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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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I sent 2 emails to you Lute. Can you read them? it's important.
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@12752 made these posts >>11767 >>11769 btw
Replies: >>12755
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Liar liar pants on fire
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^samefag vpn hopper 
adam dilation timeline:
Replies: >>12757 >>12758
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>^samefag vpn hopper 
>adam dilation timeline:
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You're waiting for some 'lita faggot to praise you for your active work aren't you skajyos?
Replies: >>12759 >>12761
no i'm just speaking facts
you applied for a janny simply because you hate people having fun
Replies: >>12760
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You're simply doing this for attention. Praise. Nothing more.
Replies: >>12762 >>12763
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>no i'm just speaking facts
>you applied for a janny simply because you hate people having fun
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you're the only attentionwhore who's stupid enough to invest effort on a site like this, in its current state as well. >>>/art/1343
Replies: >>12764
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>you're the only attentionwhore who's stupid enough to invest effort on a site like this, in its current state as well. >>>/art/1343
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>you're the only attentionwhore
nobody would have known who I was if it wasn't for you. I stopped drawing provoking shit. Using discord. I could have been known for just another regular janny. But no you wanted to act like the anti-cord hero. Just shut the fuck up. Nobody cares about what you have to say.
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this is a dirty lie he posted his discord account twice on this site like 3 months ago
i wouldn't have exposed you on jarty if @admin never leaked my mail about you but he just couldn't hold the urge, and so am i
imagine first banning gore posters to protect some discord tranny's drawthread
and then hiring the said discord tranny as a janny to ban your own users again
i'm only doing what has to be done, fuck you lute, eat shit and die
[Hide] (515.1KB, 1242x1541) Reverse
>this is a dirty lie he posted his discord account twice on this site like 3 months ago
>i wouldn't have exposed you on jarty if @admin never leaked my mail about you but he just couldn't hold the urge, and so am i
>imagine first banning gore posters to protect some discord tranny's drawthread
>and then hiring the said discord tranny as a janny to ban your own users again
>i'm only doing what has to be done, fuck you lute, eat shit and die
namefag shit nobody cares about
[Hide] (1.7MB, 520x320, 00:22)
>this is a dirty lie he posted his discord account twice on this site like 3 months ago
>i wouldn't have exposed you on jarty if @admin never leaked my mail about you but he just couldn't hold the urge, and so am i
>imagine first banning gore posters to protect some discord tranny's drawthread
>and then hiring the said discord tranny as a janny to ban your own users again
>i'm only doing what has to be done, fuck you lute, eat shit and die
>3 months ago.
Yeah I wanted to keep in contact with a online friend. Big deal? You're trying to imply I was in soy discord servers. I moved platforms to chat so it doesn't matter anymore.
>I wouldn't have exposed you on jarty if @admin never leaked my mail
Litreally nobody cared about that,you shouldn't have made a big deal about it.
>imagine first banning gore posters to protect some discord tranny's drawthread.
Says the other discord user to the other discord user. What a spook.
[Hide] (3.7MB, 1052x592, 00:49)
>>3 months ago.
>Yeah I wanted to keep in contact with a online friend. Big deal? You're trying to imply I was in soy discord servers. I moved platforms to chat so it doesn't matter anymore.
>>I wouldn't have exposed you on jarty if @admin never leaked my mail
>Litreally nobody cared about that,you shouldn't have made a big deal about it.
>>imagine first banning gore posters to protect some discord tranny's drawthread.
>Says the other discord user to the other discord user. What a spook.
[Hide] (38.3KB, 250x311) Reverse
>>>3 months ago.
>>Yeah I wanted to keep in contact with a online friend. Big deal? You're trying to imply I was in soy discord servers. I moved platforms to chat so it doesn't matter anymore.
>>>I wouldn't have exposed you on jarty if @admin never leaked my mail
>>Litreally nobody cared about that,you shouldn't have made a big deal about it.
>>>imagine first banning gore posters to protect some discord tranny's drawthread.
>>Says the other discord user to the other discord user. What a spook.
[Hide] (753.8KB, 536x506, 00:11)
>Says the other discord user to the other discord user. What a spook.
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