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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th
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Lute has made plenty of threads recently to cover his concerns and grievances about the site.You chuddy fucks haven't really done that, so this is your opportunity.
Replies: >>13522 >>13530
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>there's not enough soylita spam, cp, and brown hanging troonjak spam to make me feel represented and included nyaaaa~ *braps*
Replies: >>13516
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i just realized a very hilarious trvke
for every 1 j*rtycuck who still uses this website, there are 100000 people who use j*rtypedo as an insult and post slopjaks
for every 1 piece of oc j*rtycucks produce, there are 10000 slopjaks created to make fun of them
the entire j*rty brand only exists as an insult
we need more users I think
Replies: >>13530
the first 12 hours of user board creation were extremely gemmy and it was looking like it was going to revive the site but lute fumbled the bag by completely breaking the site for days and deleting boards like /liberty/
Replies: >>13521 >>13530
to add to this, i don't see a future for this site anymore
the only people who still used it regularly were pedophiles who'd been cast out of the sharty.
lute finally did the sneedful and kicked them out of here too recently but it was too little too late, all the non pedophiles left for other splinters like the shemmy ages ago, so now the site has no audience
>>13514 (OP) 
you cant say transparency without trans
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>seething even though you seethed so hard that you deleted my posts 
>excessive spamming even though i only made like 3 threads a day 

