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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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>locking thread creation whenever the website isn't dead like usual
because lute is a selfish little fuck
I did this to prevent catty wiping spam, i've upped the thread per hour limit so this should happen less often
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after making /sharty/ insanely hard to use, abandoning the cp filter project, banning catalog dueling, banning gore, deleting /b/, randomly banning people you don't like for "avatarfagging", adding thread creation limit, what else does this site have? it's just a shittier version of the sharty with even more rules.
Replies: >>11653
jschan is better or something
>after making /sharty/ insanely hard to use, abandoning the cp filter project, banning catalog dueling, banning gore, deleting /b/, randomly banning people you don't like for "avatarfagging", adding thread creation limit, what else does this site have? it's just a shittier version of the sharty with even more rules.
Good. You can leave then.
Replies: >>11668
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>>after making /sharty/ insanely hard to use, abandoning the cp filter project, banning catalog dueling, banning gore, deleting /b/, randomly banning people you don't like for "avatarfagging", adding thread creation limit, what else does this site have? it's just a shittier version of the sharty with even more rules.
>Good. You can leave then.
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i'm actually one of the oldest jartycucks that's still posting on this site besides @admin. 
you basically did nothing to improve the site but adding more rules, banning more posters you don't like, and generally making this site less fun to use after september 2023. why? do you hate us? will this site be shut down anytime soon?
Replies: >>11669 >>11670
>i'm actually one of the oldest jartycucks that's still posting on this site besides @admin. 
you basically did nothing to improve the site but adding more rules, banning more posters you don't like, and generally making this site less fun to use after september 2023. why? do you hate us? will this site be shut down anytime soon?
1. Nice job trying to impersonate me with my neutrals
2. >Im one of the oldest jartycucks
your claims on how 'lita was "jart kultur" some time ago says otherwise
3. >You basically did nothing to improve the site but adding more rules
avatarfag bans werent an issue until you came.
>generally making the site less fun to use after september 2023
HMMM I wonder why...

<acksually you're wrong im just a neutral poster and not a soylitaGO-
i mean avatarfag that proves avatarfag rule is le bad
you are the only one crying about rulecucking
There i will say it again, if we are really rulecucked and you hate then here are your options:
8kun.top/soyjak2/ <<where you likely came from
any tranime altchan
Replies: >>11670 >>11673
fixed formatting so tha you can read
>i'm actually one of the oldest jartycucks that's still posting on this site besides @admin.
>you basically did nothing to improve the site but adding more rules, banning more posters you don't like, and generally making this site less fun to use after september 2023. why? do you hate us? will this site be shut down anytime soon?
1. Nice job trying to impersonate me with my neutrals
2. >Im one of the oldest jartycucks
your claims on how 'lita was "jart kultur" some time ago says otherwise
3. >You basically did nothing to improve the site but adding more rules
avatarfag bans werent an issue until you came.
>generally making the site less fun to use after september 2023
HMMM I wonder why...

<acksually you're wrong im just a neutral poster and not a soylitaGO- i mean avatarfag that proves avatarfag rule is le bad
you are the only one crying about rulecucking
There i will say it again, if we are really rulecucked and you hate then here are your options:
8kun.top/soyjak2/ <<where you likely came from
any tranime altchan
Replies: >>11673
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why are you so defensive towards every one of his decisions? are you a janny? 

i'm not trying to impersonate you @herbs_all_fields i just use whatever neutralplier i have on hands and your oc happened to be one of them, also because @admin hates nusharty memes like neutralplier and muttjaks. 

i'm against the rulecucking because that's why i joined jarty in the fist place, people used to cry about kolyma jannies banning them over one nas meme on /soy/. this is exactly what lute is doing now and he's slowly turning this website into sharty 2.0 (but way more dead).
Replies: >>11677
>are you a janny
No im just tirex of obnoxius trannies like you.
>muh rulecucking again
Wasnt an issue before you came in, obnoxius tranny.
>this place turning into sharty 2.0
You might leave then that will surely end this drama taking half the pph
Replies: >>11679
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>obnoxius trannies like you
so pointing out admin's misbehaves is obnoxious now? as expected of nushartycacas.  

>wasnt an issue before you came in
jarty always had this issue of powertripping jannies, it's especially true when stratogem was still active

>You might leave then
no, i don't think i will
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