMAL

>literally sitting there for 2 weeks harmlessly
>*POOF* for no reason at all it gets wiped
GEEEEG why did it take your jannies so long to find and delete this post? are your really THIS incompetent to the point where you literally to resort to aggressive impulsive moderation just to make up for your lack of jannying skills jesus not even sharty/kuz let alone ziggerchan had that many deletions per day WTF is wrong with you?

but yeah as expected this is somehow labelled "namefag" because you dont like people criticizing your admins
TLDR: this is what binge watching furry tiktok videos does to an MF. Don't rewire your brains kiddos reject furrydom
Replies: >>8951 >>8955
>@w7-890 DO YOUR THANG
serious question but how am i supposed to respond to this if namefagging is banned as much as i want to reply i am busy IRL at the moment and combine that with really shitty time management skills

>I have ran out of patience (total lie dont believe xer)
>implying you ever tolerated FUN in the first place to begin with
seriously ((( JEWT ))) why is your taste so shitty? are you really this much of a lowlife to the point where you have 5 (now 7) different moderators circlejerking on discord who gets to fap to CP first in X thread? unlike you i have classes to attend instead of slacking in chans all day no wonder why i cant reply anymore
but oh well ill reload php30 on my simcards instead of gosakto 120 this chan is dying anyway

>>8433 (hello body double)
kek thank you to whoever spammed >>>/qa/2072 with cute wholesome cats ive always needed some eyebleach (also thanks for the total furry death TFD spoilered file) i owe you one mates and btw i already have the goodby volcano high pixeldrain link itself saved on the topton m6 PC

LINK to the deleted posts https://archive.is/Pk3s5 (hey kike you forgot to remove the media file itself kek did you just make a false NCMEC report?)
sorry dad i had to borrow your laptop for a couple of days hopefully the incognito session was worth it
Replies: >>8951
[Hide] (15MB, 854x480, 03:58)
>>the Etihad boarding soundtrack suddenly disappears from the webm thread LMFAO
>imagine frying your brains with so much furfag porn (You) literally just lost your ability to enjoy classical music (is this the power of furfag admins?)
>whats wrong @@prizzy? does arabic music buckbreak you from within? your irresponsible furfag filled delta/united airlines can never compete with arab ones. YOU yuros WILL NEVER BE AN ANIMAL

>>literally sitting there for 2 weeks harmlessly
>>*POOF* for no reason at all it gets wiped
>GEEEEG why did it take your jannies so long to find and delete this post? are your really THIS incompetent to the point where you literally to resort to aggressive impulsive moderation just to make up for your lack of jannying skills jesus not even sharty/kuz let alone ziggerchan had that many deletions per day WTF is wrong with you?

>but yeah as expected this is somehow labelled "namefag" because you dont like people criticizing your admins
>TLDR: this is what binge watching furry tiktok videos does to an MF. Don't rewire your brains kiddos reject furrydom

>>@w7-890 DO YOUR THANG
>serious question but how am i supposed to respond to this if namefagging is banned as much as i want to reply i am busy IRL at the moment and combine that with really shitty time management skills

>>I have ran out of patience (total lie dont believe xer)
>>implying you ever tolerated FUN in the first place to begin with
>seriously (((  JEWT  ))) why is your taste so shitty? are you really this much of a lowlife to the point where you have 5 (now 7) different moderators circlejerking on discord who gets to fap to CP first in X thread? unlike you i have classes to attend instead of slacking in chans all day no wonder why i cant reply anymore
>but oh well ill reload php30 on my simcards instead of gosakto 120 this chan is dying anyway

>>>8433 (hello body double)
>kek thank you to whoever spammed >>>/qa/2072 with cute wholesome cats ive always needed some eyebleach (also thanks for the total furry death TFD spoilered file) i owe you one mates and btw i already have the goodby volcano high pixeldrain link itself saved on the topton m6 PC