@lutecorders your response?
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you have yet to refute my point here, so i'm not sure who's mogging who
Replies: >>13569
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href="/meta/thread/13514.html#13522">&gt;&gt;13522</a> </div></div></div><div class="anchor" id="13515"></div><div class="post-container " data-board="meta" data-post-id="13515" data-user-id="7f4c19" data-name="Chud"><div class="post-info"><span><label><input class="post-check" type="checkbox" name="checkedposts" value="13515"/>  <span class="post-name">Chud</span> </label><time class="post-date reltime" datetime="2024-08-06T21:20:02.694Z">06/08/2024, 16:20:02</time> <span class="user-id" style="background-color: #7f4c19">7f4c19</span> </span><span class="post-links"><a class="noselect no-decoration" href="/meta/thread/13514.html#13515">No.</a><span class="post-quoters"><a class="no-decoration" href="/meta/thread/13514.html#postform">13515</a></span> <select class="jsonly postmenu"><option value="single">Hide</option><option value="fid">Filter ID</option><option value="fname">Filter Name</option><option value="moderate">Moderate</option></select></span></div><div class="post-data"><div 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>Gemmy</pre></div></div><div class="anchor" id="13517"></div><div class="post-container " data-board="meta" data-post-id="13517" data-user-id="c5d000" data-name="Chud"><div class="post-info"><span><label><input class="post-check" type="checkbox" name="checkedposts" value="13517"/>  <span class="post-name">Chud</span> </label><time class="post-date reltime" datetime="2024-08-06T21:31:05.139Z">06/08/2024, 16:31:05</time> <span class="user-id" style="background-color: #c5d000">c5d000</span> </span><span class="post-links"><a class="noselect no-decoration" href="/meta/thread/13514.html#13517">No.</a><span class="post-quoters"><a class="no-decoration" href="/meta/thread/13514.html#postform">13517</a></span> <select class="jsonly postmenu"><option value="single">Hide</option><option value="fid">Filter ID</option><option value="fname">Filter Name</option><option value="moderate">Moderate</option></select></span></div><div class="post-data"><div class="post-files"><div class="post-file"><span class="post-file-info"><span><a class="filename" href="/file/f4bb328d0d1e47ca58811c98eac602366427a32da62210683b108b2b74b97e2b.png" title="Download ClipboardImage.png" download="ClipboardImage.png">ClipboardImage.png</a></span><br/><span class="jsonly"><b>[</b><a class="dummy-link hide-image noselect" data-src="/file/thumb/f4bb328d0d1e47ca58811c98eac602366427a32da62210683b108b2b74b97e2b.webp">Hide</a><b>]</b></span><span>  (66.5KB, 469x385)</span> <span><a href="https://tineye.com/search?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjakparty.soy%2F%2Ffile%2Ff4bb328d0d1e47ca58811c98eac602366427a32da62210683b108b2b74b97e2b.png" rel="nofollow" referrerpolicy="same-origin" title="Reverse Image Search" target="_blank">Reverse</a></span></span><div class="post-file-src" data-type="image" data-attachment="false"><a target="_blank" href="/file/f4bb328d0d1e47ca58811c98eac602366427a32da62210683b108b2b74b97e2b.png"><img class="file-thumb" src="/file/thumb/f4bb328d0d1e47ca58811c98eac602366427a32da62210683b108b2b74b97e2b.webp" height="205" width="250" loading="lazy"/></a></div></div></div><pre class="post-message">the only gem thing that ever came from j*rty is slopjaks
>everything else is extreme fail and embarrassment
>just shut it down</pre><div class="replies mt-5 ml-5">Replies: <a class="quote" href="/meta/thread/13514.html#13518">&gt;&gt;13518</a> </div></div></div><div class="anchor" id="13518"></div><div class="post-container " data-board="meta" data-post-id="13518" data-user-id="05f9d9" data-name="Chud"><div class="post-info"><span><label><input class="post-check" type="checkbox" name="checkedposts" value="13518"/>  <span class="post-name">Chud</span> </label><time class="post-date reltime" datetime="2024-08-06T22:27:20.399Z">06/08/2024, 17:27:20</time> <span class="user-id" style="background-color: #05f9d9">05f9d9</span> </span><span class="post-links"><a class="noselect no-decoration" href="/meta/thread/13514.html#13518">No.</a><span class="post-quoters"><a class="no-decoration" href="/meta/thread/13514.html#postform">13518</a></span> <select class="jsonly postmenu"><option value="single">Hide</option><option value="fid">Filter ID</option><option value="fname">Filter Name</option><option value="moderate">Moderate</option></select></span></div><div class="post-data"><div class="post-files fn"><div class="post-file"><span class="post-file-info"><span><a class="filename" href="/file/3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.png" title="Download 3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.png" download="3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.png">3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.png</a></span><br/><span class="jsonly"><b>[</b><a class="dummy-link hide-image noselect" data-src="/file/thumb/3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.webp">Hide</a><b>]</b></span><span>  (38.3KB, 250x205)</span> <span><a href="https://tineye.com/search?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjakparty.soy%2F%2Ffile%2F3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.png" rel="nofollow" referrerpolicy="same-origin" title="Reverse Image Search" target="_blank">Reverse</a></span></span><div class="post-file-src" data-type="image" data-attachment="false"><a target="_blank" href="/file/3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.png"><img class="file-thumb" src="/file/thumb/3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.webp" height="205" width="250" loading="lazy"/></a></div></div><div class="post-file"><span class="post-file-info"><span><a class="filename" href="/file/3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.png" title="Download 3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.png" download="3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.png">3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.png</a></span><br/><span class="jsonly"><b>[</b><a class="dummy-link hide-image noselect" data-src="/file/thumb/3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.webp">Hide</a><b>]</b></span><span>  (38.3KB, 250x205)</span> <span><a href="https://tineye.com/search?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjakparty.soy%2F%2Ffile%2F3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.png" rel="nofollow" referrerpolicy="same-origin" title="Reverse Image Search" target="_blank">Reverse</a></span></span><div class="post-file-src" data-type="image" data-attachment="false"><a target="_blank" href="/file/3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.png"><img class="file-thumb" src="/file/thumb/3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.webp" height="205" width="250" loading="lazy"/></a></div></div><div class="post-file"><span class="post-file-info"><span><a class="filename" href="/file/3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.png" title="Download 3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.png" download="3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.png">3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9dd7bde8284c17aae420570b80224eabf7bccd3fc.png</a></span><br/><span class="jsonly"><b>[</b><a class="dummy-link hide-image noselect" data-src="/file/thumb/3a0e1b5428a998f9cebecba9
nobody cares faggot
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your jannies clearly do though, since they want users >>13514 (OP)  >>13519 >>13520 >>10766
and i'm explaining why you can't have users 

after my precise speculation from 9 months of jannying, actual oldfags who used jarty cared about free speech more than anything, they left after the gore ban and pedobait ban though they're still making posts on /bant/ and /b/ instead of ((( jakparty.soy ))) or ((( soygem.party )))

