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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th
report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival
Due to CP spam attacks, the DNSBL will be re-enabled.

this will be a "to do" list for me to archive stuff. Put your requests here
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nobody cares about archiving garbage on j*rty besides w7-890 and jannies themselves 

your site is just like your minecraft server, nobody actually played it besides jannies
the shemale does tho
Replies: >>14933
>>14924 (OP) 
archive your suicide jartycuck kys
Replies: >>14934
do this l*te
nobody will miss the j*rty except the schizo s*ylita spammer
I'll miss it doebeit
hello brapjyos kill yourself
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what's there to be missed? cp up for 23 hours? 
every so called "j*rty culture" is either based on seething at sharty or forced by jannies themselves (sashley, luke smith, /liberty/, jarty rat)
Replies: >>14941
I'll miss you cobkek poster....
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da jardee is a good idea but only if it follows my ideology
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OP here this is me
i transheart love tbp
>>14924 (OP) 
it would be cool if you publicly released a browsable, read-only version of all non-/soy/ boards like angeleno's "sp2022" archive of the sharty in 2022
I already archived most of the releveant stuff between 2023 summer till this year's summer in archive.today

i dont know what is worth archiving anymore besides a nonslopped version of wiki
Replies: >>14973
Thanks for that, it was a trip down memory lane reading threads from the second half of last year again earlier today
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>what's there to be missed? cp up for 23 hours? 
>every so called "j*rty culture" is either based on seething at sharty or forced by jannies themselves (sashley, luke smith, /liberty/, jarty rat)
I will miss it yet I am shemale and never actually seriously browsed the site. Jarty is like that one uncle no one likes but everyone would feel bad if he died
Replies: >>14992
archive where to?
archive the first and last posts
>report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival
almost every image on /sharty/ older than 10 months is broken
a homosexual shitskinned uncle who molests his nephews
the wiki with revision history so half of the archived pages aren't just Obsessedjartycuck.png
Replies: >>14994
do you have some mediawiki exporting tools, the ones im finding seem to not get the images and other media for some reason
Replies: >>14995
no unfortunately, i'm not really familiar with mediawiki
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tsmt i can confirm this. i looked through the very last pages of the archives. it's 99% cp spam threads, slopjaks, tranime, gooning pictures, necrobumped spam nonsense, the same old sharty seethe, etc. there was not a single intelligent/gemmy post worth reading or even looking at. what a sad waste of computing resources this shithole is.
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>tsmt i can confirm this. i looked through the very last pages of the archives. it's 99% cp spam threads, slopjaks, tranime, gooning pictures, necrobumped spam nonsense, the same old sharty seethe, etc. there was not a single intelligent/gemmy post worth reading or even looking at. what a sad waste of computing resources this shithole is.
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>nobody cares about archiving garbage on j*rty besides w7-890 and jannies themselves 

>your site is just like your minecraft server, nobody actually played it besides jannies
Replies: >>15435
>>14924 (OP) 
one request can you set the closing date to exactly october the first? however on september the 20th the entire site goes read only with all boards locked giving us a bit of time
also how do you mass archive the HTMLs here do the jannies have access to the RAW exported database?
Replies: >>15042
>can you set the closing date to exactly october the first?
the 20th is my plan for closure proper (going totally offline) and I don't wish to deviate from that.

>how do you mass archive the HTMLs here do the jannies have access to the RAW exported database?
There's an archive button that will dump a page to archive.ph. I suggest using that.
I also will be grabbing as many images, videos, and archives from the auto-archives I set up for the site as well. I'll have to comb through them and fix a lot of them to make them work locally.

I could export the DB but I would have to blank the passwords and similar information if I did.
Replies: >>15044 >>15435
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/soy/ is literally just you posting your own unfunny lutecord garbage and moving your own threads back to /soy/ because your bot is just as retarded as you are
Replies: >>15052
>>14924 (OP) 
lutey sootey is there some way to copy paste all of the code of the jarty and upload it for free use so someone can make another jarty/ some other imageboard if they so wish, i'm not a nerdGOD so i don't know how any of it works.
or do you want to keep it proprietary which is fine too
Replies: >>15053 >>15435
shut up nigga
Replies: >>15053
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you talk like someone who knows absolutely nothing about what's going on in this thread but wants to contribute to the discussion anyways since this reddit tranny cesspool is exactly for retarded autists like you @lordofthejarty
Replies: >>15058 >>15435
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>self inserting into soyboys
nobody knows or cares who "lordofthejarty" is, he made a good point
even doe its a nothingburger thread
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>you talk like someone who knows absolutely nothing about what's going on in this thread but wants to contribute to the discussion anyways since this reddit tranny cesspool is exactly for retarded autists like you @lordofthejarty
Replies: >>15144
how did you post without any text
archived the thread on peer-to-peer jakking if anyone wants it

Replies: >>15435
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all of the jarty code is open sauce if you want it
Replies: >>15435
I have exported the wiki along side full history for archival and intend to release it with the rest of the stuff.

