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Well everyone, it's finally over. After YEARS of posting on bald cartoon men with glasses website, our time here has finally come to an end. For better or worse, this is how it has to be. I have to give my sincerest thanks to everyone who has contributed to this site's success, everyone from the slopjak shitposters to the genuine effort posting users who have tried to make this place fun to use.

All of you have etched out a name for the jarty as something worth remembering. I hope you all had as much fun as I did, because the memories I made here are something I hope to have the privilege of being able to take to my grave. Thank you all for the good times and good laughs. I love you all and, at least as it pertains to this site, this is goodbye.

Some time soon I will be putting up a static page in honor of the site and with an archive of old posts.

If you need me, you can reach me on XMPP at https://invite.joinjabber.org/#lute@xmpp.party
or at least for the next month: admin@jakparty.soy.

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lute do you want admin on soygem
Replies: >>13868
>>13867 (OP) 
I think i'm out of touch with soygem's culture, which has strayed away from soyjaks as a whole from what I've heard. I wouldn't mind it, but if I did own it I would have to spend at least a month running it as-is to not implement any stupid changes that would piss off its user base.
which is to say: yes, I would try my hand at owning it if I could.
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whats your thoughts on all the datamining on the sharty
Replies: >>13874
holy shit he is selling out to discord trannies
Replies: >>13874
it's actual proof that the old guard of the sharty are long gone. people used to schizo out about soot using open source data mining software, now the shitty is more invasive than Google by using soyware CIA datamining tactics. It's sad to see but not surprising.
is there some horrible lore I don't know about?
Replies: >>13877
do you think the death of jakking came because the OC train stopped? because there were no more quests or dr soysteins being made? because people just started referencing their own discord communities and internal drama in jaks instead of having fun?
all the jaks I see now are obscure fucking references to discord soy regimes and no funposting
Replies: >>13880
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he didn't like this one geeeeeg
Replies: >>13880
soyjaks stopped being fun when they stopped being used to make fun of people. Much of the other auxiliary content around soyjaks (quests and soysteins) are fun additions, but not the main thing. 

Before soyjak.party and 2020 /qa/ culture, soyjaks were just a funny way to call someone a soy boy. They got people mad and enraged when they saw them and editing the classic soyjak to be whoever you were making fun of was a fun way to create OC around the subject and troll. 

These days, soyjaks are more of an avatar to self-insert with. Even when people make fun of each other with soyjaks (i.e, slopjaks), it's not coherent or clever. It's just low effort spam with 17 distortions on it. no one looks like this or says this. There's no class to it anymore since unfunny people ruined the joke.

Soyquoting someone on somewhere like 4cuck more often than not just makes people think of you as a right-wing twitter nusoicaca failure to be laughed at. Posting soyjaks are now eternally associated with what the sharty has became and can't really even be used to enrage anymore. Baiting retards on the sharty is more fun than using soyjaks themselves because of how petty and easy to enrage they are. 

true soy posters should honestly swap sides and become frog posters to bait and troll nusoicacas when they appear for being pathetic and unfunny.

Replies: >>13886 >>13915
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>wordswordswords me being a biased tranny who prefers furry porn over new variants is the reason why no one wants to use my dogshit website
ill ask angeleno about this possibility. as he may leave the site.
Replies: >>13884
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you claim to hate self inserts but not when you self insert as your faggy wholesomeaks and randjaks 

you despise slopjaks for how low quality they are without mentioning that colorjaks/deformedjaks were basically the same thing 

you are essentially taking whatever that is gem to you as "true oldfag culture" and when you realized that you are a nas coaler yourself you just spam frogs or goon to furry porn to compensate
lol that would be the final nail in the coffin for your dying splinter
Replies: >>13885
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it's funny doe
it always was an evolving culture
I think outside of /qa/ and the limitless fun that transpired, which was also due to jakkers not being the only ones residing there, the most fun period of jakking for me was when that browser platformer was being developed. it was a peak of creativity, something tightknit enough that everyone knew everything, but not so tightknit it would turn into a discord or have only 2 posts an hour
but those days are long gone, and that makes me sad. I've searched other similar communities, but they all classify as either too tightknit, or too infested by tourists.
I think holding onto this dead meme is painful, because I can remember when it was not dead, and when it was beautiful
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what are you even talking about? sharty still has some of the best soyposters and artists just use sharty you retarded faggot, kuz is gone, just move on already.
Replies: >>13888
200 billion posts per hour
the average user doesn't know about anything pre-kuz or that was not 'preserved' in the kuz regime
nusoicacas from twitter and discord
you're one to talk, touhoutranny
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his ass is not happy geeeeeg 
if you are not allowed to post 5 images at once why even have this feature in the first place? just set max files to 2 or something
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@admin did you just post blacked furry porn on a sfw board? >>>/qa/6002 
i know you never liked her but this is just too much
I think soyjak culture expanding is a good thing desu, like how art has different eras. new forms of humor are always forming. postmodern jakking
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Lute, do you want to do a AMA on the Swinny? (swedishwin.com)
Replies: >>14734 >>14745
Le response saar? We also have a ‘craft server in the works which will likely go up within the month
Replies: >>14741 >>14745
the swinny is rulecucked and terrible
all real 'jakkers are disgusted by it
Replies: >>14747 >>14758
rats eating at a corpse.
Replies: >>14775
idk I haven't gone there much but it seems fine compared to soygem
Replies: >>14758 >>14777
cannot have fun with them
the problem with swedishwin is the mile long "coal list" which they ban you for posting anything from. in the list is shit like soytan, zellig, bbc baiting, gore and "degeneracy".
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