newfags only care about activity but you don't have that either 

>what's wrong if i only want soyquotes, frogs, furry animation memes, soytan art, and babycraft players who would larp as libertarians with me?
this is why kolyma was so hated to begin with, trying to quality control a fucking shitpost forum based on their own biased standards. when you think about it lutecord is just like kolyma but with lower iq and more autistism
they lie to their users about the ban reasons, they let jannies to abuse their powers and get away with it, they tried to force some faggy ideology that nobody cares about by samefagging and necrobumping, except kolyma had a stable userbase to allow them to do whatever they want while you don't, not even your jannies would use this site (unless it's active)

inb4 foodists nuqafe o9a revisionism
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also picrel 
i didn't make this shit up they really do ban you for "avatarfagging" as neutralplier
Replies: >>13538 >>13569
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this... like who gives a crap about joe biden or bitcoin or whatever?
Replies: >>13569
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holy mad 
how many years did you ban him? 100?
Replies: >>13535 >>13569
geg xhe did get triggered
idk how long i was banned i dont remember the ip i used lol
Replies: >>13536
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that's why i like browsing jarty's ban logs, specifically lute and stratogem 
it's like reading a 10 year old's diary 
>maybe if i write some autistic comment the spammers will go away 
>surely they won't just switch ips and do it again
Replies: >>13537 >>13569
over the years he had so many perfect opportunities to easily grow the site
and he blew it every single time
the final death will be when oldfags and jannies slowly leave
for the least obvious samefag of all time i'll put on my capcode.

>multiple oldjarts who definitely aren't just me left the site to post on /trant/ and /b/
the former board has uncensored loli on the catty right now and the latter is the most pozzed board of all time. i fail to see the loss here. you fit in more with the troonhoupedos anyways. see you tomorrow.
>banning gore and naked kids = literally hitler
the rules here are about as lax as they can be with the intent of keeping the site online. if i wanted to be the coal police, i would be going around deleting a lot more shit and handing out stricter bans.

>i spam 5 selfinsert coal threads to hit the thread limit for my ip and i get a 1 day ban? literally 1984
exhibit A. the posts are still up for all to see. consider the lack of further jannying my manifestation of the libertarian larp. i could be less benevolent if i wanted to.
Replies: >>13539
i'm not him doe
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wordswordswords we're banning everything we don't like but we're still free speech or something 

i didn't make those neutralplier threads, you just assumed nobody's willing complain about j*rty bans but the ones who got banned themselves, well you can consider me an exception, i'm been doing this since i first saw l*te banned someone for posting 1 brown troonjak on /qa/ for "avatarfagging" >>10965 and til this day he still thinks it's just all me samefagging 

and no i don't consider 5 neutralplier threads excessive spam because /soy/ has 90 pages (900 threads)

@ack i don't know a lot about you but i do remember seeing you requesting yotsuba porn to be drawn somewhere in feburary 2024, you have no moral high grounds here 

and what brought you back anyway? you left jarty for months after calling it a dead site >>10985, just like stratogem >>11225
Replies: >>13541 >>13569
>wordswordswords i'm a norulescuck
go share 'p in your UTTP 'cord then.
>i don't consider 5 neutralplier threads excessive spam
the ban wasn't handed out for excessive spam. see >>>/soy/103498.
>requesting yotsuba porn
meds. i've never requested anyone to draw porn, here or anywhere else. either you looked in the global post history for whichever VPN IP i was using at the time and made some false connection, or you're just making things up.
in fact, if i felt like arbitrarily deleting whatever i don't like and being the coal police, the soytan fetish threads made by offsiters on /soy/ wouldn't still be up.
however, i expect this random accusation will now form the entire basis of some namefag characterization that i never wanted to have in the first place (hence keeping myself out of the spotlight for so long.)
>left for months after making a shitpost deadsitekek laughing cob banner
maybe some of us have IRL happenings and don't live on boards 24/7.
maybe i decided not to janny anything for a few months to see how more lax moderation would play out.
maybe you're just an obsessed schizo.
Replies: >>13542
>go share 'p in your UTTP 'cord then.
why are u projecting so much?
>3 paragraphs of damage control
oh nvm i understand now
Replies: >>13545
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>anyone who criticizes me is uttp/o9a/foodists 
you've been learning a lot from browsing sharty i see, very clever

