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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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Lute can you let jannies have permission to moderate other users boards. I know they are supposed to moderate their own board but there is about to be a cp post staying up for 1 hour because I can't do anything about it.
Replies: >>12690
Don't worry sister I moved xer post to the correct board.
Discord activities are already happening gawd,worst Jarty timeline to be browsing in.
I don’t samefag. You’re projecting.
Replies: >>12636
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>implying the two boards you own isn't just you samefagging yourself
Replies: >>12637
You’re coping hard.
yeah shit nobody cares about besides you
>>12629 (OP) 
send me an email if you're interested in signing up as a global janny
Replies: >>12691
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way to let your site ran by discordKIKES gaylord
Replies: >>12692 >>12693
Says the other cord user KEEEEEEEEEEK
Replies: >>12693
cord won
Replies: >>12694
>successful multibillion dollar corporation won against irrelevant schizo altchan spinter
that's so crazy who could've seen this coming?
this is how discord faggots and glowniggers infiltrate the moderation positions btw lutefag. you have hypochondriac (its the jewish blood) fear of glowniggers yet you fall for their easiest trick in the glownigger imageboard subversion playbook
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the cp should stay up forever like the good old days.
Replies: >>12744 >>12745
Yes we need 50 discord trannies and glowniggers circlejerking each other off and rulecucking the site and datamining the users to reduce the cp deletion time from 20 mins to 15 mins for the first week until they get lazy and devote all their energy to circlejerking, rulecucking, and datamining.
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this is why he miss @stratogem
he would never question @admin's bans and rules as long as he has his janny powers, just like @ragefag
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