>LINK to the deleted posts https://archive.is/Pk3s5 (hey kike you forgot to remove the media file itself kek did you just make a false NCMEC report?)
>sorry dad i had to borrow your laptop for a couple of days hopefully the incognito session was worth it
Replies: >>8951 >>8971
[Hide] (2.1MB, 970x720, 00:24)
>>>the Etihad boarding soundtrack suddenly disappears from the webm thread LMFAO
>>imagine frying your brains with so much furfag porn (You) literally just lost your ability to enjoy classical music (is this the power of furfag admins?)
>>whats wrong @@prizzy? does arabic music buckbreak you from within? your irresponsible furfag filled delta/united airlines can never compete with arab ones. YOU yuros WILL NEVER BE AN ANIMAL

>>>literally sitting there for 2 weeks harmlessly
>>>*POOF* for no reason at all it gets wiped
>>GEEEEG why did it take your jannies so long to find and delete this post? are your really THIS incompetent to the point where you literally to resort to aggressive impulsive moderation just to make up for your lack of jannying skills jesus not even sharty/kuz let alone ziggerchan had that many deletions per day WTF is wrong with you?

>>but yeah as expected this is somehow labelled "namefag" because you dont like people criticizing your admins
>>TLDR: this is what binge watching furry tiktok videos does to an MF. Don't rewire your brains kiddos reject furrydom

>>>@w7-890 DO YOUR THANG
>>serious question but how am i supposed to respond to this if namefagging is banned as much as i want to reply i am busy IRL at the moment and combine that with really shitty time management skills

>>>I have ran out of patience (total lie dont believe xer)
>>>implying you ever tolerated FUN in the first place to begin with
>>seriously (((   JEWT   ))) why is your taste so shitty? are you really this much of a lowlife to the point where you have 5 (now 7) different moderators circlejerking on discord who gets to fap to CP first in X thread? unlike you i have classes to attend instead of slacking in chans all day no wonder why i cant reply anymore
>>but oh well ill reload php30 on my simcards instead of gosakto 120 this chan is dying anyway

>>>>8433 (hello body double)
>>kek thank you to whoever spammed >>>/qa/2072 with cute wholesome cats ive always needed some eyebleach (also thanks for the total furry death TFD spoilered file) i owe you one mates and btw i already have the goodby volcano high pixeldrain link itself saved on the topton m6 PC

>>LINK to the deleted posts https://archive.is/Pk3s5 (hey kike you forgot to remove the media file itself kek did you just make a false NCMEC report?)
>>sorry dad i had to borrow your laptop for a couple of days hopefully the incognito session was worth it
Replies: >>8951 >>8971
the shiniest, most glistening retarderalds to ever grace the jarty
I kneel
(though jarty tradition is to quote w7-890 with some furshit and not tranime >>8949, therefore a 9/10 retarderald rather than a 10/10)
spic wrote this
thanks where did you get the anime videos?

kys troon stop associating anime with your mental illness
Replies: >>8972
there's a direct link between tranime and mental illness you stupid retard lol
Replies: >>8973
Are you saying watch Europa The Last Battle will turn me trans?
Replies: >>8974
it would be epic if there was something like sharty fixes gemerald but for the jarty so we could have quote/mass reply/mass quote buttons
loot put more people on this site it's so dead
Replies: >>9015
dead meme THOUGH
make the layout look EXACTLY like vichan
Replies: >>9116 >>9121
there's a vichan theme already
>there's a vichan theme already
>gives no way of enabling it
>i want this site to feel like the sharty even tho the sharty is shit
2 extremely important suggestions:
You should be able to see saged posts on the overboard
The overboard should update automatically every 60 seconds

Someone with bad intentions could post rule-breaking content in a thread that hasn't been bumped for months and go under the radar because nobody bothered to enter the irrelevant thread. Am I a paranoid schizo for thinking about this all of the time?
Replies: >>9176
nigga if its anything like on the sharty mods and jannoids see even saged posts at the top
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This board is very comfy and I prefer it to the 'jarty. Keep up the good work
Replies: >>9300
this is the jarty u retard
Replies: >>9309
is admin the slf poster
Replies: >>9323
[Hide] (1.4MB, 438x279) Reverse
loooooooooooooooooot add apng support

i tried to use one just now and got hit with the

<Mime type "image/apng" invalid for file "image.png"
Replies: >>10969
would need to add support upstream as an alternative to gif for it to happen.
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