>it's not spam even though i said it was
holy retardation, and what makes it avatarfagging? nobody can tell those threads are made by one guy unless you can see their ips, since when did jarty become a moderators personal entertainment? 

you said something like "wanting to see sex.. le bad!" under one post that opposed yotsuba porn, so naturally i thought you wanted to see yotsuba porn, unless it's a joke 

>maybe some of us have irl happenings 
no you didn't, you been reposting soytan porn on jarty but didn't moderated the site at all, in fact
maybe you are just here because you crave power, that's basically just all you do, randomly coming back online and autistically finding some harmless content to ban (neutralplier blogposts) while calling yourselves "norulescuck"
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and to add to my point, this @ack guy (Cobshit20) called soygem.party a "shit splinter nodbody cares about" while all he did was kvetching on soygem wiki and crying about how jarty is le good for allowing mlp porn to stay up, until he realized nobody actually gives a fuck
Replies: >>13545 >>13569
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like i said, least obvious samefag of all time. thank you for proving me right.
>n-no u!
>YOU're a pedo and YOU post soytan porn and request yotsuba porn
>citation: just trust me, okay?
everyone can see what kinds of """jaks""" you upload to your niggerstone booru, it's basically a goon folder dump. and there's a reason the 'lita tag has 3 times as many posts as every other tag. i wonder if Porkbun would want to continue hosting that website if they knew about how many images on there are traced from actual CSAM.
>what makes it avatarfagging
on a deadsitekek such as this, anyone can tell that 2 or more threads made within a couple minutes of each other, using the exact same image, are made by the same poster. you don't need to see IPs to determine that.
if luke wants to take away my janny powers for handing out a 1-day ban to someone making obvious slide threads that violate the rules he set up because you whine that i'm overreaching, he can do so. i really don't care that much either way, which is also why i'm here doing it for free so infrequently. i come here to post funny soyjaks and see other people's funny soyjaks. which is why i'm here so infrequently, the most prolific posters are dramafags like you who would be more at home on kiwishit.
>citation: just trust me, okay?
tell me what else i've posted because you apparently know me so well all of the sudden. i've never posted on their wiki or even the board itself, because they're all froot-era newfags obsessed with doxxing and raiding instead of making funny soyjaks that aren't meant to self-insert with.
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why are lutecorders soooo bad at lying? that's what happened when i asked stratogem about his jarty saving ideas >>10402, his first response was also "i didn't make it", like come on, i've been spying recent posts on all boards, and your posting styles and your janny ips as well, you know you did it, so why would you lie about it? especially on a relatively small site like j*rty, can't you be honest just for once? 

you know you've been browsing sharty more than jarty, you are just pretending to be a jarty patriot and telling sharty complainers to stop using sharty, much like l*te himself
Replies: >>13569
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notice that sk*jy*s has yet to provide any proof for xis schizo claims besides
while you're at it, why don't you make a gigantic 20000 pixel infographic tying together all the posts you think i made?
what too much gooning does to a mf KEEEEEEEEEEEEK
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because i never expected l*te to betray his free speech principles until recently, otherwise i'd definitely screencap your post history, though i did screencap a lot from stratogem's ips, he's a massive coaler himself who couldn't stop whining 

and where're your claims of me samefagging other than "you think i am"? your shit site is so dead and it's only good for making fun of how dead it is
Replies: >>13569
You have no ammunition to actually attack me with, so you're reduced to making up things about me.

Look, my posting style changed becase I'm capitalizing the beginning of my sentences and using the 'corder reply now. I must be a completely different person, right?

No one believes you. You're bad at spinning false narratives.

