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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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First of all, what's jarty's purpose?
Recruiting oldfags to continue how /soy/ actually looked like before kuz ruined the site with his discord friends, right? Since you use soy-tan as your site's mascot because kuz took her down and that's supposed to be a sign of continuation.

What was allowed on /soy/ before kuz?
As an 2021 sharty midfag myself,  I'm pretty sure spamming catalog with one variant, avatarfagging as tranime characters, pedo baiting, saging threads with dotspam were all allowed but let's just say you banned these out of pure "quality control" purpose.

What wasn't allowed on /soy/ before kuz?
Soot would NOT tolerate soytan rape porn, soytan diaper porn, yaoi gay porn, mlp porn dump on /soy/, soot's jannies would delete or move those shit to /b/. BUT you did. Why? Because off-topic content on /soy/ is allowed as long as it's not excessive spam and /soy/ is a nsfw board, right? That's good, you almost made your /soy/ more free than soot's /soy/. And let's just say that you consider IAS pornography quality content, you know what kind of  IAS porn was explicitly tolerated on /soy/? jak'n'fap loli edits and soylita nsfw because they're both IAS and OC. And let's say if soot still runs the sharty and somehow decides to delete /nate/ and allow mlp porn on /soy/ like you did, sfw tranime lolis and liveleak gore videos would be least of his concerns since they're not nearly as shocking as zoophilia by an average 4chan user's standards, and tranime lolis are /qa/ culture too. Sharty is a splinter of 4chan after all. 

>but muh pedo problem
Nobody back then gave a fuck about prepubescent looking fictional characters because they are just fucking drawings, and if you can reply with mlp porn >>>/soy/143758 and literal gay scat >>>/soy/147887 on /soy/ without getting banned, you should be able to bait with suggestive lolis as well, because that's just how old sharty used to be.

>but muh groomercord 
The groomercord in question is currently running sharty and soyjak.blog, which both banned soylita and pedo baiting.

This isn't about your principle anymore, you're literally letting discord trannies shit up your site while banning actual oldfags for something that was allowed on old sharty.

>but I'm not soot and this is my site and I make the rules 
Then stop using soytan as mascot while larping as an oldfag. Your site is a disgrace to the old sharty.
erm, no... just no...
lita is le bad child abuse because i said so
science is real
niggers are human
and alt right chuds will never have sex
Do this so i can post traced 'p with embedded links
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he doesn't care. his excuse now is it's his hardware so he can delete what he wants to.
i'm just here for the drama, there's nothing else interesting about these shitholes anymore lol.
swf litas are deleted for 'pedo intentions' but obvious loli energy pony foal sex porn is allowed lmao even doe lita is ias and ponies are nas
Replies: >>12132
not just that, even soot era jak x loli posts are banned like pic rel because Lute is too much of a cock sucker for KUZ and just wants to be KUZ 2, except he doesnt have an userbase big and strong enough to weed out the bottom tier trash
unfortunately yer probably gonna get banned by the tranny fags.
websites and imageboards are supposed to be fun why does everyone need to make it into some moral panic bullshit where janny discord faggots larp as the secret police and ban everything interesting
its like /pol/ how they cant see the fun in life and just think of it as serious moral political shit with ethical ramifications blah blah. like faggot just spam and have fun and troll thats the entire point in the first place.
Replies: >>12135
this. moralfags ruined everything as we saw with doll taking over sharty
you can never even post DNB or anything remotely exciting or tourist filter stuff on sharty now
Replies: >>12136 >>12140
time and time again moralfags ruin imageboards.
hatred toward moralfags was first seared into my brain with the scientology shit on 4chan/b/. at that point it stopped being about having fun and started being about le social good.
moralniggers should just stay in their goyslop algorithm pens on social media.
Replies: >>12137
yeah, at least foodists and Qafe did a lot of fighting against moral crusaders
too bad they are no longer here
everyone in this thread is buckbroken by big moralgod cock
Replies: >>12139
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goreniggers and  'Piggers out

>he still thinks jarty is superior than sharty because it has less self inserts and doxcoal
>but please ignore all the new soyjak variants and soyquotes!
most oc posters on the jarty left as soon as they find out how dead jarty is, and the only reason why anyone would post their oc here is usually when they're not allowed on other soyjak websites 

>more jarty exclusive oc bad, more activities bad
>bumping dead threads and having horse porn on the 'log le good
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>activate TrumpVision
>see that most of the anti-moralGOD thread is posters with no posting history (85% likelihood of Mossad Tor/Tuxler samefagging)
>only 4 users aren't no post history kikes
>one user exclusively posts cobson laughing bait and anti-j*rtycvck memes
>two are soylita coalers
>the final is just OP replying in his own thread

patriots, stay on high alert. I don't think Moshie likes us exposing his child sex trafficking tunnels...
who is moshie im a newfag
Replies: >>12156
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>you have to use the same ip for every post or else you are a potential cp spammer 
xhe really says this
a jew
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>jews are why my site is becoming a porn dump 
where're your patriots now?
>deleted my post
i hope you get doxxed and killed irl
Replies: >>12159
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i'm confused because i posted all 3 of those things. so are you saying the soylitas i posted are gems?
what was deleted?
Replies: >>12160
daisy's destruction full audio
Replies: >>12166
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how do you recognize the audio?
Replies: >>12169
someone psoted a 10 minute clip and a 17 minute audio clip of it on sharty last year
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