I also have found a massive archive of old jarty threads in my back up system. these archives need some fixing up (they lack CSS and images), but I could get that fixed if I go through the image back up archive. I will put effort into that archive if people care.

Some of the oldest threads date back to 2022 (back when users called me minikuz). They may be of some historical value to someone, but I'll only put effort into preserving them if someone here cares.
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nobody cares except you 
why are you always treating soyjak threads as some kind of treasure? especially when most of them are just unfunny kuz/sharty seethe and lutecord memes  

you'd have more fun by playing minecraft with your matrix buddies than running a soyjak imageboard really
Do you?
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>They may be of some historical value to someone
is this nigga serious?
Replies: >>15435
MGA TARANTADONG HAYOP where the fuck did my post go why did jannies move it TELL ME AND STOP DOING DAMAGE CONTROL
Replies: >>15421
i would like that but where will you upload it?
Replies: >>15431
>back when users called me minikuz
please do it
you care enough to write all that shit treat your mentall illness asap
Replies: >>15431
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"jewswon" is lute's failed csam filter he's been using to automatically detect and move slopjaks to >>>/coal/, therefore it's just as broken as the one he tested on >>>/nofur/

also jewt doesn't own the booru, i do 

who's the real patient here? me or people who still give a shit about jarty's kuz obsession threads from 2022?
Replies: >>15435
im tempted to drop it on archive.org, but if anyone else has other spots that can keep it for a long time, do share.
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>>15042 >>15051 >>15242 >>15331 >>15405
thanks keeping this open code saved offline godspeed lute i will never call you JEWT or JUTE from now on also can you do the same with the booru along with all the comments plus the wiki edit history pretty please?

>>14936 >>15035 >>15053 >>15411 >>15407
>till the very end the shills are getting desperate
>are the furniggers serious
YES I AM fuck off demoralizer cunts i can do whatever the hell i want with the mini pc and i even purchased additional SSD drives just for this pic related is the legion motherboard getting much needed replacement why does this board hate the concept of archiving so much? are you the same jew that defends nudev and the auto post hide when deleted script in the sharty let us collect rasins in peace dammit?

>[lucky3.mp4 883.43KB] (31 second clip)
<ah yes the part where i zooquote someones mailbox and bait them epios dox tools
what the WHAT is this sashley thing in email i just recieved? i opened up this flash exploit tier video yet nothing bad happend is this phishing or what? does not seem to load on browser at all yet works fine on MPC hc

 reposted copypaste above dont mind me 

>>15421 so /coal/ was the second hidden board also why was /jartycuck/ deleted? or was it /obsessed/
thanks huh didnt know one of the mods here was a weeb also can someone closely inspect the artifacts in the video IDK what exactly triggered it >>>/coal/127
geg i recall that too jesus i was literally one of the oldest of all the fags here
did not read a single word
also didn't read
did not read a single word of your tranny left wing "meme"
Most of the threads on >>>/crick/ have broken images
Replies: >>15759
inb4 slopjak ascii
shitposting aside marge why did lute delete this post on /coal/? this isnt my sneaky attempt to smuggle CP but rather i actually want to find out what is causing the trigger to filter can we discuss it here
https://jakparty.soy/file/28a3cefdde6af06d459737dbc06c83303327ee56702c579ddde19c4b33b4b683.mp4 this is the exact file i got from email
Replies: >>15467
maybe the compression artifacts are causing the phashes to line up
don't forget to archive the images too
>>14924 (OP) 
archive anything until 19/8/23 (>>>/sneed/882) from the first post and remove >>>/sneed/954 
or anything from >>>/sneed/925 and under
Replies: >>15758
only one of the spams was sneed, all of the spam should've been sneed related
>>14924 (OP) 
Replies: >>15758
everything works in these threads tho
grabbed an archive of /sneed/
unfortunately /crick/'s content was lost to time. just checked the archived.
Replies: >>15767 >>15777
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That sucks. Thank you for answering
lute will you do a final QA
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