I'm sure you have nothing to do with the jartycuck booru either, right? It must be some completely unrelated jarteen who happens to hold a grudge after being let go from his janny position.
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i wasn't really attacking you, i was rather disappointed by just how dishonest this whole site is, like you tried to force the meme about how froot is a pedophile and you failed, you tried to convince sharty whiners to stop using and you failed, you lied about ban reasons and 0 pph is what you get, idk what would you gain by lying some more

i own jartycuck booru and i'm not ashamed to admit it, unlike you faggots who never achieved a single thing in the past 2 years
Replies: >>13569
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>buying a web hosting account
>registering a domain
>installing danbooru
>posting 99-100% of the content on the site
>shilling his personal coal pile on newfag splinters
>coming back every day to add to it
>paying actual money to maintain this
he actually thinks this is worth 10 gamerscore
you can't write this shit kek
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popularity wasn't my intention though, i just made it to archive what's deleted or not allowed on soybooru or sharty. and i never posted my site for more than once outside of that 'lita porn request thread >>>/soy/154031 (believe or not this is your site's userbase in june 2024) therefore any repost you see is beyond my control
Replies: >>13553 >>13569
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damn that's crazy bro but i don't remember asking
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maybe you didn't but since you thought i was the one who shilled my site on splinters (even though i've barely seen any) so i explained to you the fact that i didn't while adding a little trivia just for you, like how you vented about how banning users for avatarfagging as neutralplier while keeping up soytan fetish porn isn't coal police behavior, learn to be grateful
Replies: >>13561 >>13569
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he's actually a soytan gooner, much like most jannies here, that's why they consider neutralplier blogposts "excessive self insert coal"
Replies: >>13561 >>13569
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and now he's power tripping, these lutecord faggots are really all the same 
>maybe i left cp up for 6 hours and stopped moderating the site for 3 months but at least i'm back to delete cartoon drawings of little girls, the jarty is finally saved!
Replies: >>13561 >>13569
Leakage level: maximum
Samefag:The thread
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Site pph: zero 

Blamed everything on me again when losing an argument
Replies: >>13565 >>13569
changed browsers award
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holy triggered, glad you still don't have perms on /meta/
Replies: >>13567 >>13569
singaporean tears
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why are you so obsessed with that supposed swedishfail ip leak? you know the amount of residential vpns i have and by saying i'm singaporean doesn't change the fact that you are obsessing over a faildox
hi skajyos
nice try skajyos
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he's really bad at humor and bad at drawing, which isn't something that requires high intelligence to begin with, you are wasting your time here
Replies: >>13577 >>13578
> you are wasting your time here
who isn't?
Replies: >>13579
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yeah you're right, better get off this shit site before it infects me with its retardation 

>@ack is necrobumping months old threads again
something just never change geeeg
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This is a genuine samefag btw
Replies: >>13582
you wanna delete our posts so bad but you gotta wait for daddy lute
Replies: >>13583
im not an oldfag but i used the jarty for a while because i appreciated how it valued free speech. after the gore ban i lost interest.
sharty will always be more popular than its splinters. sharty was always gemmier than every splinter except during the very early weeks of soygem.party because of the gemmy chan raids. but the main reason people kept using this site because we believed in free speech and respected lute for not being a censoring tyrant like kuz, doll and froot were.
when lute re-banned gore but no other nsfw except lolicon, it showed he would be willing to ban anything that upset him. like it or hate it, gore is sharty culture. its also a test of free speech.
do i like gore? no. i like free speech.
maybe if you moved to vichan and restored genuine free speech, the jarty would be alive again. but i cant see it happening since you would probably still be banned for "avatars and post signatures" if you post your 'jak in three threads.
jarty was never perfect, but for the oldfags who actually valued free speech it had a purpose. now it serves no purpose but acting as a porn dump.
since that gore ban i havent been active on this site.
altchan owners are beggars for active posters. beggars cant be choosers.
if you want gore unbanned then you're an obsessed qafe foodist cp spamming fnf pedo shitskin cord tranny doe
Replies: >>13589
hi skajyos
Replies: >>13590
im not skajyos, fuck that guy for coaling up the site with pedo bait.
Replies: >>13596 >>13597
im not saying i support lolishit either. but banning gore really was the end of free speech on the jarty. a /liberty/ website without free speech will fail.
hi skajyos
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it's no use, he basically stated that he has no interests in hosting gore >>11053 and will ip delete you if you break the rule, especially animal gore since he's a furfag 

what he didn't understand is that nobody posted here for his liberty shit or sashley memes or whatever, they're here because they expected a free alternative of old sharty just like how he advertised it in the first place 

i'm not the one who coaled up jarty with pedo bait, i just allowed it to happen, being able to lust over drawings of children is also free speech, you don't have to pick a side, but you need to give them the right to express themselves 

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>it's no use, he basically stated that he has no interests in hosting gore >>11053 and will ip delete you if you break the rule, especially animal gore since he's a furfag 
>what he didn't understand is that nobody posted here for his liberty shit or sashley memes or whatever, they're here because they expected a free alternative of old sharty just like how he advertised it in the first place 
>i'm not the one who coaled up jarty with pedo bait, i just allowed it to happen, being able to lust over drawings of children is also free speech, you don't have to pick a side, but you need to give them the right to express themselves 
>3 proxy hopping samefags, a thread
skajyos here

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make skajyos admin and your website will improve
Replies: >>13623 >>13627
forgot to mention fire all the current tranny jannies
Replies: >>13623 >>13627
Okay Skajyos GTFO that VPN
it seems they only want janitors to use their deadsite
Replies: >>13627
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Now, is/which one of these is a Skajyos alt? Would xhe really reply to xherself for no real reason? The world may never know...
Replies: >>13628
keep coping
Haven't browsed this shittty site or any soy websites since 'lita was banned as every site is run by rulecucked discord faggots and jakking is dead.
Replies: >>13632 >>13636
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>wanting someone under the age of 16 on an imageboard
Replies: >>13634
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>not wanting someone under the age of 16 on an imageboard
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>>wanting someone under the age of 16 on an imageboard
then why are you posting here dough
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least obvious samefag
they really are 70 iq shitskin janitors
idk why i even bother posting anymore
Replies: >>13644
delete this one too janny
make yourself look useful since your dead board has nothing to delete
he can ban 100 times i dont care i am bored lol
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just when i thought j*rty couldn't get any more cucked now this tranny is back 

@ack is without a doubt the most cucked jarty janny to ever exist, he basically just banned jartycuck slopjaks on /soy/ because they make fun of jarty

you know what's really pathetic? they tried so hard to keep /soy/'s page one clean from slopjaks and drama and yet over half of the ppd are still slopjaks and drama
seethjyos above me and below me
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you are the one that's seething otherwise you'd be ignoring slopjaks and bumping your shitty soyquotes 

just keep in mind that there is no more kuz drama to save this petty community now
the only problem we really have is sk*jyos
it would be nice to have more users as the site culture has already been established now, perhaps a shilling campaign is in order
Replies: >>13654
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>you are the one that's seething otherwise you'd be ignoring slopjaks and bumping your shitty soyquotes 

>just keep in mind that there is no more kuz drama to save this petty community now
Replies: >>13653
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Plez stop using this picture of me
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You can tell the Jarty is truly dead when Skajyos has to reply to his own drama replies just to stay relevant.
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Replies: >>13658
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"jarty culture" be like:
>crying about sharty 
>crying about kuz/froot/doll 
>crying about "the state of jakking"
>even more crying 
>child porn up for hours 

you just prohibited everyone from making fun of you just because i'm also a slopjak poster, what's next? ban zellig and touhou? 

there will be no more users 
haven't you realized j*rty went from the most liberated sharty alternative to the second most rulecucked splinter right next to swedishfail.com? this all started when l*te banned catty duel, it was that moment he realized he can just ban everything he doesn't like. now you can't post gore, you can't spam soyjaks, you can't joke about pedophilia, you can't even self insert as the same image more than twice otherwise you're "avatarfagging". and yet every criticism is still me on different ips to you, how much of a cocksucker can you be? the only samefags on this shithole are gigo89 and jannies themselves
Replies: >>13658
janny get in here so we can have our little jarty party again
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i was trying to have a civilized conversation with you on this relatively abandoned wasteland but apparently that's too much to ask so i'm ust gonna leave it here
Replies: >>13675
>im going to spam my shitty avatar with paragraphs' worth of seething in each post
yeah that will show them evil janitors
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then turn off thread limit 
i can wipe /meta/ in under an hour
Replies: >>13677 >>13680
Shiver me timbers
why do that? i thought you saix this place was beneath you
They should add Nigger sites
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